Anyone wanna do some expeditions with me?

1 : Anonymous2022/01/21 16:37 ID: s9eta0

Just got to rank 15 on expeditions and its a bit of a slog in my own so any extra fire powe

would be appreciated

2 : Anonymous2022/01/21 16:44 ID: htm8uv3

I’d love to! Unfortunately I probably won’t be on until late this evening (it’s 8:44am right now) or tomorrow afternoon.

ID: htmbsi4

Lemme know your game name and I'll add you up.

ID: htmcec8

PlayStation LOCOBOOF

3 : Anonymous2022/01/21 16:45 ID: htm8zb7

I'm down for doing some.

ID: htmc594

Let me know your game name and I'll add you. I'll be online around 7.30 UK time.

ID: htmfgxh

Playstation, OmniKaiser

4 : Anonymous2022/01/21 17:08 ID: htmcp1o

where are you from?? steam or console??

ID: htmd5ns

UK and Console.

ID: htmgfuu

I am online now for an hour.. If you want to join we can play.. L9v4p8y0

5 : Anonymous2022/01/21 18:19 ID: htmofwu

i would ... if i could get the game to run properly smh

ID: htmokdw

How come it doesn't? Are you on PC?

ID: htmorwp

yes and man I have no idea. it has not run properly since day one. tried a few weeks ago and it's not working right. i gave up sad because i really did like this game


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