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I was just killed by a PMC in lighthouse about a minute into a raid. It's fine, I don't know the map as well and he knew where to run early game. I got sniped out pretty quick.
What I'm not okay with is him adding me to friends, me accepting and saying 'what's up?' and him replying 'Ratio'd bozo' and then blocking me right away. Like what is wrong with people? How miserable of a person do you have to be to go to that length to rub it in that you killed somebody? I'm irrationally angry at this interaction.
ID: hwszm86ID: hwtgo00Yeah guys like that there’s very little gratification in their actual lives so you can imagine the dopamine rush he gets in this game HAHA
Please fix the stuck at "awaiting session start..." screen on Scav runs. We get the cooldown timer and we have to restart the game 2 times every time this happens. FFS it's so annoying and now it happens on 1/3 of my scavs.
ID: hwzq8jaHaving a dedicated ip solved this issue on my end. Talk to your internet provider because there is no hope in waiting for a fix as I have not seen a large enough discussion about this issue while I researched for days before...
ID: hx078p9thanks I will try that
Really wish we could sell more than 2 things on the flea at once. At least give me three. I have a feeling that’s why prices are low on a lot of things. Nobody wants to wait since you only have 2
I've encountered a ridiculous number of obvious cheaters tonight. I've seen maybe 2 in the whole wipe until today, where it's been about 5 or 6 just today.
For those that dont know, there are barrels of a Terra Group chemical called Blue Ice all over Tarkov. Its EVERYWHERE. And there is tons of evidence all over Tarkov maps of it being produced, shipped out, and moved around in huge quantities. With the new mission "Corporate Secrets" Mechanic makes a direct reference to Blue Ice. We've known about it for years. Do we have any new information on Blue Ice? Clues as to what it is and what Terra Group were trying to do with it?
To any noob like me :
for any weapon you wanna use, put it in your inventory, Right Click > Edit preset. From there you'll be able to see everything you analyzed once that is compatible with your weapon.
Use this menu to buy a scope, I was going in raids with ironsights because I was too lost to find compatible sights, using the "Edit preset" menu made me able to attach a scope and my raid experience is 10 times better. I've killed as many PMC in 1 raid as in all my raids last week. thanks to this.
Personal advice : HAMR (don't forget to equip a red dot on top). It's good both long and short distances.
What is “Gear Fear” and how do I get over it? Currently level 7 and clutching my precious SVDS like it’s my child
ID: hx3k13bI think someone said it best when they said, “Imagine if every piece of gear you’re using is just rented”. You’ll get plenty more SVDs.. definitely stings to lose a gun though.
ID: hx3lb2rNewer player here. Flea market helps with this more than anything. When you have access to almost all the gear, and can sell things at greater profit, what you find in raid won’t seem so rare and stressfully precious.
Just keep pushing through. Save your good gear a little bit till you feel more comfortable, or grouped up with a squad. Focus on tasks, and try to get a feel for everything while you push for level 15.
Trust me, the flea market changes everything.
Just finished punisher part 6 on my first wipe as a standard account. I’m over the moon right now. Can’t way to get even deeper into this game.
ID: hxb0egsPhenomenal effort, it’s a great quest line, I had so much fun with it this wipe
whats a good scope setup that you can put the raptar range finder on and see it pretty easily?
ID: hwpffqxI like it on the aft rails of the Recknagel 30mm rings.
Missing the upper fifth of the display, but legible still.
ID: hwpjvajthanks ill try it out
So i found a red rebel, unsure what to do with it. I already got one from jaeger so barter on the flee?
ID: hwq0tb6I think you can sell it for 4.5mill, or just barter for like 9 gpus
what's the point of not killing other scavs as a scav? i always run into a scav that shoots me on sight, fence rep must not be that important then right?
ID: hwsfsd8This is why I hate the idea of letting people in the negative reps to redeem themselves with tasks. I get that it some are there because of the Santa event, but some fuckers out there just choose to be assholes.
ID: hws91kiHappens all the time to me, I'll run past do the usual headbop of friendship. Next thing I know BAM shot in the head it's bs
ID: hws95dlYour scav timer will lower if you have good fence rep.
Change the Jaeger Quest: Killing Killa! The new spawns are absolutely ridicoulus! Make either the spawn change higher by at least 15% on top or reduce the possible spawn locations! The quest needs to be more balanced. Its not fun and it absolute nonsense-timewasting quest, making ppl want to quit the game.
