Demon’s Souls PS5 Has Sold More Than 1.4 Million Copies to Date

1 : Anonymous2021/10/01 09:13 ID: pz48oo
Demon's Souls PS5 Has Sold More Than 1.4 Million Copies to Date
2 : Anonymous2021/10/01 10:12 ID: heyipny

Great number, especially given the circumstances with the PS5's availability and the niche genre.

ID: heyyvih

If completed GoW and Ghost of Tshumia on hard, would I enjoy this game or is it even more punishing?

ID: hez1yzv

I might be the outlier, but I beat Demon's Souls, and I gave up on Tsushima's hard mode, so personally, I think you'd be fine.

ID: heyzx5g

Due to the level structure, you might make smaller increments of progress during your playing time, but you can always level up and eventually over level your character. It takes a slightly different persistence and mentality, but if you’ve beaten those games on hard, you can definitely beat Demon’s souls. It’s the best entry point into the soulsborne universe.

ID: hez0t2h

I think combat-wise you'd be ok. But the levels in Demon's Souls are what most find absolutely punishing. There are no rails; if there's a small hole or gap in the floor and you make the mistake of walking on it, down you go, dead. There's no map and some levels can be quite... labyrinthian. You've got one chance to get back to your death spot to reclaim your unspent souls (game's currency and what you use to level up) and if you die again, they're gone.

Thankfully, I said unspent right? If you manage your souls well, you won't lose much and you keep all your items and levels (with one small exception that I won't spoil).

The game doesn't hold your hand, so you just have to learn by your mistakes, basically, which turns off a lot of people - that combined with the combat difficulty of course.

ID: heyzucs

Hard to tell if you will enjoy it, it's harder than those games, but at the same time easier than other souls games. All in all, definitely worth to find out for yourself, but don't get discouraged, some people find the beginning especially harsh.

ID: hez0bur

It's a completely different beast. Much slower and more methodical, the actual levels and environment are the real challenge + punishing game mechanics like world/character Tendency. Even as an experienced Soulsborne player I was caught off guard many times.

ID: hez2huf

I thought Demon's Souls was much fairer than the other Souls games. There is one swamp level that can be hellish at points but overall the game is great fun. I'm nowhere near a hardcore player and I completed it just fine.

ID: heyzq9h

Definitely harder

ID: hez1ok8

Souls difficulty is largely overblown.

Demon's souls is in many ways one of the easiest (archaic boss design).

Don't go into the game expecting it to be hard, go in with an open mind to enjoy the game. Think naturally and strategically. Be patient. You'll be absolutely fine.

ID: hezc94g

Souls games are not hard to "play", especially not DeS. They have basic combat mechanics and the enemies aren't much more capable than the player character (and often far less capable).

The difficulty that some people just can't wrap their heads around since 2009 is the fact that these games have practically ZERO hand holding, which was a shock by 2009 standards and still so today. You create a character and just start playing. There is no tutorial. No map. No guidance on what you should do. If you die, you get sent back to the last checkpoint and the enemies respawn and you do it all over again. There are a lot of traps and a lot of areas where you will keep dying but each time you will learn until you eventually prevail.

These games are not "hard" in the traditional sense. They don't require much in terms of "gamer skill" like the two games you mentioned likely do in their hard settings. They require patience, perseverance, and preparation. It's all mental. Anyone can play them as long as they're willing to engage with the game. And if a certain area or boss is just too tough, the game has built in accessibility features such as being able to invite 1-2 players into your game to help, or the ability to make your character and weapons stronger than the enemies.

3 : Anonymous2021/10/01 11:44 ID: heyq2hg

Missed the sale on this, only got my PS5 yesterday. Really tempted to buy it at full price but may just play something else and wait it out. Wonder when the next sale would be?

ID: heyxda6

Black Friday almost for sure, right?

ID: heyxnet

Yeah, I figure I'd save a bit from the sale and use the same funds towards purchasing Spider-man: MM aswell.

ID: hez6z7l

Returnal 30% off today. I'm waiting for Black Friday to buy Demon Souls.

ID: hezghfb

If you have a disc version of the ps5 get a copy off ebay for cheap, that's what I did.

4 : Anonymous2021/10/01 09:16 ID: heyf1tf

pretty good for a PS5 exclusive, remake, and a non-mainstream genre. that’s around 10% of consoles sold.

ID: hez0p17

Souls is definitely a mainstream subgenre nowadays.

ID: hezwo7h

Nah. It's not that big. Definitely known in gaming communities but not mainstream in the sense you could go to a random party and bring it up

ID: hez5h06

It's mainstream on the internet / active gaming community, but kinda unknown to the general public.

5 : Anonymous2021/10/01 14:29 ID: hez963z

I beat the remake twice and I would totally pay to experience the sixth Archestone content it possible.

6 : Anonymous2021/10/01 12:46 ID: heywcyo

Thats good to hear cus it was one of the best experiences I've had in years and it came at a console launch.

