I love the gameplay of 10-2. But it’s story is… painfully stupid.

1 : Anonymous2021/07/05 12:47 ID: oe6ofc
I love the gameplay of 10-2. But it's story is... painfully stupid.
2 : Anonymous2021/07/05 15:04 ID: h44utcw

X-2 is a story of Yuna trying to find happiness and life in a world she never thought she was going to be in. Rikku comes back after traveling the world salvaging machina and exploring, and she gives Yuna the sphere.

She hadn't been doing anything up to that point and I'm sure in the moment of seeing the Tidus lookalike she realized that sitting around on the island she grew up on isn't the extent of what her life could be. Not to mention the man in the sphere is in Bevelle which further adds to "wtf is the church doing".

Then the story, while definitely about finding out about the sphere and it's origins, is mainly focused on Yuna learning about herself, gaining confidence, and understanding she can live a happy life in the world that she helped create.

ID: h45hkl6

Nailed it. How does one move on after simultaneously saving everything while losing what matters the most to you? Anyone who has lost someone close can relate to this and anyone who loved Tidus as character can empathize with Yuna on her journey.

ID: h460nym

FFX-2 is one of the most incredibly well done and appropriate "What happens now?" stories in all of gaming, and possibly all of media as a whole.

What happens after the world is saved, when the hero who was expected to die to save it suddenly has a life she grew up thinking she would never have?

Yuna has known her entire life she'd die before she was 18. And then she doesn't.

ID: h44xlwr

You sir, are awesome.

ID: h4535dp

"Holy shit Rikku that's Tidus, get my guns and call your goth friend, we are starting a girl band!"

ID: h46e0xk

Exactly. Honestly it is a very feminine story that a lot of women can probably identify with. Heck, a lot of lgbtq people can probably also identify with it. It's this concept of coming to terms with who you are without the things you expected to have and the support systems you thought would always be there. Of trying to build upon that and find out who you really are in a world that isn't sure what even to do with you. It's about being lost and finding yourself. I always figured everybody always hated it because it was like a really girly, really gay game, and they didn't realize that.

ID: h46fyrj

This is the true answer to that meme, the story is actually pretty good and well made. It has depth.

ID: h46gwuq

Thank you for this. I like to keep two seperate canons in my head for the games, but overall even if this game was pretty bad (it's not), it would still be more than worth it just for Yuna's extended character development and to see her have so much FUN.

ID: h46hhog

I wish you would re-write the entirety of X-2 and narrate it over the voices so I could play through the game (because the battle system is amazing) but not have to deal with the dialog

ID: h45ik2k

Damn, I need to give X-2 a 4th try. Way to hit me right In the depression and survivors guilt.

ID: h44xunc

I wish ff10-2’s storytelling succeeded in portraying your explanation 🙁

ID: h45kifi

When broken down to the absolute base elements the story sounds nice, but when actually put into practice that's when you get the stuff people don't like. I never wanted a sequel but getting a short drama where you get some insight into Yuna learning to live in this new world would have been cool.

What we got was not cool. Giving her dual pistols and putting them in a Charlie's Angel's team so she can do backflips and fight against power ranger villains is so far removed from Yuna's character, X's atmosphere and story, and pretty much anything established in X.

It's a bigger slap to the face because you don't even get to see how she changes to this point. There's no character growth or anything to show how she got from a quiet, somewhat solemn summoner into a jpop singing gunslinger who's sassing everyone.

ID: h45aycs

Agreed. 10-2 is a deceptively good attempt to look at the implications of someone trying to live a life they sincerely never expected or planned to live. When focused on that issue, the narrative can be cohesive and even insightful. I would have loved to see more exploration of that.

However that is not the primary focus, and going from a focused and serious game as 10 to the far more light-hearted 10-2 is very jarring at best.

But I legitimately love the dressphere system. To me, that shit is so fun

ID: h456lf8

The character arc might be well-enough-portrayed, but the specifics of the plot surrounding it are, frankly, still kinda dumb imo.

