1 : Anonymous2022/01/25 18:20 ID: sck6zp


Hi everyone!

Popped a post in here last wipe about doing a no-kill Pacifist account, and I was called out by many for being in a group, who killed if we were fired upon, which is not 'Pacifist' many told me it would be impossible without a group, I partly agreed with this also.

So I took it a step further than just not being in a group.





NO SECURE CONTAINER (deleted before Raid 1)




Completed with a 33% survival rate, no container either so nothing stashed to make money either, if I died it was a negative roubles.

Also any quests requiring keys I only had 1 shot at it before level 15, I had to find the key in raid, then I had one shot at the quest and if I died the key was lost, (the 206 Water Quest took quite some time)

If this isn't proof that Tarkov has so much long term RPG potential, and many ways to play the game I don't know what is!

Suggestion on next hardcore run? Maybe only able to get items I need for quest given to me by other players?

2 : Anonymous2022/01/25 18:45 ID: hu6qtgf

Voip must've really been a gamechanger for you

ID: hu6rn8h

Surprisingly not in terms of friends made, the interactions increased for sure but it just gave people the opportunity to shout 'friendly' before drilling a PS round through my cranium and looting my empty carcass

ID: hu75c5z

This is interesting. I've had predominantly positive experiences with VOIP. Especially with BS excuses. I imagine "yo I'm doing a friendly run of tarkov, notice no guns?"

I would just expect lots of help. Maybe its the VOIP+guns/potential loss that keeps the rest of us playing nice over VOIP?

3 : Anonymous2022/01/25 19:07 ID: hu6ucil

Imagine having lower survival rate than a pacifist, cant be me.... sobs

ID: hu73jta

They may be pacifist but they’re definitely not bad at the game. The map knowledge and game sense to pull this off has gotta be high

ID: hu78r9a

Also avoiding any and all fights increases your survival rate dramatically lol

ID: hu7lvby

Same though, I dont necessarily think im bad just impatient unlike most of this community.

People can sit in houses for what seems like half a raid, I can't be in the same place for more than 30 seconds.

ID: hu7mlei

Max metabolism rat

Here to tell you that I am waiting around that next corner and haven’t moved for 10 minutes

4 : Anonymous2022/01/25 18:22 ID: hu6n41f

Smashing it, making Tarkov a better place

ID: hu6oaza

Day by day!

ID: hu6qyzn

****** by ****** (can't say that word here)

5 : Anonymous2022/01/25 18:38 ID: hu6pmkg

Holy shit, good work my man. I saw your last posts where you had some criticism but you came back and smashed it. Good work, this seems hard af to do. Definitely not something a lot of people would want to do lmfao, seems dull but good job nonetheless! Took a lot of hard work and commitment!

ID: hu6qety


It couldn't be any further from dull, with VOIP now the interactions are amazing, I've been a negotiator on labs, played gameshows, I can't even describe the amount of fun this is to do, once you let go of the sadness of dying the game opens itself up to you!

ID: hu76trz

I was wondering this too — sounds like challenge aside you actually enjoyed the experience?

6 : Anonymous2022/01/25 18:31 ID: hu6oj5l

And here I am not even level 15 yet!

ID: hu7bx8o

Me too. Reached level 12 today. :')

ID: hu74mqi

You haven’t had enough time to play the game this wipe?

ID: hu74pzd

No man. Life getting in the way

7 : Anonymous2022/01/25 19:33 ID: hu6yefi

Bros got a higher survival rate than me playing normally

8 : Anonymous2022/01/25 19:44 ID: hu705nc

I love shit like this. I would absolutely watch a YouTube Series or Twitch Streams of you trying to do this if you ever decided to stream or make videos!

ID: hu71dpq

Thank you! dropped you a message!

9 : Anonymous2022/01/25 18:54 ID: hu6sbse

When Clean Operations is finally implemented as a proper skill, you're gonna be a GOD.

Kudos for taking on a challenge that even the Chaddest of Chads would run screaming in terror from.

ID: hu72kh7

Are you really a Chad if you want to play a passive rat?

ID: hu7992o

For someone confident enough to get to level 20 without using any of some of the core features, he is pretty Chad-like in terms of map knowledge, game sense, and everything else that makes a player a chad

ID: hu78qft

passive? I run head on to people try and make friends eg. That Friendly Guy, not That Passive Guy

ID: hu78b5r

Are you really a Chad if you need your Altyn+Slick security blanket plus a dozen or more stims stuffed in your prison wallet to go find some water in an abandoned dormitory?

