Escape From Tarkov | Weekly Discussion | 22 Jan, 2022 – 29 Jan, 2022

1 : Anonymous2022/01/22 21:00 ID: sac03y

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2 : Anonymous2022/01/23 03:48 ID: htu35cw

jesus fucking christ the lack of optimization and shitty lag on lighthouse.

ID: htwm6qz

People are reporting that enabling MIP Streaming helps a lot on Lighthouse in some cases.

Worth a shot if you're playing the map a lot.

3 : Anonymous2022/01/23 19:30 ID: htx1e73

I believe the music in this game was done by my scav

Lag Pianist

4 : Anonymous2022/01/23 20:49 ID: htxdkth

Why do p scavs spawn in so damn early on lighthouse? Like give me 3 minutes to walk down the road before getting gangbanged by 3 player scavs

5 : Anonymous2022/01/23 19:29 ID: htx141q

Massive bug where you get stuck on "Awaiting session start" permanently.

6 : Anonymous2022/01/23 18:20 ID: htwqmvn

So how do you play this game without suffering permanent hearing damage?

ID: htwvco5

I struggled with that a lot when started playing for the first time. I recommend setting up equalizer -

/comments/oc4mis/guide_save_your_hearing_quick_audio_compressor/" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">

theres also a youtube video in the comments

Besides that I also add "low-pass filter" to eliminate high pitch noise from flashbangs/stun grenades.

If youre too lazy you can also just use SoundLock

7 : Anonymous2022/01/24 05:11 ID: htzenvf

Is it just me or do the servers feel like crap? I’m dying as I’m peaking and dying before I even hear the gunshot.

8 : Anonymous2022/01/24 04:09 ID: htz7bov

A lot of rgb gamer chairs this weekend, hopefully a ban wave is coming!

ID: hu0s3tx

there should be weekly banwaves this shit is ridiculous

9 : Anonymous2022/01/24 01:36 ID: htyl94y

Gabriel Davis scores a touchdown with the Tarkov cleats on

10 : Anonymous2022/01/24 02:06 ID: htyplyp

Anybody having a problem trying to load into a raid as a scav? The last three times I've tried in the past hour have been met with "Awaiting session start." I've tried relaunching and restarting my PC, to no avail.

ID: htz3ptf

Try and clear cache on launch screen

11 : Anonymous2022/01/24 17:20 ID: hu1inde

Anyone else got low FPS whenever they play lighthouse? I got -20FPS down when I touch lighthouse, compare to other map.

12 : Anonymous2022/01/25 02:23 ID: hu3mivj

Anyone having server issues? Mainly load times/matching forever?

13 : Anonymous2022/01/25 17:35 ID: hu6ff4p

Lighthouse is so broken right now. Between the insane loot (which I don't have a big problem with), the cracked Rogues that behave like hackers, and the ridiculously quick scav spawns, it's really dumb.

14 : Anonymous2022/01/25 20:07 ID: hu73v6n

To a scav on reserve who was extracting with a buddy today at 3:00 EST, i killed the bastard for murdering you. I was sneaking behind you guys to extract when you left and saw him murder you. I shot him right in the face for you.

15 : Anonymous2022/01/23 04:52 ID: htubwfn

man i am tired of rain and invincible aggressive scavs

16 : Anonymous2022/01/23 04:38 ID: htua491

I recently did a scav run on Lighthouse and went to the Rogue camp and there were a lot of dead bodies of PMCs and Rogues. When going to loot them it would show loot that wasn’t there and when I tried to take it nothing would happen. Anyone else seen this?

17 : Anonymous2022/01/23 07:32 ID: htusgtq

dodgy scavs they sense the bullet just 0.1 second before and then they go prone immediately.

ID: htvof7x

I can't prove it, but I legit think the netcode registers the scab being shot at before it registers your bullet hitting them. The AI can definitely "sense" you're aiming at them and I've seen a few react to my shot before the bullet even lands.

18 : Anonymous2022/01/24 03:32 ID: htz2i1d

I've been playing for a few hours and I've reached level 6, but I am having the hardest time finishing debut. I've got 1 shotgun out of the 2 I need and the scavs are killed, but surviving on customs feels like such a 50/50. I've been running the SKS and usually the cheap helmet and body armor from Ragman, but it feels like I just get owned hard whenever I drop in. Am I doing anything wrong here? Do I just have to keep fighting the uphill battle until things get better? It gets demoralizing coming out of spawn and fighting duos and just dropping barely 5 minutes into a raid at worst.

19 : Anonymous2022/01/24 04:03 ID: htz6lrl

what is wrong with the recoil of MP5 at the moment. I made the recoil all the way down to 35. When I shoot auto, the aim is ALL OVER THE PLACE. nothing like it was in the last wipe. What is going on? I can barely use this thing right now

ID: htzemh6

They increased recoil and and didn’t change camera effect recoil

20 : Anonymous2022/01/24 05:25 ID: htzg5od

What are the chances the Russian Ukraine conflict takes down the Tarkov servers?

