Horizon Forbidden West: 32 Impressive Little Details

1 : Anonymous2022/01/26 19:39 ID: sdef6c
Horizon Forbidden West: 32 Impressive Little Details
2 : Anonymous2022/01/26 20:05 ID: huc8pbc

Now when you reach the inventory limit of healing fruits/shit you can still pick up and it will be sent to a stash, thank god.

ID: hucwlic

Seriously this sucked.

3 : Anonymous2022/01/26 20:08 ID: huc95a7

I'm loving everything I heard in this ign preview. I'll be there day 1.

4 : Anonymous2022/01/26 21:40 ID: hucomsw

Cant wait to get lost in this world. Im doing everything to 101%. Only concern I have is with looting excessive amounts of inventory like branches, rocks, etc that adds up and become useless and just sell them. It was cumbersom with HZD.

5 : Anonymous2022/01/26 22:53 ID: hud0glc

I hope they do a good job with the adaptive triggers and haptic feedback.

6 : Anonymous2022/01/26 20:06 ID: huc8s5o

Looks like IGN got an exclusive preview.

7 : Anonymous2022/01/26 20:27 ID: huccgyq

Going to be amazing. Hope there's a massive difference between ps4 snd ps5 versions.

ID: hucw188

I hope there is not hahah, I know these cross gen titles sucks for new gen users because it's basically limiting what they could be getting with their new consoles.

But since not only is hard to get a PS5 but also I won't have the money to get one in the foreseeable future I really hope the PS4 version isn't that much different from the PS5. I loved HZD and it would suck to experience a significantly worse version of HFW, like Thief or Shadow of Mordor in PS3 compared to PS4.

ID: hud1v0e

The games aren’t going anywhere. Even if you have to wait a bit longer for it, wouldn’t you want PS5 HFW to be the best that it can be?

ID: hucxkov

I used to be pissed about these games being cross-get, until I realized that literally all of my friends don't have a PS5 due to money or stock constrains. So know I 100% understand and agree with your perspective in this. But Playstation is on a really awkward position now.

If they make the game play well on both consoles then the next gen console owners will feel cheated for buying a new console. If it runs bad on the PS4 then those users will be upset for getting a "inferior" product. On top of fanboys from all over the console market will shit on the game for not looking "next generation".

You're dammed if you do and dammed if you don't.

ID: hud5ctp

You should be wanting them to push the tech for next gen as much as possible, it benefits both sides if this happens. Its kind of selfish that you want the ps5 version to be the same as ps4 just because you haven't been able to get your hands on one. When you do manage to get your hands on one, dont you want the experience to be the best it can be.

8 : Anonymous2022/01/26 23:12 ID: hud38xw

This looks frigging amazeballs.
Whenever I read someone stating "I found the first one boring" I can't help comparing to people saying "Yeah I tried reading a book once but I gave up after page 2, nothing happened"...

ID: hud5pjq

There’s nothing wrong with finding a game boring, people have different tastes in games. That’s why it’s subjective. Because to be frank I found the game boring. I see the appeal I wish I liked it more, but honestly thought it wad a drag.

9 : Anonymous2022/01/26 21:29 ID: hucmxki

Wish there was fishing in this game

ID: hud3le6

They created a new fisherman but he took an arrow to the knee

10 : Anonymous2022/01/26 22:08 ID: huctd4p

I've tried playing the first one and I just can't man, I want to like it but it's so boring

ID: hucvkaw

Sounds like a you problem

ID: hucwc3e

Yup, I'm not bashing the game it's just not meant for me.

ID: hucynl8

I really liked the game but yeah I totally appreciate that it’s not for everyone - in a lot of ways it’s “video game: the game”

Not sure if hot take, but how you feel about Horizon is exactly how I feel about Ghosts of Tsushima. Totally get why people love it but it just did nothing for me

ID: hud71jl

I loved H:ZD, but GoT is easily one of the most overrated games of the past ten years.

ID: hud0qg0

I haven't finished the game yet. I missed the last generation of gaming, and when I got my PS5 this was the first game I played. I stopped playing it as other games came out, and I've found it incredibly hard to get back into.

ID: hucx218

Agreed, it sucks because on paper it's an amazing game.

ID: hucyhib

Yeah robot dinosaur hunter simulator sounds awesome, but in reality it's more like fetch quest simulator with a million icons on the map.

11 : Anonymous2022/01/26 20:19 ID: hucayl5

Too bad the foliage doesn't react to Alloy's movements. This issue was also in Zero Dawn although the PC version fixed it.

Imagine if the game wasn't held back by the PS4.

ID: huchtdh

Did we watch the same footage? The foliage does now react to alloy’s movements.

ID: huckz2t

He's a troll

ID: hucrtq3

The foliage does now react to alloy’s movements.

Some do and some don't.

Large grass for instance some times moves but you don't see smaller stuff getting crushed when Alloy steps on them.

Digital Foundry said this too after the state of play gameplay reveal.

ID: hud3syj

Eh? The IGN Preview specifically states that all foliage reacts to Aloy.. And the videos also show that.. Are we looking at the same videos?

ID: hucl76n

Bro really? How does that affect gameplay?

ID: hucqnzz

How does any of the graphics effect gameplay? They immerse you deeper into the gameworld.


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