Noticed the red rebel has been raising in price quite a bit, so I got one at 6.3m, to try and flip at 7m~, well the fee on that is about 3m, so I got a red rebel boys lol
You could trade a friend for a couple docs cases of bitcoins. No fee if you sell 40 or so of them to Therapist @~145k a pop
ID: fkl7ls1 -
OP if it makes you feel better, I got in a rush today and sold 16 weapons cases for 164,997 instead of 1,164,997.
15 mil gone in seconds.
ID: fkw5hzqOof. That sucks. Makes it worse. I missed out on a cheap weapons case, or many. lol
So glad I was able to pick up a red rebel during the drop event. Lowest I got was for around 1.1mil. Fee on some items are odd but I think its because of its base value to traders. A red rebel at 7m is 3mil fee but a thicc case at 18mil is like 500k fee.
ID: fkw2bvxIts because the game thinks the RR is only worth like 55k so it gives it a huge fee.
If the fee was tied to the average price it was actively selling for on flea the last 5-10 days instead of what the devs think it should be, we'd be better off.
Exactly how I got my red rebel but at least for me it was 5 million
Thanks for the information. I was planning to flip it lol... Btw what fee is for a red key card anyone know?
I made the same mistake, but with the barter
ID: fkk7q5tGet your intelligence center up a few levels to reduce the fee
Not a bad idea, now just to find a friend. It's not the end of the world though, I kept enough rubles to build again, and that's half the fun.