ID: hu10xwn

Very high. It's actually the real reason why NATO doesn't approve of the conflict


21 : Anonymous2022/01/24 15:32 ID: hu11ohj

Anyone else just not seeing any cheaters? I know y'all do and I'm not saying you don't see them multiple times a day, but is it that different per server or is it basically RNG and I'm getting really lucky? I'm on EU servers, FYI.

22 : Anonymous2022/01/25 07:08 ID: hu4iwyh

There needs to be a way to see another scavs rep during scav runs. Like, why do all the NPC scavs know when a -10 rep badboy is running around hosing down scavs, but player scavs have to basically hold fire and wait to get shot at first? It really is a 1-way system of fun right now. All the people who don't care about their scav rep can zone in and wipe out other player scavs without a fair fight because people who do care about rep won't shoot first.

23 : Anonymous2022/01/25 18:59 ID: hu6t3rx

Finally reached lvl 15, now i can use the flee market, buy m4a1, modd it, go to raid, get one shot everysingle time

ID: hu747w5

welcome to tarkov

24 : Anonymous2022/01/22 21:26 ID: htskn4c

I have hold breath binded to RMB like others have suggested so I am always holding breath when ADS which is set to toggle.

Two questions: how come sometimes I scope in and I am not holding my breath? I can’t determine what triggers it. The other is, is there any point in not always holding breath? The stamina bar seems to go down at the same rate no matter if I’m holding or not.

25 : Anonymous2022/01/22 23:55 ID: htt6qqx

i hate customs so much right now. i literally like 0-10 on the my last runs and they are long as runs its like im just running to the extract after completing the one or two of the item retrieve quests i have an its now i run into reshala, or i run into some random guy thats magically immune to all my bullets. i hate the extracts so much

26 : Anonymous2022/01/23 00:18 ID: htt9yi7

I’m looking for tnt tp200 brick spawns and can’t find a recent video or remember anyone mentioning it. Appreciate any advice

ID: httbzk4

Interchange On the shelves at the back warehouse of the Goshan store

Shoreline In the shelves at the entrance of west resort with hole in wall next to fence

ID: httawso

I find them all the time in duffel bags and grenade boxes.

ID: htthxkv

I highly recommend using the wiki if you’re looking for a specific item. It’ll tell you what containers they can be found in and some items have dedicated spawns on certain maps.

RNG can really fuck with you though. It literally took me 30+ raids just to find 2 screw nuts to craft a workbench. You have no idea how many toolboxes I had to look through just to find them.

ID: httxgdh

top of train station on reserve

27 : Anonymous2022/01/23 00:34 ID: httcglf

i spawned in the factory as a scav in the basement level or whatever and tagilla ran up and sledged me, then got distracted. i thought i was ok but then he forgot about whatever he was distracted with and came back and shot me. it was a nice 30 second life after waiting 12 minutes to get into a game and going back on cooldown

28 : Anonymous2022/01/23 05:13 ID: htueg44

Lighthouse rogues aggro to scavs seems random. (Honestly I'm not sure it makes sense for them not to aggro a scav on sight but I enjoy the loot) Killed and looted a PMC. Heard rogues around me the whole time, no problems. Head to extract and a rogue starts shooting me in the back all of a sudden.

29 : Anonymous2022/01/23 06:09 ID: htukpyp

Anyone else experience worse loot in custom caches? I was getting multiple t4 helms (bastions/airframes) as well as good random loot like ssds and manuals. As of around 1/22 I’ve gotten tank helmets as well as just less overall loot.

30 : Anonymous2022/01/23 07:24 ID: hturs1r

Is there a way to fix the fps drops when aiming through some scoped? Was using a cool one I found but it dropped my frame rate from 70 down to 18. Nasty stuff.

31 : Anonymous2022/01/23 12:24 ID: htvfdvl

What does this mean? Is my CPU dying from the game and how do i sort it? Currently getting 60ish FPS at medium.

i5-6600K @ 3.50Ghz

GTX 980 TI

16gb RAM

32 : Anonymous2022/01/23 13:25 ID: htvl1do

3/3 on the receiving end of scav on scav kills today, no comms, no nothing just shot on site. Even purposefully avoiding interactions i've been gunned down in all 3 scav raids by other player scavs. Very cool not annoying at all.

ID: htychjs

Just go onto factory it's the chillest Pscav experience

ID: hty0acw

You guys saying this stuff are the most unlucky people ever. I get killed by scav on scav violence maybe 1 out of 25+ runs, and that's primarily on factory with a ton of scavs around.

33 : Anonymous2022/01/23 17:56 ID: htwmrtz

Hey, I'm a new player. What is the fastest way to reach lvl 15 to unlock the flea market? Thanks in advance!

ID: htxvimr

Also if you're worried about Hideout progression, there's a tool that lets you track all that:

(full disclosure, I made it)

ID: htyc58f


34 : Anonymous2022/01/23 23:19 ID: hty17by

Does anyone know if you can get an RSASS from the scav case? And if you can, which of the scav case options would be best to spam to try to get one?

ID: htyflzv

Yes you can, I got one or two from moonshine, don't remember if I got one from Intel folder though.


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