Horizon Forbidden West Will Have a Single ‘Strong and Impactful’ Ending

1 : Anonymous2022/01/22 13:51 ID: sa2yc4
Horizon Forbidden West Will Have a Single ‘Strong and Impactful’ Ending
2 : Anonymous2022/01/22 14:19 ID: htqtwwc

Just like the first game. It’s a narrative experience that wouldn’t make much sense with multiple branching storylines imo

ID: htqwbmi

True. I can only think of Mass Effect when it comes to pulling off branchin paths throughout an entire trilogy of games... and even Bioware kinda fumbled it with ME3's ending

ID: htqx8g4

The ending of ME3 was “fumbled” for different reasons though. I would say BioWare pretty masterfully pulled off the branching paths throughout the trilogy, I was constantly amazed by how my decisions (particularly the little ones) carried over between games, and left me still feeling bad in the third game about things I did in the first game.

ID: htrrwhc

Even though it's a single choice, Gears 5 pulled off a branching path sequence extremely well, and each outcome still sitting with me even a year after playing it. That story doesn't get nearly enough credit.

ID: htruu94

Dragon age sorta did that too. Just a BioWare thing I think. Although I haven’t played ME so maybe it pulls it off much better

ID: htra3xe

Witcher also had it.

ID: hts9pts

Did anyone ever think otherwise?

3 : Anonymous2022/01/22 15:28 ID: htr2zpt

Turns out we were the machines all along.

ID: htrh1du

The true machines were the friends we made along the way.

4 : Anonymous2022/01/22 14:16 ID: htqtn4b

I’m ok with this.

ID: htr3764

IMO, with story heavy games, this is always the best option.

Most times, when games have multiple endings it comes down to a button prompt and people end up watching the other endings on Youtube afterwards.

I wish more games committed to one great, impactful ending. Ghost of Tsushima, in my opinion, had one ending that was vastly superior to the other, more emotional, poetic, and dramatic. But nobody chose it because it was labeled as the "bad ending". Now if they ever made sequels they are forced to choose or ignore the ending and its consequences, which is pretty lame. Last time sucker punch did a sequel to a game like that, the chose going by trophy data, but everyone always goes for the "good ending" in games, makes no sense to decide by trophy data.

ID: htr1ppp

Absolutely 100%. I'm expecting a huge amount of feels. And a game's replay value isn't always from getting a different ending, it can just be from reliving great gameplay. Kudos to this team for this decision

ID: htrqlas

Replayability comes hella fun gameplay. I think Horizon’s combat is one of its strongest gameplay elements. Picking apart machine’s layered armor and quickly flipping through ammo types. Huge variety in machine types and their abilities. I really hope this gets expanded on with a fun end game loop.

5 : Anonymous2022/01/22 14:34 ID: htqvv7z

I actually hate when games have different ending.

ID: htqwwk4

Agreed, it just doesn’t make sense for upcoming games if there are anymore in the series, which id be surprised if there wasn’t.

ID: htrcvw6

yeah… that’s why devs pick one ending and then continue the series lol

ID: htqz0if

I like it simple, when there's 2-3 but they don't require too much effort to get to.

Persona 5 does it pretty well, you don't have to go hunting for these endings and they make it pretty obvious which one is actually the real ending

ID: htr9qkx

Persona 5 Royal spoilers in this comment: Persona 5 Royal having multiple endings for the third semester fits the themes of the game really well and matches the choice of the characters to accept their reality or change it

ID: htqyjq3

In my experience all it does is lead to literally never ending debates and arguments about which is "canon", or better, or which doesn't make sense, or which sets up a sequel, etc...

I get people want replayability in games but it's not done well enough in most cases to be worth it for me.

ID: hts0q9x

When studios boast how impactful your choices will be and it’s always the most mundane shit.

ID: htrfbnp

I liked what Rockstar did with Red Dead.

ID: htqyde0

Same. It feels artificial and forced most times. The only time I enjoyed different endings was in Sekiro where they are tied to the lore of the game and options of the player and actually are different enough to warrant them.

ID: htrdmgr

Metro Exodus says hi

6 : Anonymous2022/01/22 14:31 ID: htqvgyy

Just one time I want a press release to say “Actually our planned ending is pretty mediocre and kinda shitty to be honest.”

ID: htrp1xv

"You'll see a scroll of Japanese names and you'll think it's a joke."

ID: hts0ujt

What is this referring to?

7 : Anonymous2022/01/22 15:52 ID: htr6ent

Well hopefully you don't revert back to before the ending like in the first game, I hate it when games fo that.

