Tony Stark has become a socialist. Can he bring about Economic Revolution in the US before his Death in Endgame?

1 : Anonymous2021/03/08 06:28 ID: m09nvg

As it turns out Yinsen, the Scientist placed in the cave with Tony in Iron Man 1, was a massive communist.

So while building the OG Iron Man suit, Tony has been converted from Capitalist Pig to a comrade of the Working Class.

After his escape, can Tony bring about Economic Revolution?


Tony has to keep being Iron Man and go through his movies Tony has until his death during Endgame Tony can't try to kill anyone or hold anyone physical hostage to bring it about so holding the President hostage himself in Iron Man 3 isn't an option. Tony isn't a Tankie. He isn't going to go shouting about Stalin or the USSR or some shit. Think further left Bernie Sanders. Tony can use his corporation to be Iron Man or help bring about the revolution. He doesn't have to immediately abdicate his position or money.

R1: Tony is on his own and has no allies in terms of bringing it about

R2: As it turns out Steve was a classic socialist from Brooklyn. With Captain America's help, can they bring about Socialism?

R3: Tony has to convince Thanos that all the universe needs is wide spread socialism. Can he do it with the help of Spider-Man, the Guardians and Doctor Strange?

Theres a Black Panther pun here about how they were socialist but I can't think of it.

2 : Anonymous2021/03/08 08:42 ID: gq6xodd

Tony isn't a Tankie. He isn't going to go shouting about Stalin or the USSR or some shit. Think further left Bernie Sanders.

This is the reason Tony can 10/10 this. If he isn't going full-on USSR he just needs to accomplish all the things Bernie pushes for. None of the things Bernie pushes for are outside of the realm of possibilities in the real world. With a super genius and superpowers, Jarvis, and plot armor on his side Tony can easily get it done.

ID: gq764d9

None of the things Bernie pushes for are outside of the realm of possibilities in the real world.

Actually they are. Especially financing healthcare with tax increases for the rich.

The rich will instantly flee the country when they see the same idiotic numbers that sanders wanted to implement.

From like 23% taxes for rich people to 60% would literally ruin most large companies and would motivate them to relocate to other countries.

And then suddenly all his ideas won't work because the tax income which he planned for would go bye bye and he would have to increase the taxes of the poor extremely to equalize that.

Which in turn will result in hardcore communism/extreme socialism to upkeep all the ideas he has for his country.

Thats almost all the time how socialism evolves. And thats why it fails always. It tries to steal from people and when people leave it's suddenly without resources.

3 : Anonymous2021/03/08 08:30 ID: gq6wxc6

He's rich and popular, so yes

4 : Anonymous2021/03/08 12:12 ID: gq7ans3

The best way for Tony to achieve this isn't through politics, but with technology. He can develop the tech to introduce a post-scarcity society, similar to what exists in Star Trek.

Unlimited free power, replicators, health care advancements, etc etc - develop it all and make it freely available. Then if he needs to, use the clout he's earned to push for universal basic income, universal healthcare, and so forth.

With the tech in his suits around the time of Infinity War, he's more than halfway there without even trying.

ID: gq7bjjs

Post-Scarcity will still not lead to socialism... Especially because there will always be something that someone wants and what they are ready to pay for.

This kind of utopian thinking doesn't work.

5 : Anonymous2021/03/08 11:04 ID: gq762wv

I mean he has stupid money he can just buy the government tbh. Atleast the people

6 : Anonymous2021/03/08 13:08 ID: gq7fg02

I think we need to first define what you mean by "socialism" in this case.

Is it a smattering of more robust social welfare policies advocated by people like Bernie Sanders, that are maybe slightly to the left of capitalist social democracies like Norway?

Or is it the textbook "workers own the means of production" socialism?

7 : Anonymous2021/03/08 09:10 ID: gq6zcw2

By the time Thanos snaps, he only kills a few hundred earthlings.

ID: gq7603t



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