ID: hu752w1

Maybe we can make a new category for passive Chads. It's kind of an oxymoron. It would be interesting running into a 5 man passive Chad team on factory. I'm not an exfil camper, but I might just sit by gate 3 & let them pass for a little donation

10 : Anonymous2022/01/25 18:34 ID: hu6oz9y

This is awesome, and I need to fire up my secondary, standard account for RP like this. LOVE IT, thanks for sharing.

11 : Anonymous2022/01/25 18:59 ID: hu6t0k0

lol gg mate

12 : Anonymous2022/01/25 19:17 ID: hu6vyms

I love your streams man. They are top notch quality AND hilarious.

13 : Anonymous2022/01/25 18:44 ID: hu6qlq9

This is halariously impressive. Your content is great good job homie.

14 : Anonymous2022/01/25 18:26 ID: hu6nsig

No murder squad? Impossible.

15 : Anonymous2022/01/25 22:09 ID: hu7n8aq

"If this isn't proof that Tarkov has so much long term RPG potential, and many ways to play the game"

I mean... every game does... You can always come up with ways to play that are weird. Doesn't mean those ways are viable.

As for proof that it has long term RPG potential... is this proof though? I'm unconvinced. All I can think of when I see this is "but why?"

16 : Anonymous2022/01/25 18:46 ID: hu6qzzr

Depends on your definition of "Hardcore"

Maybe alternate PMC/SCAV. Every other, no other options. You can only use what you find on your scav in the next raid as a PMC. Anything that doesn't go back in as a PMC must be sold (or kept for a quest). So, if you die as a scav, I guess your next PMC run is going in with nothing (not even a melee). A scav runthrough counts as a scav death (to prevent just sprinting to an extract on spawn in). Once you extract as your PMC, you can not run those items again (sold or kept for quests). You could even go one step further and say anything you bring back as a scav that is not going back in on your PMC must be deleted (not even sold), therefore, you can only get quest items as a PMC.

A much tamer option would be a no market gunsmith line. All guns must be found in raid. You can't buy them from the traders and you are not allowed to use any parts/guns given to you by the traders. Extra bonus points is if you have to use the gun in the previous gunsmith (say you are on part 5, you have to use the part 4 gun) until the next gunsmith is completed?

ID: hu75ycq

I just fell into a habit of using guns I've found rather than buying what I'd want. I collect and stack all guns I find along with attachments. I've bought maybe 10 guns this wipe and all early on. Now if I survive a raid, the gun gets some love, usually from the stash, I will occasionally buy attachments.

It's mad the game interesting for me. Very little gear fear as a new player now. And no bitching about meta. As far as I'm concerned it IS the game to try to survive with terrible shit.

ID: hu79o6x

Im not a new player by any means, but simply knowing what attachments I like/would use and simply collecting them if given the chance has also helped significantly. Less wasted money and hesitancy to run what I like and enjoy, and would 10/10 recommend for new players also.

ID: hu7m39a

it's borderline impossible to get a runthrough on a scav. After 7 minutes have passed since the map originally started, you can no longer receive a runthrough; most scavs spawn past that point excluding some instances on interchange, lighthouse, and reserve.

ID: hu7myh4

When you have as little money as I do. All guns are either some else’s, crafted or found.

17 : Anonymous2022/01/25 19:03 ID: hu6tnbe

Why do you like to torture yourself

18 : Anonymous2022/01/25 18:34 ID: hu6p345

Police kit only. Helmets with visor only and a PM only for self defense.

19 : Anonymous2022/01/25 19:43 ID: hu701hh

How do you kill scavs?

ID: hu70qfv

I don't

20 : Anonymous2022/01/25 18:46 ID: hu6qxq4

What about only Paca , scavvest , ushanka. Only toz and need atleast 1 bosskill each level. Need to have killed every Boss atleast once ?

ID: hu6v1xf

Sounds good, go do it and throw it up on youtube. I'd watch you.

21 : Anonymous2022/01/25 19:29 ID: hu6xqz3

Do you have a quest list you completed? I can't figure out how you got past the first prapor quests and even then it's like hot damn every trader has quests to kill things. Or was it just a grind where you hit a few quests that didn't require kills and then got most of your levels through looting?

ID: hu70p25

Tons of quests can be done with no kills, Prapor and Peacekeeper are pretty much locked out but there are lots of none kill related quests!

22 : Anonymous2022/01/25 19:41 ID: hu6zs5i

Have you done civvy weapons only run through? When streets releases, my second acc will definitely be civilians weapons only and no flea market

23 : Anonymous2022/01/25 19:58 ID: hu72e1l

Incredibly impressive. Great work and cheers to you for hearing feedback from last time!

24 : Anonymous2022/01/25 20:08 ID: hu742en

Jager must have been a no go for you then

25 : Anonymous2022/01/25 20:11 ID: hu74ibb



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