7 : Anonymous2021/10/01 11:30 ID: heyoup6

keep in mind, the ps5 is still not selling as much as it could due to shortage, the sales numbers will increase when more consoles are sold and the game goes on sale, btw, it was the game i bought on day1 with the ps5 and man, it was one hell of an experience.

ID: heyvdrv

I'm still playing this masterpiece. Platinumed it. I love putting blue signs and invade others. It's so much fun.

ID: heyx82d

I was lucky enough to play Demon's Souls shortly after it released on PS3, and it ruined every other game for me. No other games felt satisfying to play, until the spiritual successor, Dark Souls came out.

DeS is really the only reason I want a PS5 at the moment, but I can't justify buying one for a single game.

ID: heyy7wk

To help with the justification... There's also ps5 updates of other games you might like (e.g., Nioh & Nioh2)? Plus Elden Ring is right around the corner and will undoubtedly play a lot better on the PS5.. So you really only have 3-and-a-half months left to play Demon's Souls.

ID: hez28s7

Not gonna lie, I got demons souls on ps3 1 year ahead of western release, the Japanese edition and man, I saw the trailer by mistake and ordered it from a store and charged me $100 for it , I was no stranger since was a fan of previous games like eternal ring, shadow tower and kings field , but playing it before release with no clues or hints was insane but I finished it and then bought the deluxe edition on western release and is now one of my treasures.

ID: hezfdqt

I have a PS5 since February and even though I'm a big fan of Soulsborne games, I'm not spending 80-100 dollars on Demon's Souls. I'm waiting for a bigger sale. The price is absolutely insane here in Europe. I'm sure many more people will buy it at -50% discount.

8 : Anonymous2021/10/02 03:44 ID: hf22wth

One of the greatest game of all time imo

9 : Anonymous2021/10/01 13:20 ID: hez09g2

I really love shooting a bow in this remake. The adaptive triggers feel amazing.

10 : Anonymous2021/10/01 15:31 ID: hezhnex

My PS5 just came in yesterday, and I have been sitting on this game for 3 months waiting. I loved the original, but my fatboy ps3 died on me before I could finish it. I can't wait to complete this!

11 : Anonymous2021/10/01 16:20 ID: hezodwc

Right, but about a million of those were me trying to find an easier copy of the game.

12 : Anonymous2021/10/01 17:47 ID: hf00mml

My favorite ps5 game so far

13 : Anonymous2021/10/01 20:36 ID: hf0nfba

Nice. Will be adding 1 more to that later this year.

14 : Anonymous2021/10/01 13:09 ID: heyz0xq

I'd buy it too if it was on a special sale...

15 : Anonymous2021/10/01 13:20 ID: hez0cph

Such a good remake.

Man I feel like the past little while has been so good to me. Demon's Souls and Diablo 2 are in my top 3 best games of all time, and two of them got remade / remastered and I never EVER expected them to be.

16 : Anonymous2021/10/01 13:46 ID: hez3ie3

Got it last December with my Ps5, still playing it today. Maneater on NG+ is going down!

17 : Anonymous2021/10/01 15:37 ID: heziehp

Having never played a Souls game I bought it on sale just to flex the PS5s muscles with my new QLed TV - there's not a lot of options for PS5 games at the moment so it makes sense that one of the first major exclusives is selling well. Good game I thought.

18 : Anonymous2021/10/01 15:41 ID: hezizkb

If I could get a ps5… I’d buy this game lol

19 : Anonymous2021/10/01 09:50 ID: heyh86t

It will sell one more once it gets a drop in price!

ID: heyj3tc

Only thing stopping me from returnal and R&C

ID: heyx4cu

Returnal has been on sale and is right now I believe. $50 (US) I think. Could be wrong though.

edit: maybe 50 is still too high for your sale price, but it's something!

ID: heyolf6

The 30% off sale just ended

20 : Anonymous2021/10/01 13:27 ID: hez16bf

I still think this game deserves a lot better sales than that.

21 : Anonymous2021/10/01 22:37 ID: hf12ov1

Good it's a masterpiece and we love it

22 : Anonymous2021/10/01 13:50 ID: hez41q4

It was one of my favorite gaming experiences of all time. Such a stunning, beautiful and fun game. I couldn't get enough of it, even after I platinumed it, it's still in my head.

This remake is an absolute masterpiece.

23 : Anonymous2021/10/01 10:30 ID: heyjzti

And I’ll still never beat it ;(

ID: heyohor

Its really not that hard. If you feel stuck, invest in magic. It's kinda OP.

Also, don't try to beat world 1 then move onto world 2 etc. Beat level 1 of each world first, then level 2 and so on.

ID: heys1um

Weird advice to be honest. I've beaten 1-1, then 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 1-2, moved on to 2-1, 3-1, 4-4, 1-3, etc... you really don't have to go and beat every first world part before moving on.

Better advice if you are stuck is to level up.

24 : Anonymous2021/10/01 15:57 ID: hezl5vv

It's an absolutely fantastic remaster. Bluepoint knocked it out of the park, and I can't wait to see what they do next. Still my personal favorite visual showcase for the PS5 thus far.


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