Does tiagos elite offers reset themselves?

1 : Anonymous2022/01/25 12:23 ID: sccinl

As the title says im wondering if he resets automatically at some point since there is no timer for his elite offers or can they only be reset by buying the reset option in his shop?

2 : Anonymous2022/01/25 14:15 ID: hu5ks0w

They're not supposed to reset. There was a bug that made is offerings refresh (with the same items), and it may still be there.

The reset option in his shop is supposed to be the only way to change his offerings.

3 : Anonymous2022/01/25 13:03 ID: hu5c01q

Experienced a reset of Tiago a few times. Completely random it seemed. Most likely it shouldn't reset at all, and when it does it's probably a bug.

To me first time it happened was after reroll, with after reroll i didn't have the pods tot buy the item I wanted. When I was back the other Day IT had been reset to the items he had for sale the very first time.

Since then In only reroll if In have enough pods tot buy a few things afterwards..

4 : Anonymous2022/01/25 12:28 ID: hu58bop

I don't think they should reset themselves. However, from personal experience I've seen them reset (or reroll, whatever the mechanic is). I wrote down two items I needed for my builds, did some expeditions in multiplayer for the resources and when I wanted to buy them, they weren't there anymore. No clue if it's a bug or working as intended, now I just farm some drop pod resources, reroll and buy if something pops up.

ID: hu5ap2p

Thanks for the response. I found googling it online quite confusing with a lot of mixed anwserrs throughout updates etc.

ID: hu5efsn

I believe leveling up to a new challenge tier resets it. So once you are capped at 15 the only way to change the store is to reroll it, but I could be wrong

ID: hu5ar6h

A friend of mine talked about it as well. We did some expeditions and already a few times he claimed the offer of tiago reseted. I guess there could be a bug

ID: hu5f8ct

He most probably reverted to he

" class="reddit-press-subreddit-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
original inventory and what the friend saw initially was Yours. Maybe You switched leaders or (s)he joined lobby on he" class="reddit-press-subreddit-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
own after rerolling first while being in Your lobby/game.

5 : Anonymous2022/01/25 13:45 ID: hu5gva8

as soon as you join someone else lobby it most likely to reset, if you see something you want and need to farm for it ,DONT join someone else

ID: hu7hbbn

Hmm i have joined plenty of lobbies but (unfortunately for me) he has never reset himself

ID: hu7hjd8

It resets only to the state it was before you rerolled. Not to something else if you didnt spent pods on him

6 : Anonymous2022/01/25 13:56 ID: hu5iawz

I advise to Reroll only under these 2 conditions:

You're on your own server with closed fireteam

You have at least 400ish pods (so you can afford up to 3 or 4 things if needed)

Afaik, he is not supposed to randomly reset, but he can when you level up a CT tier, or when you join someone else's team/server.

7 : Anonymous2022/01/25 15:36 ID: hu5wfnp

Mine did twice after paying for the re-roll. I thought at first it was a bug, but after the second default reset I realized it was just an Outriders thing


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