Would you change anything about Outriders ?

1 : Anonymous2022/01/28 17:13 ID: sevl28

If you could, how would you improve it ?

Just wondering.

2 : Anonymous2022/01/28 18:25 ID: hum4yjg

I’d like being able to have loadouts and mark my gear as favorites/trash so i can sell all my gear with the press of a button and make sure i never sold anything i wanted

ID: hum8m0m

100%. If for some reason they never added anything else, but gave us this... I'd be ok with it.

3 : Anonymous2022/01/28 17:24 ID: huluzvm

I'd add melee weapons. Just feels like they would fit really well

ID: hum8p87

It would feel like an action based ‘The Surge’ and I’d be all over that

ID: hum9lf3

Yeah I’d have loved more melee option.

The game is a little janky so smoothing out gameplay would be great

Multiplayer and abilities during multiplayer bugs

Little bit more balance with stats and abilities. I.e firepower is useless without borealis or anomaly rounds.

Make all weapons useful

ID: huma3lw

What are borealis and anomaly rounds ?

4 : Anonymous2022/01/28 17:24 ID: hulv3qr

More characters/classes, electricity, magnetism, water, wind, etc… Better drop rate, as is it’s way too strict.

5 : Anonymous2022/01/28 17:29 ID: hulvyee

I'd like a bit more mobility. Jumping, climbing, maybe even short range jumpjets.

ID: hummfz3

Oh my god a motorcycle would be so fun

6 : Anonymous2022/01/28 18:49 ID: hum8xkx

I'd like to see more of Enoch, more diverse wildlife and enemies, and definitely more lore. And maybe add another class that's more beast/berserker like

7 : Anonymous2022/01/28 18:18 ID: hum3xsk

Ultimate abilities and the ability to transfer mods between characters easily, and you can skip the story if you’ve beaten it as another character

8 : Anonymous2022/01/28 18:21 ID: hum4ebv

Something other than just running through CT15's over and over as the endgame. Once you get to that point which if you're smart, is quite easy following a build guide, the game is basically over.

ID: humhdr5

I cant deal the Damage even if i copy the build in every single item and mod… suggestion?

ID: humhugr

Can you fill out your build here and share a screenshot of your stats menu?

9 : Anonymous2022/01/28 18:03 ID: hum1emo

Add gear crafting, so you don’t have to totally rely on RNG.

Also add Loadout / spec save screen to make it faster to run different setups

10 : Anonymous2022/01/28 19:02 ID: humazsb

Solo revive in expeditions. That plus the very slow grind in mid tier late game farming has turned me off the game, I loved the campaign and starting out on expeditions but haven’t really been playing it much lately

11 : Anonymous2022/01/28 17:31 ID: hulw9k2

I wish my outrider could carry more shotgun ammo, sucks having to rely on the pistol after the first thirty seconds of the fight

12 : Anonymous2022/01/28 20:26 ID: humo90v
NG+ as an alternative/complimentary End Game option. (Aka drops top level leggo's during the NG+ Campaign) Compass Lock gear Loadouts Better Leggo Drop rates beneath CT15, scales down way too much, 1-14. In coop it seems conditions another player puts on baddies dont' trigger for you. With my coop partner he bleeds everything but if I use a Mod that triggers off Bleed it doesn't trigger off his bleeds. I have to apply my bleeds and that is a waste since be applies bleeds. That's weird. Leggo's at least have random attributes vs static. Leggo's with 3 mods and the top mod is one that cannot be changed and what makes it unique the most. Benefits added to classes for each class you get to max level, gives more incentive to play all characters. Flying (Anthem+) Shooting Range to test guns/builds. More open world settings to? Mod unlocks shared between classes, again more incentive for avg joe's to play more characters. Solo Revive. Possibly remove the self revive in coop, that isn't typically a thing. FOV adjuster for Targeting/Looking Down the Barrel. Better Weapon Balancing.
13 : Anonymous2022/01/28 18:02 ID: hum1cl7

2 or 3 more skill points.

ID: hum3szn

Im gonna build off this a little, i live that idea. But what if instead of getting just 2-3 skill points, you earn them in expeditions get 1 at ct5 one at ct8 and another at ct 12 maybe a 4th for ct15 but idk. I feel like that would be very helpful

ID: hun0mhg

Or a paragon system similar to d3

14 : Anonymous2022/01/28 18:08 ID: hum27oa

I want guns to feel more unique and have different sounds. If not for the skins, they all look and feel the same. Ignoring the weapon mods of course.

