Gran Turismo on Twitter: Less than one month to go. #GT7

1 : Anonymous2022/02/05 13:04 ID: sl6ig1
Gran Turismo on Twitter: Less than one month to go. #GT7
2 : Anonymous2022/02/05 13:46 ID: hvp3lna

Excited to dive into GT for the first time. Heard nothing but great things. Do they have f1 cars in the game?

ID: hvp54ee

GT Sport has the 2019 Mercedes, I think. Also a generic version of an 80s Formula 1. Also Super Formula, with one each of Toyota and Honda.

It's mostly a GT4, GT3, Super GT, and road car racer.

ID: hvqh6du

rally too

3 : Anonymous2022/02/05 13:40 ID: hvp2y22

GT has been a solid staple of all my PS consoles. Being excited for this and knowing I will sink hours into it with 0 controversy is pretty refreshing.

You can't fuck up a GT right?


ID: hvp8gry

They took the best parts of the franchise and rolled it all into one title, you can’t go wrong. Personally I’m most looking forward to bringing my cars in for oil changes and car washes again lol

ID: hvpl37b

Right!? Why is it so satisfying to have such a small detail in the game lol. I honestly hope that cars with high kms break down and have repair costs too

ID: hvqd0mo

They took the best parts of the franchise and rolled it all into one title, you can’t go wrong.

This makes me excited as hell! I don't know much about cars but I think they're cool. And this will be my first GT game, I hope I'll learn something from it 🙂

ID: hvqdgfp

Not to mention, with the PS5's SSD, moving around between spaces, menus, features, and gameplay will be very fast. We shouldn't be sitting around for 30 seconds waiting for a cafe environment to load, for example. It'll make it really pleasant to frequently explore all the side content.

ID: hvp6kaq

This looks like it's going to be the biggest and best Gran Turismo ever

ID: hvp767z

Ok, now I still need to find a PS5

ID: hvp7drc

There's no way in hell they screwing up this GT

ID: hvpzwpx

I thought that about Forza.. I was wrong lol

ID: hvpansy

IGN: 7/10 - too much cars

ID: hvphiuf

6/10 Too mucho turismo

ID: hvpaz8f

Luke Reilly will most likely review GT7, he is a good dude.

ID: hvpj1af

Will you use a Logitech wheel and pedals?

ID: hvpk6fg

Sadly not got the room, not used a wheel for GT since 3. But I should be able to get VR for it if they announce it works with PSVR2. The current one fits in a box that sits perfectly under the coffee table.

ID: hvr48ih

The game looks so amazing, I'm not even really a car guy and I was floored by the state of play for the game. Theres just so much detail in everything, even the weather system is ridiculously detailed.

I haven't played any recent GT games so I'm not up to date on them but there is stuff in GT7 that I didn't even think would be there, like that museum mode where you can learn about the history of all the cars. That's really cool!

4 : Anonymous2022/02/05 13:11 ID: hvozvqm

Yea yea yea let me recover from this month first please

ID: hvpu72v

I'll never financially recover from this (month).

ID: hvq7sq3


5 : Anonymous2022/02/05 15:26 ID: hvpg5zm

can't tell you how excited i am for this game, i've been a lifelong xbox guy and never played any GT games, but just got the PS5 because of all the PS exclusive games i've missed out on. So i'm counting down the days until this drops so i can finally play a Gran Turismo game

6 : Anonymous2022/02/05 15:03 ID: hvpd4ms

I accidentally pre-ordered the 25th anniversary edition so I am ready to go.

ID: hvpeypd

Happy accident

ID: hvpslgh

I thought the PayPal checkout would have the typical redirect to their site but nope it just processed the payment right away.

ID: hvr8qvu

I decided not to pre-order this game, but make a day 1 purchase for sure. The money and cars they give you for pre-order would ruin it for me, I like working from scratch in GT games.

Cannot wait for it to drop in ONE month!!!

7 : Anonymous2022/02/05 13:41 ID: hvp32s4

this will most likely be the first PS5 game I preorder.

ID: hvpbxtj

It’s the first game I’ve pre ordered since GTA V for the ps3 almost 10 years ago I trust polyphony to deliver so I see no problem with pre ordering.

ID: hvp5bne

Yep. First one ever and preordered the 25th anniversary edition.

ID: hvp83fe

Serious question. Why preorder the game? Do you gain anything from preordering it?

I get it if it's a physical copy, but if it's a digital copy, why bother?

8 : Anonymous2022/02/05 13:59 ID: hvp5344

Can't wait for this game to come out

9 : Anonymous2022/02/05 13:06 ID: hvozejj

Oh yesss… RIP my wallet in Feb/March

ID: hvp1unc

What games are you picking up? I am getting HFW, GT7, and Star Wars Lego

ID: hvp5pit

Fuck. I forgot that Lego is also releasing now.

ID: hvpl27p

Just go slow. Buy the game you want to play the most first, knock it out then get the next one.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/05 14:07 ID: hvp61cu

Is anyone getting a wheel for this? Or has a current set up?

Thinking of getting a proper chair, mount and wheel. Wondering what others are using and recommending.

ID: hvp6swi

You should check out /

for inspiration. I’ve been use a T300 and a playseat challenge since GT sport came out and it’s worked very well.

ID: hvp6wnc

i have a g29 and playseat evolution. Its decent for GT, but I'm looking to upgrade both eventually.

ID: hvpkqf5

I already have a thrustmaster T300 rs gt edition I’ve been using for gt sport. With all the stuff about to drop (the upgraded assetto corsa too), decided to change my shifter to sequential mode and paid way too much for a sparco mod handbrake. Shifter and handbrake are hooked up, but in limbo right now because I need to fab a custom mount for my wheelstand.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/05 16:00 ID: hvpkz87


12 : Anonymous2022/02/05 16:02 ID: hvpldrb

Feb and March is just crazy for games. For months we've had nothing now I get exclusives I'm super looking forward to weeks apart! Life isn't fair haha

13 : Anonymous2022/02/05 20:43 ID: hvql5m9

I haven’t been so excited for a Gran Turismo in 15 years

14 : Anonymous2022/02/06 02:47 ID: hvrwl0o

Got this and Elden Ring on pre order

15 : Anonymous2022/02/05 14:22 ID: hvp7uua

Never played a GT game but I’ve been looking for a reason to get back into racers… can anyone give me the highlights of what makes it special?

16 : Anonymous2022/02/05 13:20 ID: hvp0sq1

Nice. Gonna finish HFW then onto GT7. Then Elden ring and dying light.

17 : Anonymous2022/02/05 15:29 ID: hvpgmvc

Definitely buying without question. Been a fan since day 1 launch day. Day 1 hour 1. Second 1. I remember lining up at the store. Long line. I wish I took photos.

18 : Anonymous2022/02/05 18:00 ID: hvq3dn2

I'm trying to convince myself that this is not a game for me... But somehow it hypes me...

19 : Anonymous2022/02/06 13:32 ID: hvt54bz

Im getting GT7 over Horizon as I already have a huge backlog of that genre and something about GT7 just has me sold on it.

20 : Anonymous2022/02/05 14:28 ID: hvp8k9e

Gran Turismo is a staple of PlayStation systems, but I personally wish we could get a new Burnout

ID: hvqecme

I went back and bought NFS Hot Pursuit (Remastered) a month ago because of how bad I wanted a new Burnout. It's basically Criterion making their last traditional Burnout game with a different name. Still holds up today. A total blast. I think it was $10 on sale.


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