Unpopular opinion?

1 : Anonymous2022/01/25 19:46 ID: scm4z2

I don't care about anything Streets or content related for the time being.

I would much rather have BSG focus 100% of their effort and work currently to be on 1) anti cheat and 2) bug fixing.

Thanks <3

2 : Anonymous2022/01/25 20:23 ID: hu76jnh

And audio please

ID: hu7gry8

Audio is fucking shocking sometimes

ID: hu7mhsj

TIL that in resort on shoreline if you are in the north wing computer room and someone is running around in the catwalk area between the East and West wings it sounds like someone is running directly next to you as if they are in the room with you. It’s great audio.

ID: hu7sygu

On interchange i keep hearing gunfire just cutout midway or my teammates hear it and i dont and hes like a foot away from me. Its really bad bc i cant tell where people are at

ID: hu7l63a

The fact that people dropping down like through the holes on shoreline resort floors makes no sound is insanity lol

ID: hu7r2tc

you actually don't hear them until they start taking steps after falling through the hole.

it boggles me

ID: hu7lh0l

The audio design in this game is both amazing and complete shit at the same time and I think that’s a large part of its problem. They have a very complex audio system

ID: hu7n2pg

Bsg overdoes themselves again. I hope they become bigger

ID: hu7ir23

Good audio makes me feel great. I never used to be that good at audio cues till this game. Guess it all matters when things get you killed for not listening.

3 : Anonymous2022/01/25 22:10 ID: hu7nbzt

Operation Health from R6S comes to mind. I think it would do Tarkov a lot of good in the long run.

ID: hu7o3w0

Ye pubg had something similar and it came almost too little too late. But when it finally was the focus of the company PUBG improved a lot during that time

4 : Anonymous2022/01/25 21:57 ID: hu7lgg1

absolutely. anti cheat is more important than bugs for me right now. the only bugs i’ve come across that are game breaking are the missing sounds

5 : Anonymous2022/01/25 21:07 ID: hu7dhjr

Same fuck new guns, maps, etc.

I want technical fixes and QOL fixes way more than anything. Imagine Audio working like R6 or other competitive shooters. It'd be fucking amazing.

Like why add new content when the current content is buggy and sloppy?

We spend so much time in the stash they should really add more QOL to it. Being able to lock sections, sort from top or bottom, search, list view of stacks items, sell to traders easily from inside your stash, etc.

ID: hu7sy0f

as a former R6 amateur competitor, I can confirm R6 has dogshit audio and is just as bad as Tarkov lol

ID: hu7ti9n

Def not as bad as Tarkov for sure. Without audio compression you'll damage your hearing in Tarkov shooting with volume up.

And the 3D audio is way better esspically vertical. Is R6's perfect? Nah, but side by side R6's is way fucking better. I'm sure some is a limitation on Unity but still for a game where audio is so important it sure is sloppy as heck.

ID: hu7lce1

Content means sales

ID: hu7qy62

I wanna believe... you got any copium laying around I can sniff?

6 : Anonymous2022/01/25 20:46 ID: hu7a7l8

You only don’t care about new content because this wipe is the biggest content drop we’ve seen in a long ass time, if they delayed a new map again this wipe to work on issues the community would be on fire

ID: hu7w0b3

Community will always be on fire and full of bitching around. They don’t know how far this game has come and where it all started, have some mercy people bsg is doing a great job Keep up the great work and show them all!

ID: hu7b3ab

Actually the PUBG community was favorable when b-hole spent 6 months almost entirely on fixing the game

ID: hu7dhb9

Yeah and tarkov hasn’t added a new map in over 2 years. Trust me, people would be furious

7 : Anonymous2022/01/25 21:24 ID: hu7gaks

Why would we want animation/art/modelling teams to work on anti cheat and bug fixing?….

ID: hu7xc74

This rhetoric is so dumb. Team has x amount of dollars from sales to reinvest into development bc they are an early access beta with promises much greater than what they’ve delivered in the last 5 years.

They are choosing to reinvest into content like maps and equipment because they generate more sales than having a working game. It’s pretty simple and very greedy from what the sale volumes look like

ID: hu7how7

I dont make the rules I just want the results before we enter into year 6? 7? of beta

ID: hu7x5zg

You are literally suggesting to put them out of work.

