Every single “Exit The Location” daily, I’ve had this week has been to extract on Labs. To top it off, I got my new weekly today, and it’s to survive labs 15 times.

1 : Anonymous2022/02/01 13:06 ID: shuiqr

Essentially I've been asked to survive labs about 25ish times in the past week.

In contast to that I only just survived labs for the first time ever last night. Despite that the game continues to ask me to survive labs whilst giving my friends weeklies like "Kill 50 scavs on any map".

Maybe leave Labs dailies/weeklies for the level 50+ players who more than likely actually run labs?

Edit: I'm level 40, if that matters at all, my friends are the same level.

Edit 2: I'm not saying level 40 and under players don't play labs. I'm making the assumption, based off the level, that level 50+ players are more likely to want to farm labs for XP (if they're going for Kappa). As somebody else stated, you either like labs or you don't and whilst I've not really given labs a chance, Exfilling 15 times for a weekly + however many times for dailies, isn't something I find appealing.

Edit 3: I understand now. I am destined to be a labs gamer.

2 : Anonymous2022/02/01 14:49 ID: hv4zdg0

"Escape the Lab via the Ventilation Shaft"

Otherwise known as go fuck yourself.

ID: hv51jw9

Yes but MBSS TVrig on you and maybe in the backpack. U can profit at least

ID: hv5668j

MBSS with an LBT or whatever inside is a stark difference to a raid backpack though, it's an awful extract to have to use.

I nearly went MIA when I had the Sewer Extract as well... bloody thing takes 2 minutes to drain.

ID: hv6ku3h

The MBSS doesn't work anymore. Its a no backpack extract now.

ID: hv5vek7

I don't play much labs. Why is this "go fuck yourself"?

ID: hv63r24

You pay to enter a map you can't exfil from with any large amount of loot, due to the backpack constraint. It's similar to manhole on Reserve.

ID: hv5xikx

This is a complete guess, but the ventilation is likely a no backpack extract, likely leading to net loss on the raid because you have to pay to get into labs.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/01 14:16 ID: hv4us9j

My weekly, for the past 3 or 4 weeks has been the "Find in raid 8 mp133 and 8 revolver shotgun with >80% durability", wich is literally impossible to complete.

ID: hv4x3k2

Yeah wtf lmao. They basically only spawn on scavs lol

ID: hv5natb

You could try the 2500 scav case to get them too.

ID: hv4zoco

Had a few dailies for 80%+ Toz lmfao

ID: hv5043t

I've kept two single perfect FIR toz in anticipation of this quest in my thicc case and I have never seen that quest lmao

ID: hv56wsc

Same. Where tf do you find TOZ’s other than scavs?

4 : Anonymous2022/02/01 13:31 ID: hv4ozdt

I’ve been getting kill 90 scavs as my weekly’s each week for some reason

ID: hv4p9xx

I had that for my first ever weekly

ID: hv4ys9j

I've had 'survive shoreline 20+ times' as my weekly multiple times now and seeing these other weeklies people get make me hate the garbage I've been getting even more.

ID: hv545qj

Loots of in nad out quests on shoreline. But multiple times of this weekly? Yikes running simulator deluxe

ID: hv55x65

Heh yeah i got survive customs 24x.

ID: hv4y77o

That's not a bad weekly if you play semi often. Can always go Factory for a few raids if needed

ID: hv58ldf

Lol I've played for 60 hours and have killed like 69 scavs. I'm a noob but that still seems pretty intense.

ID: hv4yd5u

Do weeklies unlock at a certain level?

ID: hv4yr3d

Yes, 15

ID: hv5bydz

I had a daily last in week to kill 30 pmc's. Some are so obsurd.

ID: hv575b6

yup. 80 scavs from at least 80m LOL

ID: hv5ad2m

I got this on interchange. Didn't realise how narrow the sight lines at scav camp / parking garage / power station could actually be until now.

5 : Anonymous2022/02/01 13:59 ID: hv4sjnr

I hadn't been to labs in forever because, well, hackers and shit. But my friends and I were trying to get samples done so we went a bunch on the weekend and had a great time. Didn't get killed by hackers once, most of the times we went the 4/5 of us were the only pmcs in there.

The biggest complaint I had was raider loot and labs map loot nerfed so hard profit was pretty low for 5 people without a lot of coloured keycards, but definitely it was profitable.

ID: hv4yxtr

Loot hasn’t been too nerfed there, did you check all the PC’s and do you know where loose loot like bitcoins spawn? But agreed, haven’t died to a hacker on labs this wipe except once

ID: hv52cq8

All the maps I've ever found only point out obvious shit like "jacket spawn" "gun box" etc. Is there somewhere I can go to see the complete spawns? The rare spawns and the like?

ID: hv5ho8l

Is that the only map where you can get the AHF-M1 stim? It's the last one I need and I can't seem to find it on Lighthouse. Sanitar also has been unlucky for me.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/01 14:55 ID: hv50b3s

My weekly was to “find in raid 8 double barrels and 7 mp133s of 80-100% condition “ so it’s not even possible…

7 : Anonymous2022/02/01 16:41 ID: hv5gubq

My weekly was find 2 adrenaline and 2 morphine for 2 mil tubes and 500k lol

ID: hv5h3lz


ID: hv5h7us

Haha I get the impossible too mate

8 : Anonymous2022/02/01 14:09 ID: hv4trs5

I'd much rather have your labs quest than weekly 3 times in a row on Shoreline.. shit like survive 23 times.. no thanks

9 : Anonymous2022/02/01 14:02 ID: hv4suzo

I wish I would get that man, I run labs as a main mostly and I keep getting “extract from car extract on woods” lol I never play woods Nikita!

ID: hv4zlgm

Nikita told you to go touch some grass lmao

ID: hv50ziw

Haha seriously, out of the lab, into the wild.

ID: hv4vkbe

That’s why you get the quests. Time to see something new. 😉

ID: hv5355y

I have extract from labs as a new player. Reward with a house key :[

I dont know shit about labs and I'm too scared to run it.

ID: hv53ane

Daaaamn really? I could help you run one later tonight and get the key if you want

ID: hv541sr

For a house key id just creep to extract and get out lmao

10 : Anonymous2022/02/01 15:25 ID: hv54pyy

5 horses and 5 chainlets in a week...400k rubles and 35k xp. That's basically looting Woods 2 or 3 times. Sign me up.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/01 14:37 ID: hv4xn7q

Lvl 60 here and when i get labs quests even im not pleased, i just run the timer down so its possible to make sure u have enough cards in a single day for the task...

ID: hv50je0


12 : Anonymous2022/02/01 14:36 ID: hv4xmdv

You've got to listen to what the Island is telling you Jack, go to the lab.

ID: hv4xoz8

Good old Lost

13 : Anonymous2022/02/01 14:16 ID: hv4usj2

I have gotten nothing but reserve ones

14 : Anonymous2022/02/01 14:46 ID: hv4z1g4

Feels bad brother my weekly is extract reserve 13 times and I get half a million roubles two s lock helmets (the goofy straps) and a cool rifle aswell as 5 jaeger rep. ( I know I hit the jackpot not trying to flex)

15 : Anonymous2022/02/01 14:49 ID: hv4zdd7

meanwhile my weekly task at level 41 is bring 5 moe rigs and 5 transformer bags 😛

16 : Anonymous2022/02/01 15:09 ID: hv52dkb

I'm level 37, yesterday my daily was extract labs twice, and my weekly is extract labs fifteen times. Maybe they're trying to boost labs numbers.


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