Also want the skin tree to feel more dynamic and bigger with more branching out. Otherwise the builds are always focused around a particular tree and rarely do people try to experiment.

15 : Anonymous2022/01/28 18:21 ID: hum4d3c

I would make the players have elemental immunity like the bosses do, or at least a resistance. Like the pyro can summon volcanoes and shoot lasers, why do they take fire damage?

16 : Anonymous2022/01/28 19:00 ID: humaon2

As I haven’t beaten it yet, take this as you will. I would like to see better interactions with the environment(some walls can’t be navigated but standing up you could reach the top of the next level), more logic in why humans are in a deadly forest area where everyone dies(I get the deserters being there with bone marrow antidote, but why is there bandits unaffiliated with the village?), better use of revealed bad guys(Moloch was set up as a bad ass, then you wipe him out at the halfway point, which makes him seem weak.)

17 : Anonymous2022/01/28 19:48 ID: humidt8

I wish we will get random Tier I or II talents on legendary gear. Acari Pant e.g. has two useless Mods imo. Burnout or one more Heatwave (tidalwave/Ride the Wave) instead of Irradiation Wave would bring more diversity. Same for Edge of Time upper Armor...

And the same for legendary weapons with a fix and a random Tier III talent. Imagine a Deathshield or Inferno Seed with dark sacrifice and killingspree.

This should only work in grinding. Tiagos Shop should stay at is, so we have more incentive to start grinding again.

And bring a sharing option for Loot, so friends can help each other....

And the Option to Change one attribute. Acari helmet with Status Power and Skill Life Leech is just stopping nearly every build by not having cooldown reduction.

This is just a PvE Game, so give us the chance to have every Item like we want it.

18 : Anonymous2022/01/28 19:54 ID: humj7d3

Being able to pause the game would be tight

19 : Anonymous2022/01/28 21:30 ID: humybfm

I'd like a class system. Hate changing the tree, gear and mods each time I want to play with a new loadout. Also more difficult endgame modes

ID: hun18zl

What is exactly a loadout in this game ?

ID: hun2oxg

A load out would be a certain set of gear, mods and skill tree branch that is meant to preform well for one purpose. For example, let's say I was just playing with a borealis blighted rounds build, if I wanted to switch my build to something designed around the mini gun, I would have to completely change my skill tree, my gear, guns, mods etc. A loadout selection screen would just let you save all that jazz and store it away until you want to use it again, while being able to use other builds

20 : Anonymous2022/01/28 21:34 ID: humyx5z

I just want more campaign content.

Possibly more Skill points because I feel a bit limited right now, even just 5 more would make a good difference.

Better legendary's as already mentioned, with variable stats instead of the ones baked in. Also I like the idea of Legendary items having 3 mods instead of 2, 1 being hard locked and theme of the item, and the other 2 being changeable and variable.

More armor transmits because Fashion Riders.

Perhaps a solid pass on the subtitle and VO sync, as it's not in the best state.

Perhaps for those without friends and who don't want to deal with often difficult randoms, some upgradable followers to take on missions?


21 : Anonymous2022/01/28 19:00 ID: humaort

Make it a live service game , change endgame gear add RNG into stats

ID: humcxjt

Yep, i think from expeditions to beat the cyclone it took me 10 hours. And i helped friends. So yeah content is good, it's replayable, but you don't have a lot of reason to.

22 : Anonymous2022/01/28 17:50 ID: hulz9uk

Bigger field of view would be nice

23 : Anonymous2022/01/28 19:04 ID: humb9k0

Tons I would change, I’d change the movement system for one, it has a Gears of War cover based moment but the game really isn’t meant to be played in cover. A better 3rd person movement system would suit it better, add in an actual melee system, loadout systems to include gear, mods equipped on gear, skill and the nodes selected. A combo system between classes could be cool as well, better weapon balancing, a lot of the variants of weapon types feel worthless. That’s just a few things off the top of my head.

ID: humdt0r

Which game has movement system that you would like to see in Outriders.

