PlayStation Plus games for February: EA Sports UFC 4, Planet Coaster: Console Edition, Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep: A Wonderlands One-shot Adventure

1 : Anonymous2022/01/26 16:30 ID: sd9ylk
PlayStation Plus games for February: EA Sports UFC 4, Planet Coaster: Console Edition, Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep: A Wonderlands One-shot Adventure
2 : Anonymous2022/01/26 16:54 ID: hubcc7l

Is planet coaster like roller coaster Tycoon?

ID: hubczlr

It's the reverse RCT. Way more detailed in building things, but less crucial management.

ID: hubex0e

That’s kinda a bummer for me, I liked the management of the RCT games.

ID: huc1cwp

The new trend with these kind of games is super detailed, block-by-block building but I lowkey miss the simple building-dropping games of the past.

It was much easier to make something look good without having to be an architect lol

ID: hubxq30

Roller coaster tycoon was one of my favourite games as a kid, the management aspect is probably why I'm studying business now lol

3 : Anonymous2022/01/26 16:34 ID: hub8vch

I thought it was Tiny Tina Wonderlands for a second and got really excited...

ID: hubafoo

Fuck I did too. I was wondering why everyone isn’t hyped. Not getting the PS5 version would suck though.

ID: huc2gbt

On the website it says that you’ll only get the ps4 version for free of this Borderlands game. It also says that you’ll only get the ps5 version of rollercoaster free, the ps4 version wont be free.

ID: hubjztm

Yeah mate me too, got fooled once again

ID: hub9tx8

I know what you mean, that would be a crazy game to get for free.

4 : Anonymous2022/01/26 16:48 ID: hubbcox

Planet coaster was one of the first games I bought on PS5 - it's a lot of fun!

ID: hubha8w

Is it like rollercoaster tycoon type of game?

ID: hubi5p3

Technically, it IS Rollercoaster Tycoon!!

I believe the studio was already building the new RCT but some situation ended up forcing them to change the IP and instead make Planet Coaster out of the build.

ID: hubgd7k

It’s been in my cart during every sale but I’ve never pulled the trigger. So glad to be getting it finally.

5 : Anonymous2022/01/26 17:07 ID: hubeitl

Can you do evil things in Planet Coaster like you could in Roller Coaster Tycoon? Like create coasters that just launch the car into open air, or drop cranky guests into a lake?

ID: hubxutn

I have a ton of hours in Rimworld and kept wondering when I became such a sick fuck. RCT was definitely the beginning. Throw up in this walkway one more time and I’m launching you to the moon in my unfinished coaster!

ID: huc7csj

Here's a good example.

ID: huc7mxu

Oh absolutely. You can check out Let’s Game It Out on YouTube to see some truly psychopathic park shenanigans.

6 : Anonymous2022/01/26 16:59 ID: hubd92g

Planet Coaster is a great time eater. There are some amazingly detailed parks you can make or download. The management side isn't the strongest, but the freedom allowed when building is fantastic. The controls are odd at first, but the tutorial does a good job of easing you into them, and you'll find they work fairly well.

ID: hubekcw

The controls are odd at first, but the tutorial does a good job of easing you into them, and you'll find they work fairly well.

This is what I am most curious about. These kind of games usually feel better with a mouse and keyboard. But, I've been really wanting to check out Planet Coaster for a while so I am willing to learn it on a controller.

ID: hubi910

I dont doubt good devs. Jurassic Park controls surprised me very positively.

7 : Anonymous2022/01/26 16:47 ID: hubb6py

I like games that I probably wouldn't spend money on normally.

I kinda wanted to try UFC, but couldn't bring myself to spend money on it.

So I'm pretty happy, same goes for Planet Coaster, I'm assuming I'll play it for an hour and never play it again, but now and then I come across a big surprise. Like last month, Deep Rock Galactic is my most played game for the month, and ill probably sink a few hundred more hours into it in 2022.

ID: hubwee9

Deep Rock Galactic is way more fun than I was expecting

ID: huc5zf2

Deep Rock is a great game. I didn't even know what it was before ps plus. People have to stop being so angry about ps plus games they've never heard of and at least look into them a bit imo.

ID: hubiotr

It’s the worst UFC they’ve released but it’s still a super fun and competent fighting game. There’s the occasional BS glitching or animations messing up but it’s a pretty fun and strategic game to play online once you get the hang of it.

8 : Anonymous2022/01/26 17:28 ID: hubi1yh

Planet Coaster sounds cool. Is it a full theme park sim? I used to love Theme Park on PS2.

ID: hubtwbk

Theme park was the shit, I loved how you could increase caffeine in the drinks and people would zoom around, and you could just kick people out of the park if they had no money left.

ID: hubl8eo

Yeah, full Theme Park where you’ve got to pass scenario’s etc as you build your park up. A lot of fun.

9 : Anonymous2022/01/26 16:34 ID: hub8xqp

Planet coaster so I'm very happy this month!

ID: hubbaf6

I‘ve put many hours into it already and can really recommend it. Such a beautiful and detailed game! At least I won’t have to get up to swap the disc anymore lol

10 : Anonymous2022/01/26 17:07 ID: hubeidy

Does planet coaster have missions or is it more of an endless builder type?

ID: hubhnh2

There are different parks and scenarios, similar to RCT, that have to be completed to finish a park. There are 1, 2 and 3 star missions/scenarios for each park in career mode. Definitely a lot of fun if you're a fan of RCT. I think it even has some of the same developers from RCT.

ID: hubpto8

Sounds cool I’m much more into these games when there’s a goal

11 : Anonymous2022/01/26 17:40 ID: hubk861

I’ve never played the tiny Tina dlc. So I’ll play that!

12 : Anonymous2022/01/26 19:20 ID: huc11s0

Planet Coaster is an awesome game!!!!

13 : Anonymous2022/01/26 16:32 ID: hub8ms8

No wonder they didn’t leak this month, there’s nothing worth leaking

ID: hubaxv5

Yup, one is literally a dlc.

ID: hubbzn1

Especially when the handsome collection was on plus back in 2019 which includes that DLC

ID: hubhjig

Idk why the didn't just give Borderlands 3, like I get this is just stupid promotion for Wonderlands but like Borderlands 3 is 2.5 years old and costs like $15 now lmao

ID: hubf1f2

Planet Coaster is an amazing game though.

14 : Anonymous2022/01/26 17:33 ID: hubivn3

I’m always just about to buy planet coaster. Glad to see it on ps plus!

15 : Anonymous2022/01/26 16:47 ID: hubb7pu

Still having too much fun on Deep Rock.

ID: hubfz26
ID: hubit7p

Hurry up I haven’t got all day!

ID: hubpd0j

FOR KARL!!!!!!!

16 : Anonymous2022/01/26 16:44 ID: hubal7o

Planet coaster, nice. I was thinking about buying it, good thing I held off.

UFC isn't really my thing, but that's a solid addition as well.

ID: hubdc48

It's a really fun game to kill time and relax. The music is pretty soothing too

ID: hubfvgn

Wouldn't expect soothing and relaxing to describe a UFC game, but to each their own!

17 : Anonymous2022/01/26 17:26 ID: hubhome

I literally almost bought Planet Coaster 2 weeks ago with my last Sony Rewards gift card. So glad I decided to wait lol

18 : Anonymous2022/01/26 17:02 ID: hubdncm

Planet coaster is amazing


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