Eight Promising Improvements Coming To Horizon Forbidden West

1 : Anonymous2022/01/07 00:58 ID: rxu7hr
Eight Promising Improvements Coming To Horizon Forbidden West
2 : Anonymous2022/01/07 04:50 ID: hrlhmyn

This team has learned a lot. I think the story and writing will make or break this one as a masterpiece. I don’t doubt it will be polished at release next month and they clearly worked to evolve and diversify the gameplay.

ID: hrmasbk

Holy shit why have I only just really registered that it's next month this releases. I'm still mentally in 2021. Let's goooooo.

ID: hrn0lly

42 days. 6 weeks. Less if you digitally pre-order and download it at 6 weeks from midnight last night…not that I have a countdown widget on my phone or anything.

ID: hrm4x9d

I am thinking the same. With all the improvements the team have made, the only potential weak link could be the writing and the world engagement/ exploration. If they can nail these down as well, there is no way this game won’t be a 90+ Meta masterpiece.

ID: hrndy1g

I think they knocked the first game out of the park given what the studio was at the time of the first game and the resources they had available, and all the minor knocks on the game (e.g., some weak beat by beat storytelling despite an amazing plot, side quest fatigue, no facial animation) were just a result of those resource constraints. I have full faith in what they can do with more time to learn and an expanded budget.

3 : Anonymous2022/01/07 05:38 ID: hrln7fy

I really hope they expand upon melee combat. I found the bow to be much more effective in HZD.

ID: hrn67u5

The biggest thing I'm looking for is if i can play the game mostly melee. Doesn't have to be as good as bow against everything. Just that I can do it if I really want.

ID: hro88e7

Melee looks like a bad idea for the giant elephant...

ID: hrr3uv1

I don’t think it’s going to be ”mostly melee”, but they have added combos and stuff to make melee more viable against enemies, especially humans. But I wouldn’t expect it to be the main approach, Aloy is still very much an archer.

Check out this edited clip of a bunch of short combat bits:

/comments/racwq0/horizon_forbidden_west_melee_combat_evolved/" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://www.reddit.com//comments/racwq0/horizon_forbidden_west_melee_combat_evolved/

ID: hrr24a7

Watch the 14minute gameplay trailer They massively improved melee and human combat.

4 : Anonymous2022/01/07 01:19 ID: hrkofwt

god i’m such a slut for skill trees

ID: hrkqjnv

Nice to know I’m not the only heaux being pimped out by skill trees/builds.

ID: hrkyp2x

There’s dozens of us.

ID: hrmhf6g

Unless they're like the one in Assassins Creed Valhalla. Honestly a terrible system

ID: hrn7iu3

What were they thinking?lol That game was overwhelming in all the wrong places.

5 : Anonymous2022/01/07 03:40 ID: hrl8jxa

It's really nice to see that Guerrilla is acknowledging side quest rewards and providing much bette

loot that makes the endeavour worth it.

However, I really hope that the writing team does not use engaging rewards as an excuse to skimp on the quality/variety of the actual side quests. Having a good amount of high quality side quests and an engaging main quest-line is paramount in a game like this to make its 30-40hr playtime feel fun and memorable. I don't expect Witcher 3 level of writing, but something as good as the Frozen Wilds DLC or better would be warmly welcomed!

ID: hrng5oq

I don't expect Witcher 3 level of writing, but something as good as the Frozen Wilds DLC or better would be warmly welcomed!

Why not? We should expect more from our games by now. The fact that so many gaming consumers (I'm not trying to sound accusatory to you specifically) settle for mediocre has led game studios to continue to toss out shit instead. Halo, BF2042, CP2077 are all games shipped at embarrassing levels of polish, and they're just the biggest names of the last little while.

We should want our games to continue improving both in quality / fun and in story-telling. Getting quality gameplay, a polished final product, and good story-telling should be the baseline for single player experiences by now.

6 : Anonymous2022/01/07 02:21 ID: hrkxcwm

it appears each specialization has 20-30 skills

holy. shit.

ID: hrl3wv6

Set your expectations here. It’s easy to say 20-30 per tree. But no doubt it’s probably 10 or so actually different skills that you upgrade over time (Health +10 -> Health +20 -> Health +30, etc.)

It still seems like there’s a ton of different play styles and trees though! But I certainly would keep my expectations in check that not all “20-30” skills are uniquely different from the last.

ID: hrl4bxy

i’m moreso flipping shit because the first base game has 32 entire skills. even if the trees in forbidden west don’t have 30 entirely separate skills a piece, that’s still an insane improvement over the first game.

7 : Anonymous2022/01/07 07:51 ID: hrlzygb

The NPCs being so generic and boring was my biggest gripe.

