For people running 5900X/5950X on Linux, increase your SOC voltage by 0.05 if your system is crashing

1 : Anonymous2021/11/14 22:56 ID: qu1spc

Repost cuz I used the wrong flair and got autoremoved

TLDR; if you are having random system crashes / freezes, increase your SOC voltage offset by +0.05V.

The long story is I'm running on my 5900X / GTX 1070 with 64GB of ram, MB is MSi B550 Mortar. Running Pop os 21.04. I used to have constant freeze/crashing with my system. At first I thought it was the 1070, which tbf it is part of the problem, due to issue with hardware acceleration in browsers. After I've turned it off, it still happens, though not as often.

My memory were running at 3600, so I thought maybe that was too high. Therefore I changed it back to stock 3200 (within 5900X's stock spec) but it still happens sometimes. After looking through the BIOS and result online, it seemed like my SOC voltage was only around ~0.95-1.05V. Which seems to be insufficient for a 3200 (Seems like for 3600 we need 1.1 - 1.15V). I therefore increased the voltage by 0.05, and turns out it is stable for even 3600. Haven't crashed in a week so far.

2 : Anonymous2021/11/15 01:05 ID: hknv0qp

The magic number for SOC voltage at 3600 Mhz is ~1.1v. I'm able to run 3800 off of 1.1v as well. I'm surprised yours required 1.1v to be stable at 3200 Mhz, but every chip is different. You're also using 64 GB - having four sticks installed requires a higher SOC voltage as well.

ID: hknzims

I feel like I kinda lost my silicon lottery on my 5900X. This thing runs pretty hot even on open air with a Noctua C14S. And yes the screws are as far as they would go and I've manually spread the paste. The paste is thermal Grizzly Kyronot or something.

Generally speaking I run ECO mode on my 5900X. The system is quieter and the chip doesn't run as hot. Plus 5900X even at ECO mode is more than enough performance for me anyway.

ID: hkp3lfh

Hope you didn't forget to remove the thin plastic tape on the heatsink lol. Happens to the best.

ID: hkp31gs

I forgot exactly what my SOC voltage is but it's weirdly low on my 5900x with 3600 memory at 0.9V. My motherboard automatically set it. I haven't run into any stability issues for about a year.

ID: hkplcfd

Yea that's good, seems like you got a strong chip then. I'd always suggest to try 1.1v first, then you can lower it to find your minimum for stability. The safe limit for 24/7 voltage is 1.2v, so even 1.1v is still fine. If you can run it lower, by all means do that.

ID: hkpg9ql

This might be a dumb question, but shouldn't the motherboard figure the voltage out itself? At least bump it up a bit if you install 4 instead of 2 ram modules? Or if you run higher End CPU's?

ID: hkpl5v7

Not necessarily. My motherboard, an Asus, will properly increase the SOC voltage to 1.1v when XMP is enabled, but that's about the limit of what it does. Increasing the RAM voltage further than the XMP is usually a tweak from the end-user.

ID: hkpwuy0

i feel like there's no magic number for SOC voltage that works for every CPU and IF clockspeed...

i've had a 3600x that wasn't stable with 3600 MHz with either 1.2 (which was set by the motherboard when enabling XMP @ 3600 with IF 1:1) or 1.1 volts but was perfectly stable at 1.0 volts (default value). and i'm talking about going from multiple reboots a day to being perfectly stable for months with no whea errors in sight.

right now i have a 5600x and a 5800x and both are perfectly stable with ram @ 3600 and IF @ 1:1 with 1.0 volts. same for the 3800x i've had before the 5800x. all three cpus would take 1.1 and 1.2 volts on the VSOC with no issues but since they are perfectly stable with 1.0 volts i see no reason to increase it. also the 5800x got an upgrade to 4x8gb @3600 and there was no need to increase SOC voltage.

i think it really depends on the cpu as you said.

ID: hkq3o3b

Good to know. I know the Ryzen 3000 and 5000 scale a but differently to SOC voltage, with the 3000 not scaling very well to SOC voltage above 1.0v, while the Ryzen 5000 will scale all the way up to 1.1v and possibly beyond. I couldn't even get my RAM/IF to POST at 3800 without ~1.13v on the SOC. But then again, this was four 16 GB dual rank sticks, so probably not representative of what must users will experience as this puts the bigger load on the memory controller.

3 : Anonymous2021/11/15 01:31 ID: hknyb7a

Also try disabling C6 sleep with zenstates

4 : Anonymous2021/11/15 00:33 ID: hknqyqe

I don't mean this question in a negative what but what brings you to linux

ID: hknyw0b

I'm a computer science major and the vast majority of my course / job requires Linux as the OS of choice, because of its compiler optimizations, socket handling, etc. A lot of the code we use in our course / job straight up won't run in windows, because of window's way of handling sockets and lack of dependencies. So no, I didn't use Linux just to brag. It makes much more sense to just install Linux, than spending 100 dollars on a Windows 10 key, just to setup a virtual machine with Linux as my daily driver anyway. This is also why I went Pop OS, because it sets up a lot of things for you. I don't need to spend all day just to ticker with stuff that doesn't matter.

