Quantic Dream’s PS4 tech demo is reportedly coming to PS5 as ‘Dreamland’

1 : Anonymous2022/01/30 15:58 ID: sgc4uv
Quantic Dream’s PS4 tech demo is reportedly coming to PS5 as ‘Dreamland’
2 : Anonymous2022/01/30 17:08 ID: huvg3kf

That would be ace.

3 : Anonymous2022/01/30 23:45 ID: hux7j5m

So a tech demo or a game?

4 : Anonymous2022/01/30 19:04 ID: huvyc2b

Why they would release a PS4 tech demo on PS5?! Whats the logic behind this?

ID: huw5j58

Same reason the PS3 Tech demo 'Kara' became Detroit become human on PS4

ID: huwcf8h

Damn, that’s interesting.

ID: huwu87q

Matrix game for ps6 confirmed.

ID: huw1axw

It started as a PS4 tech demo

ID: huwe2q2

They mean a game based on the demo.

ID: hux6pjt

Tech demos are often too demanding to actually work in a game. So while the PS4 hardware could render it it can't render it and do anything else. PS5 could

ID: hux875i

Because tech demos are more of a next gen tech demo than current gen.

5 : Anonymous2022/01/30 21:00 ID: huwgso0

Am I the only one who thinks anything David Cage is behind is pure shit? Can't for the life of me understand why some fans/ppl in the industry treat him like, let's say, Kojima.

His writing is atrocious and the games are so cringe it hurts.

ID: huwhs22

Naw you're not alone Cage is a terrible person and writer who has no idea what subtle means and that's coming from someone who genuinely enjoys his games for the junkfood nonsensical experiences they are

ID: hux4gks

Detroit was amazing tho

ID: huwjfs4

Do you guys literally come into any thread where Quantic Dream is even mentioned just to attack David Cage?

We get it, you all hate everything he's ever done. It's getting boring now.

ID: huwnbqh

I actually just got done saying I enjoy a majority of what he's done I just think he's a bad writer and person also I don't think I've ever talked about Cage before on Reddit

ID: huwvzep

Relax dude, people have opinions.

ID: huwp0s7

I would argue that while I enjoy Kojima's games, the writing in those is also mediocre at best. He gets away with it through a Fancher-like plot reveals and Japanese cinematic tropes.

I adore videogames, but if we were to put the best storytelling in games against the best in novels or even cinema, the medium comes up short. Nier: Automata and Disco Elysium are the only ones that compete at the highest levels imo.

That said, Detroit: Become Human sits at ~Matrix-level writing. Not bad, not revolutionary - but both get touted as groundbreaking. I found it a strong attempt to produce a clear, succinct future dystopia with a reasonable ability to focus on both the micro and macro outcomes of that environment. The Alice-Kara storyline had me invested.

ID: huwrkub

Bruh, you were sort of making sense in the first paragraph but then you went on to praise Nier Automata which is far more guilty of the Japanese tropes you speak of. You are immediately entering weebtopia as soon as you boot up that game.

6 : Anonymous2022/01/30 19:59 ID: huw70i4

Would be cool, kind of late now though.

ID: huwntfj

What do you mean? It was a tech demo, it was never going to be a PS4 game

7 : Anonymous2022/01/30 18:09 ID: huvppo0

Shouldn’t they be working on Star Wars Eclipse?

ID: huvstal

You understand that they have different groups working on different projects correct?

ID: huvuo4i

Are they big enough for that?

8 : Anonymous2022/01/30 17:09 ID: huvg8az

Old news.

9 : Anonymous2022/01/30 16:11 ID: huv78sn


ID: huva1lh

Not really, the unreal engine 5 tech demo was available only on console and it brought in a ton people who wanted to check it out.

ID: huvc9iy

They deleted the comment, but I'm pretty sure they confused this as being about the game Dreams by Media Molecule. So not only did they do the classic "read the title, not the article", they didn't even read the title properly.

10 : Anonymous2022/01/30 18:14 ID: huvqhpv


ID: huvs9g4

So here's a question? How come video game "journalists" are so god damn awful at linking their sources in the articles they write?

It's right there in the article lmao. Did you actually read it? Petty recreational outrage.

ID: huw4ro4

Click on the tweet in the article.


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