KILLA on Factory is so SCARY

1 : Anonymous2021/06/17 18:46 ID: o24iuu
KILLA on Factory is so SCARY
2 : Anonymous2021/06/17 18:48 ID: h24dlb4

Shoutout to my friend that opened the streaming while fighting him LUL

ID: h24gzd1

Does he spawn off of the start or do you have to wait?

ID: h24h9qs

spawn at the start

ID: h25arge

how did he manage to do that so fast?

ID: h25cj55

Killa sprints at you also can power slide after a sprint. In interchange its not uncommon to have him chase your ass for a full sprint and he's just around the corner behind you

ID: h25e8na

You can hotkey discord stream, turns it on or off

ID: h25e7lj

bind on the keyboard ahaha still he did it while fighting killa OMEGALUL

ID: h25cd64

The real MVP.

3 : Anonymous2021/06/17 21:37 ID: h2518hd

Watching that gave me anxiety as he ran around like the terminator.

ID: h251u4m


4 : Anonymous2021/06/17 20:32 ID: h24scfg

Where does he like to hang out? Haven’t been able to get on today

ID: h24sjbx

i saw one time in front of the normal extraction (the one without the key) and one time near the blue cargo

ID: h24v75e

He has a 20% chance to spawn in any location that a scav spawns. (According to Pestily)

ID: h24sy78

Blue cargo and pumping station is where I've seen him

ID: h251iq5

He can spawn on any set scav spawn he just replaces them

ID: h25efa3

Tunnels, the big bathroom/change room and office are pretty high chance. We got him 4/6 raids last night, hasn't been carrying a rpk but, I kept seeing pp19

5 : Anonymous2021/06/17 21:26 ID: h24zpgh

Factory is printing gear right now and look how naked people still are playing.

Yeah the problem sure is needing a wipe /s

ID: h251vo1

Lol people will ALWAYS play like that, especially considering the loot table will continue to be reduced as the game progress

ID: h252c9x

Crazy how you can passively scav run and get more gear than this currently, so I'm going to have to strongly disagree

There's no reason other than gear fear or trying to be frugal. The games advertised with PMC gameplay, not scavs.

ID: h258ewd

So I'm not trying to be condescending or anything, more just trying to figure out people's angle on things.

What is wrong with people going in with little money on them?

Is it just that people bitch about late wipe and how everyone is a Chad and but then they do this and it seems contradictory?

Is it a risk/reward thing, kinda similar to how people feel about knife runners?

In my experience this is only really a thing on factory because people expect to die and/or they want to practice PvP so they just run cheap kits over and over and can practice without feeling a hit. I know knife running on reserve can be an issue but I don't play reserve so I can't speak to that.

ID: h25dz40

Coming from a new player (lvl 4) and I'm maybe just genuinely bad at the game, I personally dont really feel like bringing in my better gear has to be too much of an issue, however it seems that when I play, a lot of the time I am hardly out of my spawn area and there are already 5 bullets through my characters skull and in the rare occasion(during nightraids for example which are usually more survivable) I manage to get to an exfill, there happens to be some dude camping with night vision goggles just outside the exfill area.

Now this does not necesarilly bother me to the point of anger, it is a little demotivating though, because I have no idea how to deal with this, and I dont have acces to either NV goggles or armor. This happens often enough that Im about 20 raids in and I dont even have the 2 shotguns to finish prapors quest, nor can I use my workbench because I cannot for the life of me get out alive with 2 stupid screws.

I fare better on scav runs, because I at least survive the first minutes and sometimes I even find some actual loot! But then when I use said loot on my pmc I just get murdered on the next pmc raid, all the while my funds are slowly draining and I have to get back to scaving again.

From my perspective, the people running around with "chad" gear dont seem to really be the problem, its mostly the fact that if someone knows where you are before you do, there is not much that will save you. (this is not intended to be salty btw, I am enjoying my time in customs).

6 : Anonymous2021/06/17 21:54 ID: h253dfe

Sweet lord protect me and my naked mp5

7 : Anonymous2021/06/17 22:09 ID: h2557ww

Si si si

ID: h255pdl

Si si si


ID: h255rl1


8 : Anonymous2021/06/17 18:57 ID: h24ev3q

Haven't played for a couple weeks .. what did I miss?

How did Killa end up in Factory?

You cannot report him on the dead screen so its for shure AI and not a random player dressed as Killa.

Also the movement is just like the real Killa.

What did I miss in the patch notes guys?

ID: h24h4er

Some random unannounced event with killa spawning on factory right now

ID: h24hc33

they added him today as an event pre patch

ID: h24zt2n

He's there to test the new boss's pathing. It's not a prewipe event, its just a test.

ID: h25b7nb

How does that make sense if they're only adding the new boss after they release the remodeled, larger version of Factory?

9 : Anonymous2021/06/17 22:57 ID: h25b1kq

Attiva windows, bro.

ID: h25emx3

LUL è un meme, non lo attivo per quello


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