Destiny 2: The Witch Queen’s raid boss is a mystery, but Bungie has clues

1 : Anonymous2022/02/13 19:18 ID: srqhz7
Destiny 2: The Witch Queen’s raid boss is a mystery, but Bungie has clues
2 : Anonymous2022/02/13 19:52 ID: hwtf7ef

The campaign’s gonna reveal some bigger bad that’s been lurking all this time and the raid boss is gonna be his minion, no way they kill of Savathun that quickly.

ID: hwtfugj

I dont think the goal is to kill her. But to solidify her place in the light vs dark fight.

ID: hwtlebh

I too think this. I don’t think she inherently wants to destroy us, she’s testing/using us to further her place in the power struggle. She’ll back whoever she thinks will win.

ID: hwtgbnh

Yeah it did sound like she was going to be a threat throughout the year, i don’t expect to her to actually be dying during this, and it wouldn’t be in the raid if she were dying

ID: hwu3b96

Soooo Hive Taniks??

ID: hwtqdlw

Quickly? Savathun has been talked about since vanilla d2, possibly earlier, and she's been directly involved since at least last season. If she's not the raid boss she's gonna be the story boss

ID: hwtyitn

Nope. Bungie said that she will be much longer on the players radar

ID: hwtsojh

possibly earlier

Since the Taken King, I’m well aware.

She’s 100% not the raid boss, and I highly doubt she’s going to actually die in Witch Queen, would be a massive waste of a character after all of this buildup.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/13 22:43 ID: hwu4de4

She watched a wizard rip the light out of her friend

4 : Anonymous2022/02/13 21:16 ID: hwtrr4z

I used to play so much Destiny, but the grind became too much for me. Has it gotten any better over the past year?

ID: hwtu1l9

I mean, the game IS a looter shooter. The grind will always be a key part of that experience. This new expansion is introducing weapon crafting however, so you are able to craft a specific weapon roll to be exactly how you want. There will be a (currently unknown how long) grind to unlock these perks to then use in crafting, but people are excited to remove some of the RNG factor.

Edit: Also Umbral engrams (which drop regularly from all activities) were added about a year ago. These engrams can be "focused" to a much tighter loot pool, which also cuts down on RNG. For example, I get an umbral engram and take it to the decoder. I want to try and get the seasonal Auto Rifle or SMG, so I choose that focusing option. I then have a guaranteed chance to get one of those two weapons.

ID: hwu8w1y

It all depends if the grind is balanced for Streamer McNoLife playing all day or if it’s accessible for the rest of us. Most people who enjoy a grind also enjoy logging off too.

ID: hwucpth

The power grind is the worst part of the game imo. It’s arbitrary and adds nothing to the game at this point. The people who are gonna max their power asap always will regardless (myself included) and those who don’t won’t do just stop doing it. Bungie is always trying to slow it down too, which never works because people always find a way to get around it.

ID: hwtxcmx

You only need to grind if you feel like you need to grind, ya know? I've been enjoying it since launch as a casual but fun shooter with an ongoing story that has only gotten better over the seasons.

Unfortunately, it's impossible to catch up on the story without watching a ton of youtube videos. You gotta be invested to care to watch hours of Byf, and I haven't found any Alt Shift X style recaps.

ID: hwtwu1j

I haven’t played in 2-3 years and I feel like I’m way too far behind to start again.

ID: hwu1weo

Honestly this is a really excellent time to return from a gear perspective if you’re worried about even footing. Starting with Witch Queen, guns will drop with new bonus “origin” perks that relate to who its maker is, where it’s from etc. this is on top of the standard perk package.

Old guns will not retroactively be granted origin perks, so people will look to update their arsenal over to the new stuff sooner rather than later. Sure, a god roll scout rifle you got before Witch Queen will still be good, but the newer stuff is going to be better and nobody is any closer to those guns because they’ve got the old stuff

ID: hwu404l

I want second what others are saying: now will be a great time to start - it will feel like a lot of people will be starting from similar place, hopefully it pauses the feeling of being “behind”.

Really excited about the renewed focus on storytelling - it started over the span of this past year; seasonal story content, yielded over the span of 10-12 weeks. But, if you missed a couple of weeks, or even a whole season, it didn’t feel like there’s no point in jumping back in.

Hope you give it a go!

ID: hwu7xa6

The grind has gotten better. You have tons of viable weapons and ways the farm the best gear. I remember back in the spare rations meta it was pretty dumb how rare the best hc in the game was but now there are so many good options and so many ways to get them all. The grind is much more palatable

ID: hwu91mi

Spare rations was the first meta that made me want to quit, the rest of my raid party had great rolls and I didn’t even have one. I’m glad that won’t happen again, maybe I’ll get back into it for Witch Queen

ID: hwucw27

Yes. The game caters much more to the casual player. The seasonal content is now pretty front loaded each season. Light level max is only bumped by 10 per season outside the main expansions. Hell, even that is going to be quicker this season.

