Please help – I am failing every expedition

1 : Anonymous2022/02/27 01:45 ID: t2culw

and I am not getting any better gear. I am not even getting purple gear anymore. Just blue. So there in no hope for progress.

Thanks in advance

2 : Anonymous2022/02/27 02:26 ID: hyledst

Blue drops are much better than epics. Getting a perfect epic drop is very rare, it's much easier to make them by upgrading. So don't whine about blue drops, make sure to check every single blue item you get and upgrade ones with good attributes.

But first of all you gotta sort out your build. Looks like you're going some FP/AP hybrid and that doesn't work very well. Fully commit to one or the other. If you want Eruption build then go full bottom tree and get that final node. You don't need those top and mid tree nodes.

I know I linked you this

at least twice before but you're still not using it and you didn't even show all your gear, so I have no idea what mods you're using. Mods are most important, it's where most of our damage comes from. You could make a decent Eruption build without many T3 mods. It should definitely have Burnt-Out for Heatwave and both Ride the Wave and Tidal Wave, so you can cast it 3 times. Burnt-Out debuff stacks, so more waves is better.

Something like this is a good place to start

I don't know if you have any good T3 mods, like Etna, Power Assimilation or Captain Hunter. If you do then use them instead of Twice as Hot, Debris and Volcanic Dust, in that order.

For weapons just use anything that has good damaging mods on it. The strongest mods you have. Mods that proc on shots, not on kills, that's very important. Shotguns are best for that.

Reload Boost increases all Anomaly Damage by +50% and weapon mods do that type of damage too, not just our skills. That mod is one of the best mods in the game, try it out.

ID: hylyofg

Darn. I spent most of my time in this game dismantling everything blue.

Thank you so much for all the advice.

The link above (

does not work for me. I find eruption very efficient, but it's not enough. I mostly use my rifles. Anyways, can I change the skill tree at this point?

I will add the mods I am using to the original post when I get home.

Huge thanks ! 🙂

ID: hylzuyu

That site was made by one person so sometimes it's out, but save it and keep checking. Very useful when it works. The Budget Eruption build I showed you was made using that site.

And you can respec your skill tree anytime you want and as many times as you want. Doesn't cost anything.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/27 02:59 ID: hylifwe

You've had some good advice here. I know that there are many builds that are viable, but I actually recommend trying the middle branch. It has a ton of survivability and that helps a lot at your stage.

4 : Anonymous2022/02/27 03:13 ID: hylk1wo

Middle tree and win

5 : Anonymous2022/02/27 04:57 ID: hylvy9u

I would just get some folks together to run expeditions with you. Feel free to shoot me a DM and we can run with you. We will be on in like 25 min to level up my buddy's trickster.

Not sure about your skills you are running or the mods but your class tree is uhhhhh odd to put it nicely.

If you want to level just shoot me a dm and you can join us.

ID: hylxbmm

Many thanks.

ID: hym0msz

Doing it now if you want in

6 : Anonymous2022/02/27 02:25 ID: hyle8vb

First thing I see is that you're not at max gear level. That helps a ton. Get your equipment leveled all the way up. Sell every blue you get, scrap every worse purple you get, and get that titanium

Second, your skill tree is way too spread out. A spread like that may work for someone at level 50 who's built for it, but on the way up, you want to be focused on one skill tree

ID: hylfc6w

Sell every blue you get

Why? That's terrible advice.

check every blue and keep ones with good attributes and dismantle all the bad ones for resources and Shards. Selling gear is bad, you don't need Scrap right now and later on you'll be able to trade Drop Pod Resources for it. Dismantling is much better.

ID: hylfmc7

Sell it, buy titanium, exchange for drop pods

ID: hylxd2w

Huge thanks.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/27 12:17 ID: hymx2wc

Try maxing out a tree if you dont want to look up builds? Or, look up builds.

8 : Anonymous2022/02/27 15:12 ID: hyngfhm

Do you still need help leveling up?

9 : Anonymous2022/02/27 18:14 ID: hyo7zif

Look at the damage of the 13.# weapons maybe their better than nocturnal.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/27 02:53 ID: hylhmwt

Notice how it’s only Technomancers arguing in the comments

_> LOL


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