Star Wars Eclipse is reportedly inspired by The Last of Us

1 : Anonymous2022/01/30 13:41 ID: sg9f55
Star Wars Eclipse is reportedly inspired by The Last of Us
2 : Anonymous2022/01/30 15:32 ID: huv1era

I think they probably meant narrative driven 3rd person game.

ID: huvfdi4

Nope, they’re gonna kill Luke Skywalker with a golf club

ID: huvh0e4

Then Grogu is gonna hunt them down and murder all their friends.

ID: huvgkw2

This is now canon Lmao

ID: huvljed

I don’t get the hate for tlou but that genuinely made me laugh out loud.

/still better than Luke in the last Jedi

ID: huvnbr2

… so it’s gonna be like force unleashed and fallen order? Why even mention the last of us

ID: huvqvro

Because one of those 3 has won 100s of awards and critical acclaim recently.

ID: huvjwfx

“Ghost train ride” is the academic term.

3 : Anonymous2022/01/30 16:11 ID: huv79sx

Yousa know Ani, wesa really daa lasten of us.

ID: huvm4i5

i hate you

ID: huwuwp2

I love him

4 : Anonymous2022/01/30 14:38 ID: huutzx9

Prepare for a bunch of strangling scenes

ID: huvfw16

Getting prepared for Darth Maul to rock up to Qui-Gon Jinn and hitting him with a lightclub

ID: huvffrf

Force strangling. Vader style.

ID: huv665x


For some reason I kept reading it as strange-ling and was like "what is this? is this some sort of ritual in star wars and we will see a lot of it here because last of us was cited as this game's inspiration?" stupid brain.

5 : Anonymous2022/01/30 15:07 ID: huuxxs1

Can we please see dudes get dismembered with the lightsaber? I think there’s a fine line with replicating its power in game without making it OP, but they can do better than fallen order where the saber becomes an electric baton

ID: huvm9c3

Unfortunately this likely won't happen. In a Fallen Order making of documentary it showed the collaboration between the studio and Lucasfilm, and the current standards of Lucasfilm apparently reserve human dismemberment for "significant plot moments." This was why we could dismember creatures but not people.

So unless Lucasfilm under Disney reverses policy we won't see much lightsaber gore.

ID: huvh2lu

Yea, I’d like some accuracy. Don’t shy away from a bit of gore. Not even like you’d need a lot of blood or anything, I’d imagine a lightsaber wound could also instantly cauterize most of it

ID: huvxe1i

No blood. Light saber cauterizes it’s wound immediately

ID: huvpnt3

Or get stabbed... 28 times.

ID: huwg6wr

Probably wants to avoid an M rating.

6 : Anonymous2022/01/30 14:47 ID: huuv6w9

Twitter user @accngt claimed this weekend that the Star Wars game will be an open-world adventure that also features multiplayer, which is being worked on seperately by Quantic Dream’s Montreal team.

The Quantic Dream Paris team is said to be working on “cinematics, story, level art” and the game’s engine.

Does this really tell us anything? This is David Cage, right? All the games he's well-known for are story driven. Sure, they've had interesting or different gameplay than something like TLoU but they're still all about the story.

Or is this saying that the gameplay will be more traditional like TLoU and I'm just too dumb to see that? I guess that can be taken from the fact that there will be multiplayer. Imagine playing a multiplayer version of Heavy Rain. Lol

ID: huuw11b

The big news about this game is that it's supposed to be an action-adventure game unlike QD's previous games that were more like interactive movies.

ID: huv757b

Where did you see this?

I found this on the website:

a new action-adventure, multiple-character branching narrative game set in the High Republic era of the iconic Star Wars™ galaxy, now early in development.

Sounds like QD's MO.

