Hogwarts Legacy Could Be Released In September, Next Trailer Possibly In February or March

1 : Anonymous2022/01/30 07:51 ID: sg448q
Hogwarts Legacy Could Be Released In September, Next Trailer Possibly In February or March
2 : Anonymous2022/01/30 08:10 ID: hutv4ev

I love how this guy wouldn't even post the twitter link. What a joke website.

ID: huv5qen

I stopped checking out the google news feed because it’s literally nothing but garbage websites like this. It’s just a waste of time.

ID: huvc2q3

You can make it so it hides certain sources.

3 : Anonymous2022/01/30 08:16 ID: hutvlhy

"Could", "possibly", lol okay I won't hold my breath

ID: huuc879

I'd ban rumours on this sub. I'd link to the ones that do that but I'd ban them here.. everyone posts about some random on the internet that posts something that sounds good.

ID: huuso4d

Let’s get rid of pictures of ps5’s too

ID: huwe2g3

It depends on the source of the rumor though. Like, there’s that one guy that always accurately leaks the next month’s PS+ games.

ID: huw84oo

Don't understand why people keep upvoting this shit here. Never happens on

or xbox subreddits.. bad moderation?

ID: huw9oja

And it could be a buggy mess..

4 : Anonymous2022/01/30 08:37 ID: hutx8as

"Game could release this year... new trailer could come in the next month or two".


ID: huuh7vd

I've heard new trailer next week since October..

ID: huurud9

Sony could give you 1 billion dollars and possibly say fuck off with the money

ID: huwe6m7

I predict you will have lunch sometime this week. It may or may not be a sandwich of some type.

5 : Anonymous2022/01/30 09:20 ID: huu0kwp

Hope this game has quidditch. Seems like a no brainer

ID: huwpl01

Feel like they would've included it in the first teaser, so I doubt it tbh

ID: huwwxzf

The trailer shows students with brooms and promo images include the quidditch pitch. I’d say it’s very likely there will be quidditch.

6 : Anonymous2022/01/30 13:34 ID: huum9a3

I've heard several rumors about this game last year but none of them eventually came true.

7 : Anonymous2022/01/30 12:12 ID: huue5st

I'll believe it when I'm playing it

8 : Anonymous2022/01/30 09:35 ID: huu1rwb

Delay it as long as possible just dont Cyberpunk it

9 : Anonymous2022/01/30 08:02 ID: hutug6p

I’m so ready.

10 : Anonymous2022/01/30 11:05 ID: huu8q8t

Please!!! All I need is this game!!!

11 : Anonymous2022/01/30 09:32 ID: huu1hub

Delay it to 2025 and make the best Hogwarts game ever. Please. If this tanks, it’ll ruin any chance of any more Harry Potter universe games :/

ID: huu2xua

its already in development for the past 5+ years it doesnt need to stay in dev hell for 8+ years like cyberpunk to be "good". we all saw how that turned out

ID: huu4gsr

I don’t think you understand the term ‘dev hell’

Dev hell is where development isn’t going well, mainly because of lack of resource and/or short timescales

Delaying a game to release the intended and polished version is a good thing, this is where Cyberpunk went wrong

ID: huupinq

Delaying a game won't make the game good. Just polished.

12 : Anonymous2022/01/30 08:48 ID: huty3fe

What are the chances we get coop on this? Couch or online, idc

ID: huu5ooj

Couch would be amazing! It's so difficult to find couch co-op that can be played by most couples, but HP is so universally loved that it would make a terrific date night game.

ID: huu6dtq

I just beat It Takes Two with my wife, what a fantastic experience. That game kept surprising me all the way to the credits

ID: huufllh

There won’t be couch coop I can bet on that

ID: huu6vew

Slim to none. Nothing we’ve seen thus far points to any sort of co-op, especially given what we know about the story. I’d be very surprised if co-op was part of the game.

ID: huu7scn

I thought it was already confirmed it was an online RPG. At least I thought the trailer implied it. I thought they said something like play with your friends or some shit.

ID: huuavgr

Slim to none. Which is a shame but hopefully this sells a shit ton and the big wigs see we want more. A Harry Potter online game would be money for years if done right. Pvp, pve, large scale battles between those who choose good and those who became evil, quidditch, looking for the deathly hallows with your friends, etc

13 : Anonymous2022/01/30 08:45 ID: hutxwq3

I‘m hopefully optimistic about the game, but I also bet that it will get delayed to spring 2023.

14 : Anonymous2022/01/30 08:20 ID: hutvuqd

Hey take your time, test the fuck out of it… doesn’t need to be super polished, just shiny enough so we know you care about your product and consumers.

15 : Anonymous2022/01/30 14:07 ID: huuq28o

Could and possibly, the 2 words that make me say "so it means it won't be" especially in the gaming industry

16 : Anonymous2022/01/30 14:42 ID: huuuid9

There’s going to be a lot of people disappointed with this

17 : Anonymous2022/01/30 14:56 ID: huuwd09

And I'm still waiting on news for Stray

18 : Anonymous2022/01/30 15:28 ID: huv0sty

So many randoms now and days, being random and saying random things.

19 : Anonymous2022/01/30 15:44 ID: huv34u4

"could be", "possibly".

What a nothingburger.

GTA 6 could could be released in the next 100 years with a trailer possibly in the next 99 years.

20 : Anonymous2022/01/30 17:02 ID: huvf2td

Many words that say nothing. There has to be an algorithm that can produce better internet filler than this.

21 : Anonymous2022/01/30 17:06 ID: huvfrcp


22 : Anonymous2022/01/30 17:12 ID: huvgo84

I would not mind a delay if it means they put more into the game. Take your time and make the best possible game you can. If they take that approach I will buy it on day 1.

23 : Anonymous2022/01/30 17:53 ID: huvn4y8

What is up with Reddit in regards to this game? I have never seen such blind confidence that a game is going to get delayed. It’s almost as if Redditors get satisfaction out of thinking a video game might get delayed.

24 : Anonymous2022/01/30 21:29 ID: huwllgz

I thought it said in September, February, or March. Really playing it safe with that bet.

ID: huwsfz0

Sometime between today and the future

25 : Anonymous2022/01/30 22:01 ID: huwqpp3

This is like the 100th time someone has said they had credible sources telling them a trailer and release is coming in a month. It's just sad at this point.

26 : Anonymous2022/01/30 22:20 ID: huwtqtf

I could eat a cheeseburger tonight for dinner.

27 : Anonymous2022/01/30 22:50 ID: huwykst

I’ve given up believing rumours, there’ll be a trailer when she’s ready to go and then one day I’ll have the game in my hands that’s good enough.

28 : Anonymous2022/01/30 22:54 ID: huwz6lj

Username checks out

30 : Anonymous2022/01/30 08:41 ID: hutxluu

Will definitely be delayed, no doubt. Otherwise, it will be Cyberpunk all over again.

31 : Anonymous2022/01/30 08:43 ID: hutxr9x

Unfortunately people will still buy it and then bitch about it.

32 : Anonymous2022/01/30 09:12 ID: hutzy62

They call it Babydick Ring.

33 : Anonymous2022/01/30 17:26 ID: huviu1n

Xbox player here. Super excited for this game


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