Bungie treats the game much more like a tv show now with weekly narrative and gameplay “episodes” that players experience over the course of each season. It’s very different than it was. Some like it like me, some miss the hardcore grinds that no longer exist.

ID: hwu96s9

Its the exact same grind it has always been. Everything is irrelevant every few months. Only now they have the Destiny Content Vault so the game is quite literally missing most of the content it had a couple years ago.

Crucible still gets no new content, Strikes are still unrewarding, Gambit is a joke, and the pay wall just keeps getting higher and higher. Most recently they sold Gjallarhorn for $30 coupled with an absolutely terrible dungeon.

But hey I’ve only been playing non stop since D1 so I probably don’t know what I’m talking about.

ID: hwuag3u

how is the dungeon absolutely terrible? easily my favorite so far

ID: hwu9f7s

They brought G-horn back… behind a pay wall.

There goes any possibility of me ever playing again. I’ve easily put over $700 into that franchise since D1 launch, but that’s definitely where I draw the line.

ID: hwudj10

Since you call the best dungeon in the game terrible, seemingly dont know about nightfall strikes and ignored the fact that they announced more crucible content... Yes it seems like you dont know what you are talking about.

5 : Anonymous2022/02/13 23:08 ID: hwu7w4i

I would hope bungie has clues! Hopefully they can figure out what the raid boss is before launch!

6 : Anonymous2022/02/13 20:28 ID: hwtkiui

The first game did lore so poorly that I never kept up with it or found it interesting enough to do so. I played 2 and got all the Xbox achievements, but still didn't know what was going on outside the campaign or cared. No telling how many unresolved cliffhangers they have still standing.

ID: hwtm6ku

Watch Byf’s summary video; it’s quite long, but it covers all the important events/characters.

ID: hwtojf3

Just to clarify in case someone doesn't know. "mynameisbyf" on youtube does destiny lore videos. Super calming voice too. So he's really great to listen to while cooking/other life things.

ID: hwu8t4o

Watch mynameisbyf and Myelin Games. Myelin games is a Youtuber but he actually helped write some of the lore with Bungie.

The storytelling is superior in 2 by far. Also there are codex entries in the game and recaps for you to read if you're interested.

ID: hwuc7cf

TIL Myelin writes official Destiny lore. Love the dude, but is he fit for such a task (experience and skill wise)?

7 : Anonymous2022/02/13 22:21 ID: hwu1ecw

Man it has been a loooong time since I played D2. Used to play it a ton. Finished shadowkeep, grinded a bit after, haven't played since then. How's it been?

Also wasn't a huge fan of the Beyond Light rebranding. Got rid of the main campaign and just threw you into a strike. Made it really confusing for new players. Turned my friends off of it

ID: hwu2m3v

Honestly things have been way better in the Beyond Light content year than they were with Shadowkeep. The story has actually had a through line that makes sense through the year, and while yes sunsetting was a trash idea, they axed it quickly. No more guns will be capped and forcibly retired.

The expansion story was OK, better than SK but worse than Forsaken. Witch Queen is shaping up very nicely however

8 : Anonymous2022/02/13 19:31 ID: hwtbyif

I really want to get into destiny but the first time I downloaded it the analog had different speeds based on the directions ie looking left was faster than right but slower than down. Also regardless of how much I increased the sensitivity it was still slow and the game overall had a looting as the main thing and the game as a side thing lol

ID: hwtf2s0

That’s literally a problem with your controller mate.

ID: hwtf9vc

I use the same controllers with max sens for both apex and MW. So trust me it wasn’t a controller issue

ID: hwtexwg

The controls in the game don't function like that.

ID: hwtfs2n

Idk about up and down sensitivity but the whole left and right thing is true. It's been a thing since D1 iirc where turning left is a bit faster than turning right and no it isn't a controller issue as people would assume. There's no aim acceleration and/or deadzone settings just base sensitivity settings. Im not bothered by it because Im used to it now, maybe you'll be too.

ID: hwtgc9s

Alright thanks for a moment I thought I’m crazy lol maybe I should give destiny another couple more hours before i judge again

ID: hwtdp1z

That’s weird

9 : Anonymous2022/02/13 21:04 ID: hwtpy57

Seeing as the raid boss is usually the story boss again, seems obvious.

ID: hwtrf55

The last time that happened was The Taken King which was 2015.

ID: hwtryyr

Destiny 2 main story boss was a Cabal guy. Raid bass was a bigger Cabal guy.

ID: hwtr8v0

Hasn't been this way since Destiny 1


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