Ps plus loophole found?

1 : Anonymous2021/12/15 21:42 ID: rha72s

So there is this 50% discount on 12 months of ps+ for people who dont have ps+ currently. Which I really hated because my ps+ is ending in 20 days so I would miss the discount. But I've found a loophole, I can just by the subscription on another account on my ps4 and than i would have 2 subscriptions but when my first subscription is ended I can just use the subscription on the second account. Do note that the subscription starts immediately so you pay for a few days or months for nothing (depending on when your first subscription ends), but in a lot of cases this would still be cheaper than buying ps+ at full price. What are your thoughts on this?

2 : Anonymous2021/12/15 21:48 ID: hop6fpq

The downside of doing that is that you lose all the previous games that you got from ps+.

If you only use it to play online it will work.

ID: hop6w8y

So do all my ps+ plus game in my library be deleted? And do they come back when I buy ps+ back on my original account?

ID: hop84hk

They won't be deleted, you just won't be able to launch the games. They will be locked out. Only way to unlock them would to have the account they are "owned" by have ps+.

So you will not have any access to any ps+ from your first account.

No loophole there.

ID: hop86gm

You only can play your ps+ games in your account while the suscription is active in that account, if you use a suscription in another account you only have the games from that month onwards.

When you let your suscription end for a time a renew it you regain 99% of the games that you previosly teclaimed, I remember to read that are some games that you lost permanently if yo let it to end one of those being a NBA game.

3 : Anonymous2021/12/15 21:50 ID: hop6vuo

You don't even need another account you can get a 35-40% discount every year by buying it in the Black Friday sales and just extend your PS Plus contract.

ID: hop72q9

Well I kinda missed black friday

ID: hop7cir

I think they then do it again in the January Sales too as I recall.

4 : Anonymous2021/12/15 22:21 ID: hopbe9b

you'd lose access to all your ps+ games on your main account once it expires. then when that other account expires... you'd lose access to those as well.

5 : Anonymous2021/12/15 22:29 ID: hopcohu

Not a loophole. You just don't understand the concept why this is a bad idea.

6 : Anonymous2021/12/15 21:48 ID: hop6hci

You won’t be able to play all the previously acquired games from 1. Account.

But you will be able to get new monthly games and play them on 2. Account

ID: hop7lin

I checked it and if I just download it on the secondary account I can play it on the primary account

ID: hop8hws

Yeah, because plus is still active on your main account.

7 : Anonymous2021/12/15 21:48 ID: hop6i4i

You'd lose access to any ps plus redeemed on your old account.

8 : Anonymous2021/12/15 22:45 ID: hopezuy

No. Only some benefits of plus are shared between accounts. The ability to play online is a great one. Accessing PS Plus titles, however, is not a transferable benefit. You can only access ps plus titles when the account that redeemed them has an active subscription


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