Now that the game is in a better state and the community is less aggravated- let me present my idea for a new layer of progression: Mutations

1 : Anonymous2021/07/18 07:32 ID: omlymm

Last time I talked about this I understandably got drowned out because the game was almost literally on fire.

But now we can think of the future.

So, ever find it odd that we don't ever visibly mutate like Seth, Moloch, Gauss or the Ferals?

I do too. I'm also sad that we only have three ability slots and no lightning powers.

This is why I'd love for us to have a new layer of endgame progression that would also allow for some additional cosmetics.

Mutations. We ultimately can't avoid them, but we might be able to channel them. Perhaps we would be able to work with Zahedi and the masked wanderer, bringing in corpses of powerful Altered creatures to be studied so that we might be able to induce directed, controlled mutations.

Our bodies would change and we could unlock a selection of new class agnostic abilities, or perhaps new skill lines to slap on top of our current ones. I'm talking stuff like Electromancy, blood magic and perhaps something akin to gravimancy or metal bending.

The gist of it: essentially wed be able to get a single new passive line and a new ability slot or two where we could put abilities either from a new mini-class or perhaps even multiclass.

These new abilities would be accompanied by new cosmetic customization options being unlocked.

Perhaps we could even give up a weapon slot to allow us to blast enemies with pure anomaly power - or at least make that a new type of weapon.

2 : Anonymous2021/07/18 09:04 ID: h5m18lx

Perhaps a mutated skill slot. Whatever skill we put in there gets modified. For example, if you put heatwave in the mutated slot and have a wind mutation, you get fire tornados, but if you had la lightning mod, you'd shoot ball lightning that chains burns things in it's path.

ID: h5mozpk

Impale changes from ground spikes into a big spear of metal that pierces targets. Enemies killed by the skill get impaled on the spear and fly with it.

3 : Anonymous2021/07/18 16:06 ID: h5n7cym

You realize you just opened a whole new frontier with this suggestion rather brilliant approach I’d say I’d love to explore mutations!! This would take character customization to a new level!! You’re thinking big and I love it!!

4 : Anonymous2021/07/18 15:56 ID: h5n5rfw

"Perhaps we could even give up a weapon slot to allow us to blast enemies with pure anomaly power - or at least make that a new type of weapon."

I like this. Have a regular shot and a charged shot. The charged shot would trigger a cooldown on one of your skills randomly and possibly do AOE or apply multiple status effects.

5 : Anonymous2021/07/18 18:55 ID: h5nvg3z

I wish weapons and gear could have the stats all randomized so if im is techno looking for the boralias set some pieces have max health,long range dmg,status power. If those would roll with fp long range and close range damage would be pretty cool. So that way you could farm gear for the perfect rolls you want.

ID: h5nzvi7

Ugh, no thanks … the RNG on standard gear is bad enough without making the legendary stuff unpredictable as well!!

I’d much rather they allow us to mod the attributes directly as well as both mod slots …

ID: h5o2mpk

That's what I said before I wish all attributes were randomized so those items could roll with anything on them. As well as switch out 1 attribute and 1 mod would make things better. Maybe new legendarys new mods new expeditions new level cap. But I really doubt this game will see anything new for atleast a year if they plan on bringing dlc. But I doubt it.

6 : Anonymous2021/07/18 09:18 ID: h5m28jk

Yes please! Ive also thought of mutations being a thing that would fit perfectly. It could also give more build diversity and just overall add that little extra thing.

7 : Anonymous2021/07/18 16:06 ID: h5n7cx3

Dlc potential

8 : Anonymous2021/07/18 18:58 ID: h5nvsxw

Also if they could bring more t3 and t2 mods for all the classes would be cool. Maybe some new sets that are actually worth getting and using.

9 : Anonymous2021/07/18 11:38 ID: h5mcdif

Yes to all. nice idea, new layer of building your character and customization, but needs to come with additional levels and content for sure.

