Newbies first wipe be like

1 : Anonymous2021/07/06 12:04 ID: oetju8
Newbies first wipe be like
2 : Anonymous2021/07/06 12:23 ID: h48apbv

I havent played for a couple of months and now this wipe feel like a new wipe. Ive been playin other games and i feel like my unexpected lack of tarkov knowledge or tarkov amnesia is rather devastating

ID: h499a5o

Used to be chading with the best of them, now we're ratting with the rest of them

ID: h49j7t6

From chad to rat real quick

ID: h49kbll

I haven't played for half a year and thought it would be the same as starting new, but it seems like playing it 10 hours every day over 2 months burned it into my mind.

I don't flinch when I hear a shot and some meta tactics I learned are still done automatically without thinking.

ID: h49wudo

Of course its different than startin new, but i guess im just that kind of a person. My mind is racin all the time and now jumpin into tarkov again is more tricky since my mind is constantly elsewhere which gives a feeling of (not knowing?)

3 : Anonymous2021/07/06 15:11 ID: h48tiuw


ID: h4a7qj5

Cheeki breeki iv te damke

ID: h4abqbv


4 : Anonymous2021/07/06 17:59 ID: h49g1ef


5 : Anonymous2021/07/06 14:40 ID: h48po91

These comments are great. There are two types of people lmao.

6 : Anonymous2021/07/06 12:45 ID: h48cnkx

Is it intentional that she’s loading 9x18 into a 9x19 gun?

ID: h48eo5y

I didnt notice it either, shes crying because it doesnt fit in the mag

ID: h48i2er

It should at least fit in, its a smaller round.

ID: h48d276

I think this describes the situation, when "the newbie" brings extra ammo in raid just to find out that they did not bring the right caliber..

ID: h49atk0

All I ask is that they let me blow up a Kedr with some PMM. Is that so much to ask.

7 : Anonymous2021/07/06 20:28 ID: h49zyst

I'm in this picture and I do not like it.

8 : Anonymous2021/07/06 14:53 ID: h48rb0m

First wipe? Haha, yes. First wipe...

9 : Anonymous2021/07/06 12:31 ID: h48bc98


ID: h4anpal


10 : Anonymous2021/07/06 14:00 ID: h48ku78



ID: h49azgk

...M'lady tips fedora...

11 : Anonymous2021/07/06 15:21 ID: h48usij

why is she stuffing 9x18 to hk mp5?

ID: h48wh4q

It’s a noob that’s why. Brought wrong caliber

ID: h4ai27h

that’s the joke

12 : Anonymous2021/07/06 16:33 ID: h494hf1

Would it work in irl though? The cartridge are not too different. Pretty sure it would fit in the mag at least

ID: h495n1u

9x18 is actually like 9.3x18, so nah

ID: h4965uu


13 : Anonymous2021/07/06 20:07 ID: h49x3us

* cries in mosin mags in pockets *

14 : Anonymous2021/07/06 13:25 ID: h48gv9p

Holdup, we're getting waifus now? Bet.

ID: h48k6kf

You might wanna look up Whiskey_Project on twitch if you want waifus

ID: h4abgmj

Rye is good too

15 : Anonymous2021/07/06 14:41 ID: h48prjv

Maybe we've been too harsh

16 : Anonymous2021/07/06 12:04 ID: h48915p
ID: h499bsy

Thank you VERY much for source, been too many cool artist I can't find due to people not posting source.

ID: h49iaku

You're welcome!

17 : Anonymous2021/07/06 18:00 ID: h49g5hm

I'm a anime girl????

18 : Anonymous2021/07/06 18:40 ID: h49lgp0

newbies!? This is my 5th wipe and its kicking my teeth in. Ive not made it through a single fucking raid alive. Everyone already has their shit and here I am with my shit starter stuff not able to do anything about them.

ID: h49lqbk

Hey bro I'll dm you my discord tag and show you some tricks to get going!

19 : Anonymous2021/07/06 20:37 ID: h4a1arp

Yep, that's exactly me, im just crying more and already give up at lvl 3.

20 : Anonymous2021/07/06 15:49 ID: h48yhvl

Groomer gaming moment

21 : Anonymous2021/07/06 18:11 ID: h49hmuq

Some of y’all need to go to horny jail

22 : Anonymous2021/07/06 17:22 ID: h49az7w

Anime chick in tarkov? Makes me want to buy her a vehicle extract on customs and tell the driver to go to Brazil.

23 : Anonymous2021/07/06 14:21 ID: h48nd4w

weebs get OUT

24 : Anonymous2021/07/06 15:33 ID: h48we32

Good, USEC deserve to cry

ID: h490uxa


ID: h49woqr


25 : Anonymous2021/07/06 13:47 ID: h48j9yx

I bet you masturbate to cartoons dont you?

ID: h48xwn2

What're you gonna do about it?

ID: h48supr

It's called hentai and it's art

ID: h48o5uo

And what if I do?


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