- The digital PS5 version of River City Girls is planned to arrive in North America and Europe on Jan. 18
Nice! Yes.
This is the first time I’ve heard of this game after not playing any video games for about 10 years. I just YouTubed it and it gives me a lot of nostalgia. The game seems to play a lot like the Double Dragon Arcade game I loved back in the late 80s. Anyone who’s played this, is that accurate? It might be one I need to buy.
ID: hrefb7fID: hregds2Awesome! Thanks for the recommendation. I will check that one out too.
ID: hrf8jovThe River City and Double Dragon games share the same DNA - both were created by Technos. River City Girls even has some Double Dragon characters in it running the shops (and that big bald guy, Abobo, from the first level as a boss). My personal favorite version of the original Double Dragon is Double Dragon Advance. Try it on a GameBoy Advance emulator sometime!
What exactly makes the PS5 version any different than the PS4 version?
I saw that it was on sale on the PSN store.
I just got the ps4 version. I honestly don't know what they could possibly change for ps5.
ID: hrf942cYeah, the Switch version even runs great. It's not exactly a demanding game.
Bah I thought this was the second one!
No physical release huh?
ID: hregy9hThe physical release is due out in the first quarter of this year. But there's no specific date yet.
ID: hreh5z2Cool I’ll wait till then
Can you FEEL ME coming?
Hopefully this means the LRG physical versions will ship soon too
It’s definitely in the same genre, Beat Em Up. You should check out Streets of Rage 4 as well, if you haven’t. Beautiful art, beautiful ost, and one of my favorite co-op games in recent memory. My cousin and I ran through it and it has that arcade feel. Pretty dope to see this genre in a resurgence.