10 : Anonymous2021/07/18 08:15 ID: h5lxsdr

First, I don't think you got understandably drown out. An online forum is a medium for all conversations. And as long as they're on topic, they're fair game. This forum has a nasty habit of using some topics as their personal doormat and it drowns out interesting topics like this. Personally, I find this interesting and full of abstract and creative thought.

I really like the idea of "corpse research". That is just SO interesting. Love it. It also ties into the lore anyway via hunts.

I also really really like the idea of swapping out a gun for a new ability. That sounds like it has so much potential.

Tying that to cosmetics is also a welcomed idea because I don't know how many times I've seen the transmog subject come up.

Imo, one of the best thing PCF could do is to release dlc being new gear and expedtion maps and tiers and 1 or 2 new classes. This would be after balancing and bug fixing of course.

I love how you think and would love to see stuff like this come to fruition.

11 : Anonymous2021/07/18 13:55 ID: h5mpinq

yes yes YES

12 : Anonymous2021/07/18 15:58 ID: h5n6179

On console at least, how and where would these non passive new powers bind to the controls without compromising the fluidity of the fights? Also how, unless they add more levels of difficulty (which I'm fine with, but are the devs?) would it not be gamebreaking? I'm tier 13 in story mode (haven't finished the story yet and not tooting my own horn, I just play in the old school manner of maxing up as much as possible and enjoy learning the game and it's story) anyways, tier 13 is modestly challenging with all of my not nearly God rolled gear. My point being, I don't want to see the game made easier by making everything OP. I enjoyed struggling as I progressed and now go back and decimate those same missions, because I worked for my gear, skills, perks and I learned how to use them tactically and situationally.

13 : Anonymous2021/07/18 12:15 ID: h5mfiim

Mutations is a yes. Awesome idea.

Add this to finish for loot (with high difficulty) game mode, new weapons, armors, mods, and you have a hell of a dlc.

14 : Anonymous2021/07/18 12:53 ID: h5mj048

Someone played biomutant

15 : Anonymous2021/07/18 13:53 ID: h5mpb1y

Multiclassing, I want this bad I know fundamentally it would probably be broken but I don’t care

16 : Anonymous2021/07/18 14:57 ID: h5mxn0s

I’m game for literally anything that extends the life of the game and doesn’t derail what it has done incredibly well to this point.

17 : Anonymous2021/07/18 08:41 ID: h5lzkpb

This is fairly interesting, especially the cosmetic changes. Can I get a Stukov arm? If so, they can shut up and take my money.

18 : Anonymous2021/07/18 17:40 ID: h5nl2ko

I’d rather them add 4 player first cause it’s super uncomfortable with just 3

19 : Anonymous2021/07/18 19:59 ID: h5o3xom

Is there a mini map yet or at least a compass?

20 : Anonymous2021/07/18 20:00 ID: h5o43um

We don't visibly "mutate" because for one our character only has ever had their powers for a few weeks at best, and, while this is a theory of mine at best, all the Altered we have seen had some sort of screw loose and weren't quite sane any longer, and may have less control over what their powers do to their body as a result. I mean, look at Bailey who immediately looks all messed up even though she just got her powers, and they were only temporary at that.

Having said that, I personally don't agree on the visual part of mutations because this seems to be something our character doesn't want and I think it just wouldn't fit well. So at the very least I'd prefer there be a choice if you wanted that to show or not if implemented at all. Nothing against adding it for gameplay purposes though. Idea has my support on that front.

ID: h5o6rm7

Yes, ideally there'd be a choice though I would respect if you had to sacrifice something for power. At minimum, odd glowing eyes would be cool.

ID: h5o7ols

At minimum, odd glowing eyes would be cool.

Well, I perhaps should add that I'm not completely opposed to it, eg the glowing veins on neck/arms would be fine by me. Eyes, well idk. We have chosen an eye color for our character for a reason and that was to see it, was it not?

21 : Anonymous2021/07/18 23:23 ID: h5ouz1j

Is this game actively developing new features?

22 : Anonymous2021/07/18 15:41 ID: h5n3mxc

That is not a GAAS , right ?


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