It’s kind of interesting how whenever there is a ban wave the first week after I rarely get head eyes. Then a few weeks later it’s like someone flips a switch and I get head eyes constantly
i wasn't paying too much attention and i sniped someone and i felt bad about it so i dumped their stuff and it turns out it was scav so i dumped some random persons stuff, but i still ruined that scavs day
Why do I keep getting fatigued for running on bad of stamina? I don’t get it. I’m level 43 with 38 endurance
How bad is a 45/65 Gzhel? Just got one back from insurance that's completely shredded, and I can repair it to 45.
ID: hwpt7x5id repair it for 45. probably last repair though
Ugh just lost .1 scav karma and I feel super bad for the guy. I was running towards one of the villas on lighthouse when I suddenly see a head with a green helmet and momex balaclava peeking above a rock, looking my way. They then leaned out so I instantly shot them and one tapped them.
If you look like a PMC at least try to not act like a PMC ): They never shot at me so I guess they were just watching to see what I was going to do but I can't risk my silicon tubes man.
Why are there so many PMCs dressed up as scavs? Are you guys seriously lvl 30+ and that broke?
ID: hx2keazUshanka, scav vest and shotty? Don't mind us, we are no threat
Honestly, I think a lower durability for keys would be much better for the dynamics of the maps and how people move through them. Obviously some of these rooms need a buff but once you buy a key it's basically infinite, and they're way too easy to get a hold of imo. I think it should be more about working with what you've got instead of building a huge collection. I'd honestly say 25 uses for any key is fair. Look at merin for example, 100 uses considering how good it is? Any thoughts in general? I think they'll probably do this anyway if tarkov ever becomes wipeless. The issue i'd see with this is quests locked behind locked rooms.
I am looking for advice on completing a few quest first is The Cult - Part 2. I don’t have a marked key and that pretty much it. I have not seen it left open. I assume wait till the raid is almost over and pray someone looted it?
The second is completing gunsmith part 16. I got everything but the scope. It seems my best bet is till waiting till I level to unlock the rep level and just buy it. I thought it was the thermal scope that you can craft so now I have that but way too much gear fear for that. I also can’t find any bosses.
I am also very bad at some aspects of this game and they are general related to pmc kills. I loaded the best shotgun load out and gear I had and went to customs dorms and just got mauled. It was fun that the guy was a streamer and so I saw the reply of him getting me. Funny enough he had a heavy and or light bleed on him so he died 10 seconds after I did but he had a squad so they still got my stuff. It stinks I didn’t get credit for my quest for pmc kills in dorms.
I just ran into a guy at Factory, I had an UMP with AP ammo and hit the guy 12 times, he's armor absorbed 657 damage (he's gorilla mask ate a round as well). What armor could he have been wearing? Zebralo?
Who in the ever living fuck designed the spwns for lighthouse thought it would be a good ideal to have a pmc spawn in a minefield? On the bright side at least I survived 25 seconds
Matching 6min in Lighthouse?
Whats up, servers lagging the fuck out again?
I bought a couple of GPUs last night before I logged off as my Bitcoin farm was upgrading. Went into my stash today and they weren’t there. Is this some sort of known issue? The rubbles are gone so it’s not like it didn’t go through
I got really lucky and found a slick in a cache on my last scav run. With the one I got from ragman’s quest I now have 2 and not sure what to do with them. I’ve heard they are very hard to get right now since the barter is super camped, but i’m not sure i want to use then yet. I’m only level 27 and this is my first wipe so i’ll likely just get head eyes if i try to raid with them. I also just spent close to 3 mil on hideout upgrades + the constant drain from trying to do punisher part 6 so selling them to ragman for the 400k is tempting.
Should i just use them anyway, wait until later so i can have better gear to be protecting with a slick, or sell them for the quick cash.
ID: hww430kI’d probably sell them if I were you! The benefit you’ll get from the extra cash will outweigh using it in-raid, IMO.
ID: hwx099zuse it for offline raids, learning labs or whatever
Can someone please explain how sound works on this game, I swear I hear scavs yell or talk and it’s right around the corner. I look and look and they end up being like 100 yards away. I’m pretty new to the game so I don’t know if it’s just me or maybe my settings aren’t right
ID: hwvl32dShort answer, it doesn’t. Sounds is fucked on so many levels right now. I’ll hear a guy voip for half a second when I’m in an open field, he’s probably on the other side of the map. You sometimes won’t hear anybody above or below you,and what you’ve already said. If you search sound on this sub you’ll see it’s one of the biggest complaints right now.
