Days Gone’s director wanted to make an Uncharted game about young Sully | VGC

1 : Anonymous2022/02/09 14:42 ID: sof7kf
Days Gone’s director wanted to make an Uncharted game about young Sully | VGC
2 : Anonymous2022/02/09 15:18 ID: hw8ew4f

I’m down for this 1 million percent. I’d love an old school setting in a Uncharted game. It probably won’t ever happen, but I love the idea.

ID: hw8j374

You can't get much more old school than running around in ancient tombs and cities!

ID: hw97v8l

Picture this: a younger Sully is the one that creates those ancient cities in the first place

ID: hw8jc6v

With the lost legacy they’ve proven an uncharted game without Nathan Drake can definitely work, a game focusing on Sully is probably just a matter of time, people have been wanting this prequel thing forever.

ID: hw8twfd

I think there's a lot of potential for a game that features old Sully and Sam in the present and then younger Sully with teenage Nate in the past.

ID: hw9kwaz

imo Chloe is a great main protagonist for lost Legacy. She and drake both having that fun personality fits the Uncharted tone perfectly. And Sully and Nadine with their serious personality complement Chloe and Drake really well. I love Chloe and Drake's mumblings and quirks and I think Sully is a bit dull if they make him the main protagonist.

ID: hw8jcy3

Honestly, my immediate first thought was "Hard pass", but then I got to thinking of like... a 70's-era adventure in Sully's plane, with a decreased emphasis on gunplay in favor of melee combat. Instead of blowing up tanks with RPGs like Drake, Sully's just flying around the world getting into bar fights. That would be rad as hell.

ID: hw8nod5

in other words, indiana jones if it took place when the movies came out. It’d be fantastic

ID: hw8nxdq

Don't forget Sully's badass revolver. You'll be oneshotting every enemy.

ID: hw8nemt

Yeah I would be so down for this just for that 60s/70s feel.

ID: hw8jgz6

Maybe he can write the Mark Wahlberg spin-off film

ID: hw8uefr

I instinctively wanted to downvote you for saying this

ID: hw8p7vc

I somehow misread the headline as "Make a game about Vin Scully" and got super excited about a game equally unlikely to happen.

ID: hw9j5ws

I loved days gone but the writing was cringey

ID: hw8owkc

As long as the writers are from Naughty Dog I'd be okay. I played through Days Gone and the worst part of the game was the writing and direction.

ID: hw9dcxc

Perfect opportunity to lean even more into the Indiana Jones aspect of it all.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/09 15:30 ID: hw8gpgw

He only gave this idea after Colin asking him specifically what his idea for a new uncharted game would be. He said in the interview that he didn’t even want to do uncharted after days gone because he wasn’t excited by going back to a linear game after working on more systemic gameplay. And he was only on the interview because Colin requested it after seeing his USA Today interview and how bad the questions asked were. He isn’t looking for more headlines or anything, so be chill.

ID: hw9v6e4

That's not exactly how he framed his answer. I'd suggest anyone here go listen to the interview. It's fantastic.

4 : Anonymous2022/02/09 15:00 ID: hw8ccix

People act like this person has no idea what Uncharted is and like he is some game wrecker. Then you realize he was one of the leads on UnCharted Golden Abyss, a better game than the first Uncharted on a handheld no less and helped make Siphon Filter.

People love their revisionist history because it’s cool to shit on Sony Bend and Days Gone. Meanwhile these same people are the ones championing Sony 1st party seal of quality.

I swear some people are so toxic I just don’t get it. The dude clearly has a passion for games and tried to make a good game in Days Gone and sounds like had a really cool idea for a fresh Uncharted game.

ID: hw8g4vm

Days Gone was a serious struggle for me to get into for the first 5 or so hours, but once I pushed through that it is a pretty good game (especially on PS5). As for Golden Abyss, that purely comes down to the fact that most on this subreddit wouldn't have had a Vita so just make assumptions.

ID: hw8mcux

Yeah, Days Gone got much better further in. The hordes were awesome and I started to realize the writer didn’t find Deacon as cool as Deacon did.

ID: hw9798j

As for Golden Abyss, that purely comes down to the fact that most on this subreddit wouldn't have had a Vita so just make assumptions.

Massive Uncharted fan here: No, Golden Abyss is not some hidden gem, nor is it better than Drake's Fortune.

Golden Abyss was an OK game for the Vita, but it had the benefit of proceeding after the development of 2 Uncharted games from Naughty Dog, especially Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (a multi-GOTY winner and game changer in the industry); the writing and story for GA were middling at best, the humor was repetitive and quickly fell flat.

If it were truly as great as people claim, Sony would have ported that shit to the PS4 during last gen., when they were doing all the work to remaster / make the Nathan Drake Collection in the lead up to Uncharted 4, Lost Legacy, and the (shudders)... Uncharted movie.