3 : Anonymous2021/07/05 16:02 ID: h451mrd

X-2 was too campy for me. I preferred the more serious tone of FFX.

4 : Anonymous2021/07/05 13:21 ID: h44jx5q

It’s campy, not stupid. It’s silly but if it’s not your cup of tea give it time and it gets more serious later on. X-2 is one of my favorites!

ID: h44q9xq

Yup, the story is fine. People just don’t like the tone and all the camp.

5 : Anonymous2021/07/05 15:25 ID: h44x80z

I get this is a joke, but since X-2 is one of my top three games of all time, here's my two cents.

X-2 is not about collecting spheres only. It's a mood shift from the serious tone of FFX. Yuna is finally, hurdles overcome, able to be herself and have fun.

Rikku helps her get away from a life of wasting away being the figurehead on a dumb, unsolvable political battle, to a more light hearted quest, and maybe finding herself on the way.

Or finding someone special, and if nothing else, just having fun. Because she deserves it!

In that sense, I think people are too harsh on it. It's a sequel, you are not expecting the same game after the end of FFX. You can't be, if you're being realistic. Also the development time was way less as well.

And it's basically the same story as FFX, if you play more you'll see that it does have the same 'serious' elements as X, just not in the magnitude of that game.

That's just my opinion, not trying to make you change your mind, because that's impossible. But if someone is on the fence, they might be able to see another angle.

ID: h45bpyv

I had an absolute blast playing 10-2 and cant wait to do it again for my channel. I too very much see the pieces that could have made 10-2 a masterpiece, and I wish very much that there was more exploration of Yuna’s struggle with growth and moving on, as I find the subject of what becomes of the heroes after the journey to be fascinating. And I love the dressphere system.

But boy there are some things in that game worthy of relentless mockery

6 : Anonymous2021/07/05 17:36 ID: h45cuds

Final Fantasy X-2 is a slice of life in Spira. It's about Spira its self just as much as it is about Yuna, Rikku and Paine.

For me what I enjoyed the most was how it made the world feel so much more real, you are no longer the plot, Yunas story in X-2 certainly is relevent (i.e Spira doesn't get blow up) but so much of the game is just about her experiencing the world she helped create through a lens other than being on her pilgrimage to die.

Yuna in particular learns who she is, who she isn't, she pushes her comfort zone in a very dramatic way... I kinda view it almost as like a reserved kid in high school going to college somewhere far away and just absolutely letting loose in a very dramatic kind of way - she pushes herself too far to find out where her limits lie. It's not an uncommon story really.

I loved that I got to experience the world I helped create in X, personally.

Even Last Mission where YRP basically conclude that they don't like each other that much and their bond was from circumstance rather than chemistry. I was cool with that too. It was a little sad, but YRP will be connected the same way Yuna will always be connected with her guardians.

The novella and audio drama can burn in hell though, fuck 'em.

ID: h461jqd

I've never actually played last mission. FFX is my favorite game of all time, so I got pretty severe and instant goosebumps reading your description of what happens with their characterization. Can you elaborate? They just...admit to each other they aren't really that good of friends? That's kind of cool, I guess.

7 : Anonymous2021/07/05 19:35 ID: h45qu2f

Never missed someone enough then. Give it time and revisit it later. The silly things you’ll do for a bit more time, or another insight.

8 : Anonymous2021/07/05 12:52 ID: h44hcvq

It's more akin to being an archaeologist but sure.

ID: h454pej

They tried to base Yuna off Lara Croft after all. But camp.

ID: h44ipdh

Plus, it would be like finding old footage of your mysteriously disappeared boyfriend as a political prisoner in Auschwitz, it wouldn't be all that crazy to start studying Nazi Germany afterwards.

9 : Anonymous2021/07/05 13:53 ID: h44n330

If you watched the special movie you understand the main main reason why she did it.

Like seriously she was unhappy with her life she had to leave the village to get away from all the people bugging her(new yevon, youth league who knows who else trying to get her on there side) when rikku came to her with this sphere she jumped on the opportunity of getting away and trying to at least find clue of tidus.