Been running into a lot of cool people lately. I'll plead for people not to kill me and help me with my quests and the majority of the time they actually help. Pretty cool. Plus they know my gear is shit.
Am trying to kill the 48 scavs for peacekeeper while dressed as a tactical Smurf, so at the start of each raid I lay in a bush for 10 minutes so the scavs have some time to spawn in.
Anyhoo, I'm alt+tabbed when I suddenly hear some rustling in the bushes. Alt+tab back in and see someone skulking around. One tapped them and went to loot them. They were level 4... I feel so bad ): At least I dropped your gear in the bushes so I hope you've got insurance. It might only have been a kirasa, mosin and a helmet but still I know how much that is if you're just starting out.
ID: hwz4h71That quest leads nowhere and isn’t required for kappa, just skip it
Shoutout to the scav who showed me the ropes on woods last night.
Gluhar (and generally bosses) insta-crouching is supposed to be a feature or a bug ? Looks so broken and wonky lmao. As soon as he agros he insta crouches without any animation at all and just starts shooting. I killed him yesterday just because of this, wiffed all my shots and got him with a headshot just because he insta-crouched like this when I started shooting lmao suck on that Nikita
ID: hx188rmAll AI does it in CQB, its a new bug with 12.12. And hilariously, the bug didn't appear until BSG said they "fixed it." Right in the original 12.12 patch notes: "Fixed an issue where bots could instantly move to a crouched position."
Is there any resource, analysis on the scav case loot tables? And what's the most worthwhile tier to use?
Someone made some research once. Google it and the Reddit thread will pop up. I only do Moonshine though as it's the allround best. The last one I did I got almost a million worth of loot.
Yeah, I’ll probably just do moonshine, since it lines up with the crafts. Kinda like processing water and sugar, then processing that into moonshine, and then processing that into loot.
besides killing sanitar whats the best way to get a blue key card and green key card?
best place for cpus?
Interchange. Back offices at Oli and Goshan.
Any tips on luring scavs? They totally don't want to come under stationary MG (Customs, the one pointed at bridge) and I need 9 more kills to complete jeager's daily.
Hello, i would like to ask Nikkita, did he ban be from getting PM pistols for my mission?? I have already ran about 50 raids in the past 5 days, and didnt get a sigle one. Ive only seen 2 PM (t) pistols, which are useless for me. And does anyone have any tips for me to get them? I run customs, and factory with scav to look for them. PLS HELP ME, cuz i will lose my mind
My mate had the same problem and he was going absolutely crazy trying to find them. He was way ahead of me in tasks at the time, so I just saved them up. It really feels like you do loot them pretty often but it's only when you actually need them that you only find one per week.
My tip is to loot as many stashes and weapon crates as you can. They'll show up eventually.
Hi, i think nikkita just watched my comment, and gave me some luck! I just found one in reserve. Previously i was running scav on customs, and i was hitting up all the stashes and crates. Sometimes i run factory to loot woden gun crates, cuz i heard there is a good chance it will spawn there
Why is it that during the weekends is when all the rats come out. These dudes literally sit in these dark little corners for 30-40 minutes with a shotgun. Please go play Fortnite.
Git gud
"doors and corners, kid. That's where they'll get ya"
Bruh dont keep the gpus for the quest. That quest gets u nowhere and is a waste of your money. Just put the gpus into bitcoin farm or just sell them for early game money
Tarkov suddenly started removing money from my docs cases first instead of my main stash, wallet, items case, or money cases
This has been going on for a few days now. I have multiple wallets and money cases in my base stash, and in my items case + loose cash in my inventory. All of my docs cases are in my items case, but its drawing from each of them before any other stacks of cash regardless of if they are 500k, or newly deposited 129373 roubles. What do I need to do to just keep the cash in my docs cases. Putting it in there, then selling stuff to have new stacks of cash doesn't work, I've tried rearranging them in the items case, in my base stash. No matter what I do, it keeps taking money from them before anywhere else, and it only started in the past few days.
Did you rearrange your stash?
The game will typically take whatever item you’re looking for from the highest, left-most position in your stash.
My docs cases are located above my money case, but were previously below my wallets, so just recently I’ve run into this problem myself.
I haven’t tried rearranging to fix it, but maybe it would work for you.
Yup. My money case is at the bottom of my stash and I've got a documents case at the top that I use as my wallet.
Don't get angry.
Feel bad for the guy. How fucking sad and pathetic must his life be?