The rare moment when an extract camper saves your life.

1 : Anonymous2022/02/08 15:25 ID: snmtq0
The rare moment when an extract camper saves your life.
2 : Anonymous2022/02/08 15:44 ID: hw3djo4

“I’m being a bad man” fucking had me in stiches

ID: hw411e4

The shame is great but the loot is greater.

ID: hw486ya

You could hear the embarrassment in his voice, lol.

ID: hw4f58b

Certified naughty boy

3 : Anonymous2022/02/08 19:21 ID: hw4d9zx

Emercom is the worst for extract camping.

ID: hw4dde7

Hell yeah it is. As a PMC I almost always scan the bushes with a scope before heading there

ID: hw4dzhd

Yeah, it's definitely the worse IMO. I always go for car extract first.

ID: hw4j8td

You dont know the good spots.

ID: hw4fn5z

I will never extract Emercom. I will try power first, and if car is taken I will turn on power and use safe room extract. If that fails I will take hole in wall.

ID: hw4ifq7

Uh ever gone to D2?!?!

ID: hw59okr

Go to D2 plz, very safe. Also, when you go down make sure I have loot

ID: hw5b0vx

not even close to the worst. D2 camping is almost every raid now

4 : Anonymous2022/02/08 19:49 ID: hw4huf0

There is only 1 stash in the area you were in. It is right next to the big rock in the middle of that field, just behind where the scav that attacked you was.

ID: hw4i019

Good to know for next time, thanks!

5 : Anonymous2022/02/08 16:51 ID: hw3od28

The enemy of my enemy…

6 : Anonymous2022/02/08 15:55 ID: hw3f9ox

What a lad

7 : Anonymous2022/02/08 20:30 ID: hw4ogd1

There's a stash to the left of the curved road that leads to the extract, just in the pile of rocks ontop of the small hill

8 : Anonymous2022/02/08 23:30 ID: hw5gwz3

No way you got out with 3 tushonkas and a chocolate bar, you're rich!

ID: hw5hhw7

General wares is a struggle

9 : Anonymous2022/02/08 18:02 ID: hw404fh

Should've drilled him in the back of the head. 😉

ID: hw42m74

I’m too nice as a scav

ID: hw59d28

Then next time the guy would shoot scav on sight, etc and do a snowball

Be the change you want to see

ID: hw5hr70

So, fulfilling his purpose as a PMC. Him showing mercy is a disgrace to all PMC's. He won't make this mistake again.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/08 22:28 ID: hw57nlg

That extract camper is cringy as fuck.
"You're making me show you mercy"

Fucking yuck.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/08 23:18 ID: hw5f5lw

Playing on OCE I can confirm I have never been extract-camped at emercom. Is that weird?

ID: hw5imgg

Haven't had it happen to me on OCE since Shooter Born moved to Reserve

12 : Anonymous2022/02/08 16:54 ID: hw3or61

Unpopular opinion. I absolutely hate what VOIP did to tarkov. That is all.

ID: hw3p00n

I feel like it makes the game feel more alive

ID: hw3p54p

I feel like it makes the game more "soft".

ID: hw4myaw

could just , you know, turn it off lol

ID: hw4zi7n

Hard disagree lol but i gotta respect the “unpopular opinion:” followed by an actually unpopular opinion

ID: hw4njpf

Every reply is just one sentence. Chad move but christ explain why?

ID: hw4q93h

Turn it off and KoS.

That's how I roll, voip people make me cringe or even more scared, fuck that

ID: hw5au07

One of the few times I've seen "unpopular opinion: " on reddit followed by an actual unpopular opinion.

You know you can just leave voip off though, right?


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