Why are they going for 90-140k?
Pretty much everyone just got a gift from BSG that had about 6 keycards in.
Which ones?
May as well grab them rn since everyone got them from the appreciation package. It will forsure go back up
I feel like this is a blue chip and that’s an easy buy because the prices are gonna stabilize since it’s a consumable.
Haven't been on in a while but I have two theories;
If they've dropped in price, usually its proportional to a wave of hackers infesting the place and making it not fun for anyone.
If they've increased, a lack of hackers and an increase in mega Chads wanting that sweet, sweet loot. It is pretty far into the wipe, so most people are now decently geared.
ID: fl43zno
Nah, BSG compensation package with some guns, armour, sj stims and 5 labs keycards