- The Life of a Jolly Co-operator
Thats nothing. On PS5 i had to watch my buddy fight Gundyr 17 times (yes 17) while i was coaching him because i couldnt be summoned to the fight.
ID: gq5sb72ID: gq5ojszYeah, the first boss is so tough for new players. My friend here only took about 6 or 7 times, thankfully. Can't imagine how many people left the game because of that fight. Then you have the second boss, Vordt, who's a breeze to kill.
ID: gq5vf7pGundyr was one of those bosses that confused me when it comes to others experiences at first. Played as a Knight that first playthrough and beat him first attempt, though it was a close call. Wasn't until I fought him again as a Cleric that I realized his true power.
ID: gq5s4svI remember sharing a house with my brother and him getting pissed at gundyr. Long story short he called me downstairs to beat him lol. Happy to say he can beat him now
ID: gq6wnyqFirst Gundyr took me around 30 minutes to beat on my first run, I even made a strategy on how to start the match to get the best possible outcome
ID: gq6lo4jlol, ds3 was my first souls game and I beat him second try.
LMFAO the timing is perfect
For real though: you could have finished the boss off and it would have counted for your friend.... although I wouldn't blame you for wanting to do it more with him
ID: gq774c4Although, technically, the Stray Demon is more like a mini-boss in DS3 since it lacks a fog wall/UI Healthba
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I can’t tell you how many times this dude thrown me off the edge......
Tip: just focus on one leg.
ID: gq6y18hHis third leg, right?
LOL amazing! Great edit, ty for sharing xD
Lmfao been there
You would've been pulling your hair out watching me fight Iudex for the first time. I'd never played a Souls game before, so I had no idea what I was doing and it took maybe 25 attempts for me to beat him.