ID: hun8uyd

Something a little more free flowing, actually something like Horizon Zero Dawn maybe, at least as far as movement that can go between shooting and doing melee with abilities. A variation of that could work well possibly if that makes sense.

24 : Anonymous2022/01/28 19:12 ID: humclej

A lot of really time consuming weapons.

I could probably go for one more armor piece and ways to define it as you want to specialize. And farm nearly infinitely to level it up.

Like maybe the gems in Diablo.

25 : Anonymous2022/01/28 19:38 ID: humgnio

i haven't finished the game yet but i would enjoy setting up a base a customizing, also henchmen. Henchmen wouldn't have special abilities just support.

26 : Anonymous2022/01/28 19:43 ID: humhibm

I wish the world felt a little more alive. Something like public events or dynamic activities happening around the map. Hidden dungeons or secret areas with enemies to fight (kind of like Lost Sectors from Destiny).

I honestly think Outriders is a gem, I'm really looking forward to the expansion.

27 : Anonymous2022/01/28 19:43 ID: humhkys

Do something with firepower so it's not mods/skills/set bonuses doing the vast majority of the lifting when it comes to damage. That big huge nearly 6 figure number almost seems to mean nothing to me since it all just boils down to a small % bonus added to an even smaller DMG stat, while my skills are sitting at hundreds of a percent with hardly anything put into anomaly boosting

On the flip side make weapon mods like skill mods. Something that enhances the actual weapon not totally take over. I run the AOE Claymore. Why? Because it does millions of damage easily being well over 60% of the damage output on my gun guys, and that's only because it shares some limelight with the other damage mod (usually tier III lightning whip) while the actual gun does maybe 15% total of the damage. That does improve in my bullet builds

Rework the class tree system. Either A: let me be able to go deep into two of the three trees. Either a tanky gun guy, or a tanky skill guy, or an all out glass cannon gunner skill guy. Or rework the trees so ALL of the tank stuff is one tree while ALL of the FP is another tree while ALL of the anomaly stuff is in the other. That way I can still only go full on one tree but at least I am more realistically able to have some survivability mixed into each one or something.

Lastly: randomize stats on Legendaries. There are just a bunch of sets I have no interest in using simply because the stat make up is terrible. This one isn't as important to me and I get why they have them static (especially early on when Legendaries were really rare). I just think it'd be nice if could maybe have status power or cooldown reduction instead of skills leech on an acari piece. Or if I could maybe do Anomaly Powe

instead of Max HP on some other piece.

28 : Anonymous2022/01/28 19:50 ID: humijy3

Objective based endgame content. Raid, exotic gear & guns

29 : Anonymous2022/01/28 20:00 ID: humk8m3

I’d give it PVP or some type of add on content DLCs so I would’ve played it for more than a year

30 : Anonymous2022/01/28 20:02 ID: humklg8

I want more story, which we're getting with Worldslayer, And I'd like more mods to modify abilities and change up playstyles. The on reload or shot mods are really boring to me.

31 : Anonymous2022/01/28 20:07 ID: humldbn

Having it a little more open world with bigger areas of play that don't feel cookie cutter would be a big game changer.

32 : Anonymous2022/01/28 20:16 ID: hummrej

Improve the netcode, maybe do dedicated servers. Coop is not nearly as smooth as it should be and it's a shame since the game would be really with a group of friends in voip.

33 : Anonymous2022/01/28 21:32 ID: humykdk

Load outs, and the character creation, it seems alittle dull?

34 : Anonymous2022/01/28 21:50 ID: hun1dh8

I think it would be cool to have a forge-type mode where users can take existing expeditions and modify them with different enemies, obstacles/level design, and allow the community to play them. Something like that would go a long way for adding longevity to the game. Maybe even allow people to have the custom expeditions start in different places from the campaign's map, to allow players to revisit the original map in different ways.

35 : Anonymous2022/01/28 22:03 ID: hun3c80

Yeah un nerf my damn fortress mod.

36 : Anonymous2022/01/28 22:13 ID: hun4tsz

I’d love some new classes and more abilities classes like an electric guy like gauss running around emperor palpatine electracouting everyone would be great and of course load outs locking gear and more class points

37 : Anonymous2022/01/28 23:08 ID: huncxxh

More monster variations , and more powers


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