10 : Anonymous2021/07/05 16:02 ID: h451mwb

Silent Hill 2’s plot: my dead wife sent me a letter. Better drive to this resort town and fight monsters to find her.

Alien isolation: my mom might have left some recordings behind better head to space which is a dangerous and time consuming process.

Shadow of the colossus: time to fight twelve monsters for the off chance it revives my girlfriend.

These are just two I can think off of the top of my head. It’s not an uncommon trope. It’s just supposed to get you on the journey. Not to be the entire thing. And from a personal note there are people I’ve lost in my life. If someone said I have a letter or I could see them I’d do whatever it took to get there.

ID: h45dd6g

Oh yeah, even the best plots in all storytelling can be made to sound stupid if you condense it enough.

11 : Anonymous2021/07/05 14:05 ID: h44oa2e

I really wanted a sequel after X. The ending of X directly connects to the ending of X-2, and I thought it was great. Also you see the familiar faces along the way and learn how they are doing. I don't think story was stupid at all. It was such fun game, and Yuna needed to live a little after spending years to prepare to sacrifice herself.

ID: h44pv66

I didn’t like how the characters all turned into ditzy moron caricature versions of themselves

Looking at you Brother

12 : Anonymous2021/07/05 14:07 ID: h44ohz9

Is that stupid? FFX’s story is driven by the love story of Tidus and Yuna. Seems appropriate to me.

13 : Anonymous2021/07/05 17:32 ID: h45c9ih

I like X-2 but the true ending is worse than the normal ending.
Even coupled by the novel which is basically X-3 which hammers the point home that the true ending is a worse ending

14 : Anonymous2021/07/05 22:40 ID: h46c82g

At least it didn’t go full Episode I-level of stupid on plot. That didn’t happen until FFXII…without the awesome gameplay.

15 : Anonymous2021/07/05 22:47 ID: h46d175

I actually like ffx gameplay more than x-2

16 : Anonymous2021/07/05 23:40 ID: h46isl7

To be fair, "old home movie finder" has become a legitimate and lucrative profession in Spira, so it's not like it's a totally pointless activity to engage in.

17 : Anonymous2021/07/05 23:50 ID: h46jxz9

I remember playing it immediately after finish ffx. It had a very sweet story even though it can be ridiculous. I could empathize with Yuna trying to cope with having lost Tidus while simultaneously saving the world and surviving what had killed all precious summoners.

I thought it fit in it its own way.

18 : Anonymous2021/07/05 16:31 ID: h4551o3

it isn't stupid at all. X-2 is a story about Yuna and her journey of self discovery. Remember that this is a young woman that had initially resigned to her fate of serving the world by defeating Sin. If that had gone to plan, she would be dead. Her mission fulfilled, she had no purpose in life in a world of peace, despite being the one who ushered it in.

X-2 captures the essence of Yuna going on an adventure which involves both learning more about her self and the world, finding her purpose, as well as saving the world again, but this time on her own terms.

the presentation of the story is admittedly a bit camp, but this is also for dramatic effect as it contrasts with the grim reality of the world in X proper. The world has changed, and so has its people.

19 : Anonymous2021/07/05 16:19 ID: h453ncx

I will always love this game idc

20 : Anonymous2021/07/05 17:05 ID: h4595vn

I dunno man, that's a pretty fuckin' solid motivation for her to join a group of "home movie" hunters that are already in it for the history and glory. Especially for someone who fell so intensely in love, only to have a bittersweet ending.

The only thing painfully stupid about FFX-2 is it's 100% requirements.

21 : Anonymous2021/07/05 18:15 ID: h45hfep

I don’t have an intellectual breakdown, I just love this game. I think it’s lovely

22 : Anonymous2021/07/05 15:32 ID: h44y191

The story parallels the five stages of grief.

Then the "true ending" runs against the story's entire point. I suspect the five chapter breakdown is intentional.

ID: h45n5kj

The "true ending" supports Yuna's philosophy against sacrifice.

ID: h45qlwq

I've never heard the 5 stages of grief metaphor argument for X-2, care to elaborate?