The problem I posted here is so far the only major issue I had compared to windows. Though to be fair I suspect similar issue will appear if I use Windows instead, because it is a BIOS thing. Also, most games I play can run on Linux (other than Forza, but it is coming together) so I don't make a huge sacrifice by running Linux as my main driver.

ID: hknr6ho

I ask as a frequent power user of pretty much every piece of tech I own. But Linux never really stuck out to me. I know Linux is in a way an extension of this for windows. Aka full control over system but to me the lack of support etc seems to outweigh the benefits what's your perspective

ID: hkntggf

LTT just did a video where two of them installed linux, and as you can imagine it didn't go well at all. Its 2021 and yet installing linux still is a shitshow of depedencies, weird errors, and settings panels that don't do anything at all, because the window manager ISNT the OS.

I was honestly considering doing it as well, but i use a lot of weird windows programs and would need a VM of windows to continue work.. so might as well stick with windows.

Win 11 can fuck right off though.

5 : Anonymous2021/11/15 07:22 ID: hkp0qha

Like some of the others have said, I don't think this is a Linux-specific issue. I had the exact same issue on Windows (albeit with Zen 2 not 3), and the same solution solved it.

6 : Anonymous2021/11/15 07:02 ID: hkoz6bw

I hope you realize how small of an amount 0.05V is - this is basically margin of error stuff, that the VRM on your board might be struggling with.

Not to mention even going bios to bios might produce a difference.

PS - Running linux has 100% nothing to do with this..

ID: hkp0462

0.05v is absolutely not margin of error stuff, I have no clue how you came to that assumption.

ID: hkp0d7b

That is exactly margin of error - that load line calibration takes care of.

Seriously dude - wtf are you smoking?

Do you realize how much vdroop there is under load?

0.5v would be something to worry about, NOT 0.05V

PS - if anything your SOC voltage for the set memory speed was already on the edge of stability, your cpu might have a weaker then average memory controller and hence needed a small bump for full stability at 3600..

ID: hkozcn3

The B550 Mortar definitely does not have issue powering the 5900X. Plus my 5900X is running ECO.

0.05V WILL make a difference for SOC when you are talking about a voltage range of 1.0-1.2. It is literally a difference between my memory just spiting errors during memtest vs a full pass.

ID: hkp0q7l

This is down to load line calibration your board allies to SOC voltage - and the possible voltage/table rules that are applied when using the said ECO mode.

Do yourself a favour - run HWINFO and monitor SOC voltage SVI2 TFN reading. Now watch how much it will change during few minutes of regular use, then apply load to it.

If you think that your board is capable of maintain 100% set value within 0.05V - you are in for a shock..

7 : Anonymous2021/11/15 03:25 ID: hkod1du

I run 1.1 SOC

8 : Anonymous2021/11/15 04:25 ID: hkok80f

What distro? What DE? Are you sure it’s not just a your cpu problem?

A little vague but I see you’re just trying to help.

9 : Anonymous2021/11/15 12:43 ID: hkpp0ho

You can try lowering fclk/ memory clock instead. I run soc undervolted to 0.8v with memory at 3000mt/s

10 : Anonymous2021/11/15 13:52 ID: hkpwint

My 5950x+B550 Tomahawk+4x8GB B-die won't post with RAM at > 3466 no matter what SOC and DRAM voltages I set. When I try it, my motherboard's 'CPU' LED is lit, not the 'DRAM' LED.

11 : Anonymous2021/11/15 14:18 ID: hkpzp5m

Damn, 64 gigs. No wonder the IMC in your SOC is crying.

That's like what, quad rank? AMD probably doesn't officially support 3200 in such a configuration.

Lastly, SOC voltage is handled differently for boards when you enable XMP. So not every board might need the extra voltage.

Good that you figured it out for your system at least.

12 : Anonymous2021/11/15 14:20 ID: hkpzux0

Would this also help with attempting a mild o/c, 3200 to 3600? I have a feeling that my RAM can do it, but the system isn't stable.

ID: hksa5ly

I would say yes definitely. Though try not to get your SOC over 1.2V. Below that you shouldn't have issues.

13 : Anonymous2021/11/15 16:40 ID: hkqjdom

I don't use linux (on the ryzen computer), haven't had crashing in windows.

But I have had crashing while loading windows.

Initially, I set my voltage offset to -0.2. This solved the temperature issues I was seeing, and I left it. Then I had trouble booting into windows (about a month later, 1/3 boots would make it in).

I upped the voltage offset to -0.15. Same issue after about 2 months.

I've upped it now to -0.1. Seems to be stable thus far.


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