8 : Anonymous2022/01/25 20:15 ID: hu755v6

People that work on bugs and anti cheat related things aren’t the same people that work on sound, modeling, animations, etc…

You want them to basically sit around and do nothing? How does that make sense.

ID: hu77x97

Because sound hasn't been broken for years? Also I love when this gets brought up on the subreddit. No where did anyone mention those things, but somehow its a narrative that gets thrown around here. Like you're doing us a favor in explaining what peoples roles are in a development studio. That's like if I walked into a mechanics shop and expected my car to be repaired by the receptionist.

In short, it's the development studios job to allocate resources properly in order to fix foundational issues that this game has been dealing with for years now. Its extremely apparent where those resources are going and that's advertisement and content. If resources were actually being used to prioritize foundational issues, we wouldnt have bugs that last years and simple server validations would've have been already added to prevent basic issues like speed hacking and loot vacuuming.

ID: hu7eqbb

A guy that works on coding bugs has a different skillset then the guy working on the design and layout of streets. Not all game deva have the same background there are artist, backend engineers, gameplay coders, 3d modelers just to name a few. The guy making streets isnt the guy that can fix the hacker problem he isnt trained in that

ID: hu7b68e


9 : Anonymous2022/01/25 21:35 ID: hu7hyma


10 : Anonymous2022/01/25 21:44 ID: hu7jhpv

And until you stop playing their game, they will never fix any of those things.

Sacriel pointed it out in his stream yesterday. He found a bug that allowed you to see players through walls on Reserve. Submitted a report to BSG with pics and all. They just said OK. Over a year later and still not fixed. He said he submitted multiple other reports of bugs and saw nothing fixed, so he gave up and no longer cares.

ID: hu7nmrf

Careful talking like that around here. Lots of ledditors have BSG's shaft so far down their throat they can barely breathe

11 : Anonymous2022/01/25 21:47 ID: hu7jy1i

Absolutely agree

12 : Anonymous2022/01/25 21:50 ID: hu7kbn7

Performance, audio, lighting/filters

In that order please

13 : Anonymous2022/01/25 19:49 ID: hu70zgv

don't be silly, neither of those things generate revenue 🙂

ID: hu7342v

In fact, Streets is now locked behind Arena Mode! Wallets out if you want in!

14 : Anonymous2022/01/25 20:10 ID: hu74dy5

The anti-cheat is as good as it's gonna get more than likely.

Same for the bug fixing.

ID: hu7azh6

This saddens me greatly

15 : Anonymous2022/01/25 21:08 ID: hu7do6y

Extraordinarily popular opinion.

16 : Anonymous2022/01/25 19:52 ID: hu71fvj

I'm not hyped for streets for the sole reason that I probably wont even be able to get more than 30fps on it.

Even more unpopular opinion: All I want is offline MP

ID: hu78raz

Offline… MP? I think you mean co-op or just offline singleplayer.

ID: hu7du0d

Offline singleplayer? As opposed to online singleplayer?

17 : Anonymous2022/01/25 19:58 ID: hu72iky

unpopular opinion? title

emotional damage

18 : Anonymous2022/01/25 20:58 ID: hu7c3yd

Sadly they can't fix that so guess what they will be doing

19 : Anonymous2022/01/25 20:19 ID: hu75tk4

What a close minded view.

20 : Anonymous2022/01/25 19:46 ID: hu70ija

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21 : Anonymous2022/01/25 20:48 ID: hu7akn3

Not the same people that develop new maps. A 2 second search through this sub would also have yielded 200 results of people saying the EXACT SAME THING.

22 : Anonymous2022/01/25 21:25 ID: hu7gd2u

I'd love to see streets, but we have to understand that the people that are making streets are not the same people that would work on anti-cheat. It's such a simple concept, just because you're a "dev" of some sort, it doesn't mean you understand the entire game.

Do you want them to fire their map designers and rehire them when you think the game meets your standards?

23 : Anonymous2022/01/25 21:27 ID: hu7gtev

Games still playable with bugs and cheaters. What isn't tolerable is this horrible performance. Fix that and idgaf what the problem is.

24 : Anonymous2022/01/25 21:34 ID: hu7htrd

Every decent Russian talent is working for EUR/US tech, they can only do so much with what is left..


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