ID: htrodg2

Spider-Man and Miles Morales just let you re-access missions via a menu once you complete the game. So NYC is open for you to just swing around in and complete side shit. I really like that approach.

ID: htra6vh

Yeah it makes it feel like you never really finish the game. Its a shame that after sinking 50+ hours into Breath of the Wild and beating the final boss, you are still stuck in the same corrupted Hyrule you spent the entire game in.

ID: htrabpi

Exactly Breath of the Wild is at the top of my list of offenders on this one.

ID: htrji9o

I honestly think it should give you an option.

In Breath of the Wild, I think it would be nice to give you the option to kill the boss, and after that, every enemy you kill stays dead. That way, you can feel like you’re making the place safer.

Obviously, this makes the replay ability less, but you could make this decision when you’re almost done with the game. You could have it dependent on clearing all of the shrines first too.

ID: hts1uhc

At least with Horizon you get the trophy “Ended the war machine threat” to signify you did indeed complete the game.

8 : Anonymous2022/01/22 14:38 ID: htqwa7q

I actually like how Horizon handles dialogue options. Not everything needs to have far reaching implications. Sometimes you just want to throw a rock at some asshole kid, or tell Landra to fuck off without it actually mattering in the grand scheme.

ID: htqzx3h

Yeah, I personally get irritated when I feel that I have to google what a particular response will do because the last seemingly innocuous one ended up with me becoming Baby Eater McGee who literally everyone hates because I chose to tell someone off who was a dick.

9 : Anonymous2022/01/22 14:38 ID: htqwatg

this is good news

i don't like games with multiple endings

unless its Life is Strange.

ID: htqxqmk

I would add Detroit: Become Human.

ID: htr0zno

Can’t forget about Metro Exodus too. Every level has your “moral points” and based on those, certain characters either stay with your crew or end up dying bc of your bad karma. And it all piles together at the end of the game; one of the few games I really enjoyed with multiple ways to go about it

10 : Anonymous2022/01/22 14:18 ID: htqttfu

How is this an article? Isn't that just sort of expected in any single player game focused on narrative?

ID: htr8dzh

Tell that to people who were furious that the ending of TLOU2 didn't give them a choice.

Guys...neither did the first game...

ID: htqu1uz

There are games focused on narrative that have multiple endings.

ID: htqwifd

Narrative driven games sometimes brag with branching paths or how many different endings they have.

11 : Anonymous2022/01/22 14:53 ID: htqycib

As much as I love the Witcher 3 (nearly 250 hours and the Platinum), the WORST part about the game is how simple and easy it is to get the actual worst ending. I won’t spoil cause I know there are a lot of people waiting for the next gen upgrade, but it’s such a fuck you to the player, and if you’ve played you know what I’m talking about. You almost need a guide to not get the bad ending.

This is great and is a good way to make me believe they have a strong narrative plan. It also avoids any of the above bullshit.

ID: htr2l4h

I've played the game like 3 times and don't know what you're talking about. What is it?

I know there's a stupid moment with someone where you tell them to back off or something and the game stupidly snaps his leg. But other than that I've not known anything about a bad ending being easy to get.

ID: htr7v9p

There's 3 or 4 very obvious key decisions, as they're (as far as I can remember) the only ones that have a time limit. I think OP is exaggerating how difficult it is to get the best ending. You have to really be a dick, or a bad father figure, to Ciri for the bad ending.

ID: htr86f5

I actually love the way the Witcher 3 handled the multiple things endings. It really makes dialogue choices matter in the way you treat the characters. I beat the game like 5 times and never once did I feel it was unfair if you ended up with the bad ending based on the choices you make.

12 : Anonymous2022/01/22 17:08 ID: htrhqoe

Thank goodness. Hate those multiple choices will lead to multiple endings. Works well in some game but not all.

13 : Anonymous2022/01/22 14:28 ID: htqv2lu

Good. I hate non-linear stories.

14 : Anonymous2022/01/22 15:04 ID: htqzrxt

Well, luckily we don't have much longer to wait. Interested to see how this one is recieved

15 : Anonymous2022/01/22 15:39 ID: htr4ihm

I am fine with this. I got teary when Aloy meet her “mother” for first time. Also the song during that scene was sad too.

16 : Anonymous2022/01/22 22:54 ID: htsxriv

Thank fucking God. I've been in the game game for 25 years and I am absolutely burnt out on multiple ending open world games. There's not enough time, dawg, and I would prefer to fully experience the I tended narrative in a game without having to unlock ultra mode after beating the game 7 times


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