Like they are meant to be living in a quasi caveman era in a desperate world with danger everywhere. They all talk and act like office workers on thier lunch that take zanex.

ID: hrm69lb

Agree. Something about the previous dialog was very off-putting. Felt like robots talking to each other.

ID: hrmvx04

Yeah, the NPC and side quests was weak, the world felt empty. Didn’t help I’d just finished Witcher 3, but hopefully it’s all improved now.

8 : Anonymous2022/01/07 14:10 ID: hrmymm4

I hope they fix the resource management in general. That’s been one of my biggest gripes with HZD.

ID: hrpg3oy

Having the need to pause every couple of minutes because my inventory was full ready made the experience of exploring everything less fun and after a while I just beelined the main story just so I won't have to deal with it.

9 : Anonymous2022/01/07 01:22 ID: hrkov78

Hope these skill tree changes actually diversify the gameplay. Zero dawn had a lot of gadgets, but bow and rattler was what everyone was using.

ID: hrlcixv

I use slings and bows the most. Never used a rattler.

ID: hrmn9kb

Tripwires too. I don't think I ever owned a rattler.

ID: hrluvva

Ice bow and blast sling!!

ID: hrkr337

The “machine master” skill tree gives me hope that there will be some good variation.

A whole skill tree based on controlling the machines indicates they are expanding controlling machines. Hopefully that will include giving instructions like attaching enemies.

ID: hrkv15w

They already confirmed attack and defend commands.

ID: hrln0gb

I never used rattler. I did probably use the rope caster too much though lol

ID: hrlqcgt

Rope caster was just too good. I never took it off my weapon wheel.

ID: hrln2y5

Was it?

I used a bow, but I often found myself using the sling and the trip caster. In fact, by the end I was using those two as my primary weapons, and absolutely dominating some of the bigger robots.

Throw out some freeze bombs, then lure them into blast traps and fight over.

Honestly don’t think I ever even used the rattler.

ID: hrlssxg

I never used the rattler either. Bow and trip caster were my mains. I loved the trip caster.

ID: hrm3926

I use 8 of the 9 arrow types regularly and use the rattler only when I want to muck around with it specifically.

Regular running around load out is one of each bow type and whichever fourth weapon feels fun at the time.

ID: hrnjr75

I ... don't think I ever used the rattler.

10 : Anonymous2022/01/07 01:24 ID: hrkp3y7

I was hoping person vs person combat would be on the list, we haven’t really seen much of it yet and all we’ve heard is that’s it’s been “improved”.

ID: hrkr7qv

This gameplay clip highlights the improved human combat pretty well

ID: hrl1bva

Honestly looks like a completely different game. I’m glad because the combat in the original bored me to death

ID: hrl5afl

she went from katniss everdeen to rambo so quick and i’m here for it

11 : Anonymous2022/01/07 09:45 ID: hrm911m

Horizon zero Dawn is a game about giant robotic dinosaurs, and beating the shit out of them with a bow and arrow. That's one of the coolest premises ever, which is how the game skated by with boring sidequests, robotic human animations, terrain that could be really obnoxious to get over sometimes, and a whole host of other issues that paled in comparison to robot dinosaurs being sick as hell.

I assumed general sequelization would occur with HFW, such as graphical improvements and more content to play. But the fact that they are specifically addressing my biggest issues with the original game leaves me very optimistic for where the game is heading.

ID: hrmfctr

I find it so odd that everyone always says that HZD is about robot dinosaurs but there's really only one machine type (maybe two if you count Watchers, not really sure whether they are mean to be dinosaurs or birds or something else) that is based on a dinosaur.

ID: hrmfqwr

That's..... Well.... That's a good point actually. I'd guess the caveman aesthetic has a hand in that, but I've never thought about how few robots are actually like dinosaurs.

ID: hrnimir

Which is why they need more dinosaurs. Give me an ankylosaurus robot and a therizinosaurus robot

ID: hrmtalr

Yeah it's true, it's robot animals, not really dinosaurs

12 : Anonymous2022/01/07 07:48 ID: hrlzogb

That's cool and all, but I just want to ride the flying dinosaur-machines

13 : Anonymous2022/01/07 20:31 ID: hrooeas

A second weapon wheel would be a great improvement. It really hurts the immersion and the flow of the game when you always have to swap weapons in the inventory.

14 : Anonymous2022/01/07 07:09 ID: hrlw7g7

you can make jobs for resources needed already in hzd. why is it shown as improvement here?

ID: hrocpjy

You could, but if I remember correctly it was more just basically a sticky note to remind you what you’re looking for. The article makes it seem like it will be more of a guide to the right locations and actually help guarantee a part drop when active


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