ID: huuw4u4

That's what I was looking for. Guess I just missed it. Or haven't been following along enough. Ha. Thanks

ID: huv79ob

David Cage is in Paris so he and his team will do the cinematics and story. These guys are at Montreal:

Stéphane D'Astous, formerly head of Eidos Montreal and founder of Square Enix Montreal, is appointed General Manager of Quantic Dream Montreal. Yohan Cazaux, previously Project Lead Game Designer on Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, joins him as Gameplay Director for Quantic Dream’s new projects in development.

This seems to be their first game? I think we should expect a different type of game.

7 : Anonymous2022/01/30 16:50 ID: huvd7y2

kills an ewok "Fucker!"

8 : Anonymous2022/01/30 17:13 ID: huvgw51

Can I tape scissors on my lightsaber tho

9 : Anonymous2022/01/30 16:34 ID: huvatwe

I just want a star wars game with a character creator and a compelling story like Kotor... Is that so hard to ask?

I mean new star wars game... Not a remake which I am gonna play ofc... But damn what's so hard about making a new Star wars RPG ip???

10 : Anonymous2022/01/30 17:50 ID: huvmmwt

Fuck that, give me a smuggler game that's like Death Stranding.

11 : Anonymous2022/01/30 16:16 ID: huv7z9a

I hope they don’t mean in terms of story. The “grumpy male hero gets forced to go on adventure with child and slowly bonds with them” thing has already been done to death in Star Wars in the last couple of years.

ID: huvolg3

I’m cool with it as long as Danny Devito is the grumpy male hero

ID: huwfv03

That “Trope” is a big part of The Mandalorian as well, and Pedro Pascal will be playing Joel in the tlou show. Funny little coincidence there.

ID: huvqpem

Tlou is way more then that.

ID: huw74lm

It’s an over simplification, yes TLOU has way more, but that’s the main driving premise. They just don’t want the same thing for Star Wars, as it’s been done a lot by Star Wars too

ID: huwaucm

That's just a pretty common story arc, even in film. Children of Men, Logan, the Road, etc...

It works especially well in games because it gives the main character a consistent foil to show progress and change through banter that keeps non-combat sequences entertaining.

That being said, I don't think every game should do that. They should try and find new ways to reach the same goal.

ID: huwh1k1

Repeated story beats are also a lot easier to digest over the course of a feature length movie than a video game you're going to be spending 20+ hours in.

12 : Anonymous2022/01/30 14:13 ID: huuqqos

Oh please God don't let David Cage try to write a narrative like that. This guy has the subtlety of a fucking elephant and the writing sense of a baboon.

ID: huuw5a1

tbf Detroit wasn't bad

ID: huuwcxy

Neither of his games are bad per say, they just have bad writing all over them and his behaviour is plastered on all of them in certain ways.

ID: huv7y8m

It wasn't but the writing wasn't exactly stellar either.

ID: huvgm4d

But in terms of dialogue, Detroit and TLOU are the opposite ends of the slider.

ID: huurblb

Fits right into the level of the new trilogy

ID: huuzolz

Fits into all the trilogies. Star wars was never known for subtlety

13 : Anonymous2022/01/30 13:44 ID: huundam

So like every story-driven game from the past decade?

14 : Anonymous2022/01/30 16:59 ID: huvenlh

Games that market themselves as being inspired by other games always suck

15 : Anonymous2022/01/30 19:16 ID: huw08i7

Just like how Project Ragtag was supposed to be inspired by Uncharted, before getting nixed. It's not clear EA has the wherewithal to meet its ambition.

ID: huw0a8x

Project Ragtag

Project Ragtag was a codename for an untitled third-person action-adventure video game set within the Star Wars universe. It had been under development by Visceral Games since around 2013 and set to be published by Electronic Arts before its cancellation in 2017. The project was led by the creator of the Uncharted series, Amy Hennig. It is a linear game about a large-scale heist, taking place in the wake of events of Star Wars IV: A New Hope.

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16 : Anonymous2022/01/30 14:54 ID: huuw40s

Oh goodie.

17 : Anonymous2022/01/30 14:57 ID: huuwh1g

Oh god. David cage writing about the cycle of violence. What a joy.


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