[TPU] The Medium: DLSS vs. FSR Comparison Review

1 : Anonymous2021/09/13 08:56 ID: pnbo9v
[TPU] The Medium: DLSS vs. FSR Comparison Review
2 : Anonymous2021/09/13 11:49 ID: hcohovh

"The FSR render path also clearly uses some heavy sharpening filters, which DLSS does not. The game does support the FidelityFX sharpening slider, but for some weird reason, this slider disappears when FSR is enabled."

Maybe because AMD recommends not using additional sharpening on top of the sharpening pass built into FSR?

Come on TPU, do at least a little research.

ID: hcpl93n

Maybe because AMD recommends not using additional sharpening on top of the sharpening pass built into FSR?

Except instead of using two Sharpening passes, the sharpening slider could just be sent into FSR.

Come on TPU, do at least a little research.

You should do some yourself. Its easy to change where the slider variable goes. They change it from being sent to CAS to being sent to FSR and let the user control the sharpening level still.

/FidelityFX-FSR-Overview-Integration.pdf" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://github.com/GPUOpen-Effects/FidelityFX-FSR/raw/maste/FidelityFX-FSR-Overview-Integration.pdf

ID: hcpokar

Sure you could modify the slider. It doesn't change the fact that it's not a "weird reason". The reason is well known, and other games that make use of CAS and FSR disable CAS (and the corresponding settings, if any) when FSR is enabled.

ID: hcpuf8z

You omitted the second part of the paragraph, that’s rather misleading considering he goes on to say

. However, with DLSS enabled, the FidelityFX sharpening slider is available. I am not sure whether this is just a bug or intended, but the fact that you can’t control the degree of FSR sharpening with FSR enabled is unfortunate.

in the quote you’ve picked he mentions that FSR uses “heavy sharpening filters”, it’s pretty obvious he didn’t want to add more sharpening on top of it like you claim but to “control the degree of FSR sharpening”

Come on dlove67, at least read the article properly before you accuse others of not doing their research.

ID: hcp6g2k

Did they even read the FSR guidelines that are available since it's release?

If a game already features FFX CAS, it is to be deactivated when using FSR because it's replaced by RCAS within FSR itself. Riftbreaker did the same thing.

However, in my opinion it would be best to not deactivate the slider itself but instead assign it directly to the RCAS factor when using FSR because there are games where the devs did way too much sharpening with FSR while others could need a bit more of it.

They don't even have to make it use the full scale from 0.0(sharpest) to 2.0(blurriest) but let us choose a small offset from the original value.

For example if the dev set 1.5 for FSR UQ, let us slide from 1.2 to 1.8 and when using FSR Q and they've set it to 1.3, let us slide from 1.0 to 1.6

3 : Anonymous2021/09/13 20:40 ID: hcqimbd

When i hear this "it even results in more detail and better image quality than the native 1080p resolution", i automatically leave the article

ID: hcqythw

Highly debatable yes, I also didn't like his summary, as it just mentioned DLSS to be better in 1080p and not the fact that both are good in 4K and 1440p.

Hardwareunboxed has a very good comparison for DLSS vs FSR.

4 : Anonymous2021/09/13 12:18 ID: hcokg4m

These kinds of comparisons always use RTX cards, for obvious reasons, but don't AMD cards have additional optimizations for FSR via drivers?

ID: hcomnlx

one would assume, havent seen a comparison between fsr on amd and nvidia tho

ID: hcovxf7

Because they don't.

ID: hcpnvlv

Not really. It's a completely shader based pass, so it'll perform on the same level as any other shader on such driver.

In theory, AMD OpenGL with FSR would perform worse than Nvidia, while DX11,12,vulkan favor AMD marginally.

Nvidia can also apply optimization passes for FSR specific shaders.

You're probably thinking of RIS, which used some of the fixed functions in navi+

ID: hcp7anu

Typically there is no big difference between AMD and Nvidia cards, as long as they have comparable shader performance.

And there isn't that much of a performance hit from FSR to begin with, so driver optimization can't do that much. Best thing that could happen is that an AMD card will lose 5.5% using FSR compared to native rendering while an Nvidia card would lose 6%.

ID: hcp9ik4

Based on what AMD said when they showed FSR working on a 1060, I assumed there would be a difference. Do you have a link to FSR reviews showing results for both AMD and Nvidia cards?

ID: hcplx9a

3000 series actually has a problem with using FP16 and has to use FP32 which has more overhead (slower rendering) in DX11.

/FidelityFX-FSR-Overview-Integration.pdf" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://github.com/GPUOpen-Effects/FidelityFX-FSR/raw/maste/FidelityFX-FSR-Overview-Integration.pdf

ID: hcpo8i3
ID: hcpo06f


Can be 7% faster in FP16 mode vs FP32, which 3000 series uses in DX11 because of a bug with it.

/FidelityFX-FSR-Overview-Integration.pdf" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://github.com/GPUOpen-Effects/FidelityFX-FSR/raw/maste/FidelityFX-FSR-Overview-Integration.pdf

ID: hcpw6mm

That issue only happens on DirectX 11 games apparently so this isn't a DirectX 11 game so it's not really relevant and that would mean the same optimizations on 30 series cards for this comparison.

Basically it's probably the same and there's no funny business going on because there's not an rdna two card here

ID: hcqykf7

No, according to AMD all gpus Vega and higher and Turing and higher just have higher performance with FSR, since they have double FP16 performance. This means, it performs worse on GPUs like RX 500 and GTX 1000 series, because there FP32 is used instead.

ID: hcr3l2u

They use RTX because its a FSR vs DLSS test and DLSS doesnt run on GTX


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