ID: hw8jknm

Golden Abyss had a lot of time to learn from the 2nd game. It was better than the first Uncharted in terms of gameplay but the writing was really bad. The jokes are bland and there’s one joke that’s so repetitive that even the characters point it out. Is golden abyss fun? Yeah. But I wouldn’t put it over any of the other games.

ID: hw8r6vw

Op is making golden abyss out like it's a hidden gem, but the reality is that it's the fifth out of six best uncharted game.

ID: hw8y9e0

Uncharted Golden Abyss is nowhere near as good as the first Uncharted. Also, the reason why people are shitting on this guy is because he keeps behaving unprofessionally and airing dirty laundry like a petulant child just because Sony won't fund the games he wants to make.

ID: hw8gt0q

Uncharted Golden Abyss, a better game than the first Uncharted on a handheld no less

It wasn’t bad but that’s kind of a stretch

ID: hw8ghit

Many would agree that Days Gone did not live up to the quality of other Sony titles.

Even the creators of Days Gone have said their games had severe issues and didn't live up to other Sony games in the Jaffe podcast

ID: hw8hgo7

Then you realize he was one of the leads on UnCharted Golden Abyss, a better game than the first Uncharted on a handheld no less


Hard disagree but to each their own.

5 : Anonymous2022/02/09 15:42 ID: hw8iknp

I wanna see him drive his Ford Model T

ID: hw8o9r4

I wanna see what happened with those hookers in a church haha

6 : Anonymous2022/02/09 15:46 ID: hw8j6ks

The majority of the vocal people in this sub seem so negative about everything. I think its a pretty cool idea, and I believe they could menage to make a great game thanks to their experience making Golden Abyss, also if they had the support of Naughty Dog like they had in Golden Abyss. They have pretty talented people working there, just need a good plot to justify the adventure.

ID: hw8jswz

It's kind of the problem here you're only allowed to mention the three highest metacritic scored PS4 games in this sub and if you like any of the 4,000+ other games too bad nerd it's a bad game

E: phrasing

7 : Anonymous2022/02/09 15:18 ID: hw8ewxy

Do people not realize he was associated with uncharted golden abyss? He's not pulling this out of thin air. He's experienced with this franchise.

8 : Anonymous2022/02/09 16:21 ID: hw8opdp

Didn't bend studio make the uncharted game on vita?

ID: hw8qq05

Yep. Wasn’t bad for a vita game either

9 : Anonymous2022/02/09 20:55 ID: hw9xbqv

Incoming downvotes but this studio is full of really bad ideas. And the guy who was lying/fudging about the sales of day gone and then not correcting until after the controversy had passed was so hilarious.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/09 15:33 ID: hw8h5qp

Days gone, good game mechanics in the open world, but the story put me into deep sleep after I got to Sarah in the militia camp. I just had no desire to keep playing. Decon was the only redeeming quality of the game imo. Compared to Sony's other big budget blockbusters it definitely was a 7/10 game.

ID: hw8jo6q

I thoroughly enjoyed the game but like you said, the second half of the story is highly forgettable. I was mainly more concerned with upgrading my bike to max.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/09 15:26 ID: hw8g4tm

I am tired of hearing from this guy.

12 : Anonymous2022/02/09 16:42 ID: hw8s04z

I bet he wants to do a lot of things.

13 : Anonymous2022/02/09 16:10 ID: hw8n0py

OP are you Mark Walhberg ?

14 : Anonymous2022/02/09 16:33 ID: hw8qnnn

Only if Mark Wahlberg can voice him /s

15 : Anonymous2022/02/09 16:39 ID: hw8rnwa

Isn't this just the Uncharted movie?

"Hey, I'm Sully, it's good to see you. How's it going? It was great to meet you. Say hi to your mother for me."

16 : Anonymous2022/02/09 17:23 ID: hw8yv83

Considering that the game was never based on tech and you're in the wilderness 90% of the time. There wouldn't be much of a difference visually besides his age.

17 : Anonymous2022/02/09 18:11 ID: hw96os5

the moment when he first picks up the big cigar

18 : Anonymous2022/02/09 18:14 ID: hw97af8

I want days gone 2

19 : Anonymous2022/02/09 20:27 ID: hw9slhl

Days gone this days gone that, just fucking end this

20 : Anonymous2022/02/09 22:18 ID: hwaape3

My problem is prequels is always the same. You know the character’s fate ahead of time takes a lot of the suspense out of it.

21 : Anonymous2022/02/09 18:18 ID: hw97xox

I liked Days Gone. Solid 9/10

ID: hw9yjtq

One of my favorite games ever. Once you get past a certain point, it all clicked for me and I had a blast the whole rest of the way through and couldn’t stop playing until it ended. Even then, the added ‘Arcade’ mission are really fun too. Thinking of starting a NG+ soon.


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