ID: h454xwj

Yeah that true ending was everything I wanted as a kid. But now I prefer the acceptance ending. It’s poignant and gives you the little kick to remind you of how sad 10s ending is.

ID: h457dsg

Well the true ending is more of a bonus for really dedicated players anyway, you're definitely not getting it on your first go

23 : Anonymous2021/07/05 18:30 ID: h45j3u6

If it wasn't a sequel to X I think I would enjoy it more. It feels like the most unnecessary addition in the world. X ended with a really conclusive ending and I think leaving it to your interpretation on where Yuna and the party went after was better than making a whole game where Yuna shoots twin pistols and sings in a girl band.

24 : Anonymous2021/07/05 13:58 ID: h44nmmd

X-2 was the first Final Fantasy to be i think a let down for fans but it is a fun game.

ID: h44wvtj

the first

definitely not the last

25 : Anonymous2021/07/05 16:05 ID: h451y6n

Yuna is a youtuber in X-2

27 : Anonymous2021/07/05 16:18 ID: h453hvf

The all-girl J Pop theme was pretty cringey for me and I just couldn't get into X-2.

28 : Anonymous2021/07/05 19:00 ID: h45mq55

Also, [Musical number intensifies]

29 : Anonymous2021/07/05 22:15 ID: h469g6j

Let's be honest here, this game was made primarily with the girl gamer(of that time) in mind. Everything from the story to the dialogue, that's 100% what Square was going for and they nailed it. Playing this game over the years on my stream, it really goes to show they hit the mark because whenever I have played this game, a lot more girls show up in the chat than there normally would be for nearly every other game. Most girls LOVE this game, which is totally fine. It has that "quirky" goofy girl vibe to it with jokes that to ME are super cringey, but ones many girls would find funny. The stories premise is based around love and caring for one another, bonding and friendship. Even the villains in the game are ones you cant even take seriously because they all fall under that premise.

There's a reason why this game has a lot of the style and scenes that it does. They went for that J-Pop style that was popular at the time. In that same vein, if you look at Dirge of Cerberus, its EXACTLY the same but on the other male end of things. It's dark, grungy, and emo. When DoC came out, I had just turned 18 and I LOVED it! Not so much now that Im 33 lol. Both X-2 and DoC are 100% products of their time, designed to cater to people during that time, especially those in Japan.

Because of their choice to cater to a certain audience with each game, it heavily limits what they can do with the story. Sometimes in writing, being backed into a corner is a great way to create something unique and original, however what they did here was put themselves in a cage, with no other option than what they started with.

30 : Anonymous2021/07/05 12:49 ID: h44h1vt

I dislike the gameplay in Final Fantasy X-2, and I agree that the story is painfully stupid.

I will also add that all the characters, wether new or introduced in the first game, are also painful to watch.

31 : Anonymous2021/07/05 12:53 ID: h44hdpn


100% agreed.

32 : Anonymous2021/07/05 15:07 ID: h44v5vu

It was the definition of cringy, you can only enjoy it if you dont take it seriously and just "go with it" and have stupid fun like the actual characters are doing.

Gameplay was cool, but a really let down to everybody who loved the job system of FFs, because the main entry that had that system was kind of a joke fan service game.

I hope FF16 changes this and has a job system with a serious story in medieval fantasy setting. Finally.

33 : Anonymous2021/07/05 13:48 ID: h44mldo

Yeah, X-2 is easily my vote for worst FF title period. I thought mystic quest was better! I especially dislike Pain and that stupid Al-Bhed that flies the ship, the one that does the stupid dances all the time. And I absolutely loathe the whole j-pop vibe going on. The music is probably the worst too. I can't judge the story because I've never gotten farther than 2-3 hours into the game.

34 : Anonymous2021/07/05 14:26 ID: h44qiup

People are entitled to their opinions but sheesh, this judgmental after going only 2-3 hours deep?

35 : Anonymous2021/07/05 19:30 ID: h45qahm

Don’t forget she’s now an idol


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