Dying Light 2 Stay Human – Authority Pack Free DLCs Trailer

1 : Anonymous2022/02/13 15:08 ID: srkndp
Dying Light 2 Stay Human - Authority Pack Free DLCs Trailer
2 : Anonymous2022/02/13 18:28 ID: hwt2e04

Is it just me or does gear feel incredibly pointless outside of your weapon? Just feels like it has no impact on the strength of my character with or without it. I always just use the highest XP giving buff gear instead of bothering with any other stat.

ID: hwtd2d9

Thanks this was bothering me as well, but I think it’s because that your next gear is just slightly better than your last gear so you gradually don’t feel the difference

ID: hwtjsn8

Potentially yeah, I found inventory management tedious since I didn't feel much for it so my idea now is just to stock up for awhile and then equip new gear so it feels like a bit of a better upgrade. Inventory/gear management just kind of slowed the pace of the game down more than I'd like, on PC the menu navigation isn't the greatest. That and there's tons of loot all over the place (too much so with gear), so micromanaging gear gets boring.

It could also just be because there's no visual difference that you see in gameplay. For example, I feel alot stronger when I add like some modification on my weapon and then I see like little sparks or lightning or fire on my weapon itself. With gear, I hardly look down to see Aidens body.

I feel like they should have incorporated weight system to the gear which then corresponded differently with your traversal. For example, if you wear heavy gear, your stamina drains faster or you move slower, take more damage but you have access to a grappling hook. If you wear lighter gear, you move faster, able to dodge more, and then have access to the paraglider which people say is better for long traversal (though I'm personally not crazy about it).

I just don't think the current RPG style stat system for the gear really works with the gameplay style, I've yet to finish the game though.

ID: hwu17a9

Pressing L3 in your inventory screen shows you a summary what your active gear adds to your character. Going full ranger adds so much damage for ranged weapons for example. Difference between one/two shot kill on a volatiles while farming for said trophies during chase level 3 or 4 is night and day. If you want more parkour XP, then you go for an outfit that adds to that.

It’s definitely not pointless.

ID: hwtebp4

If I use the ranger, I one shot everything with the bow.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/13 18:01 ID: hwsyb25

Am I the only person on reddit who hasn't experienced one bug and is absolutely loving this game? I've had absolutely no issues and have already put in 50 hours.

ID: hwsz998

I’ve had a ton of bugs but am loving the game. Some of the bugs were hilarious. First patch seems to have helped a lot

ID: hwszaij

Right there with you bro. I have multiple friends experiencing numerous bugs and a lot of them weren’t fixed with the recent patch. I’ve had a few audio glitches from time to time but a quick restart solves that in no time, I guess we got really lucky with our copies of the game.

ID: hwszdms

I, too, have enjoyed a bug-free experience, which is not to discount anyone having a bug-filled experience. I don’t care at all for the story, but I adore the parkour, exploration, and combat.

ID: hwszi1v

I'm playing on my PS5 and its been solid and I don't think I've crossed any bugs or had any show stoppers. Contrast that to my daughter and a friend of mine who are both playing on PS4. My daughter reached a show stopper bug near the end. One of the final quests just won't start for her after the game crashed in a cutscene, and all the way through the game the cutscene dialog would just stop playing midway through it. My friend has had his cutscene audio play in fast forward mode for most of his playthrough (and no, its not a stuck circle button [skip]) and several crashes.

Seems to be hit and miss on PS4 but PS5 has been rock solid.

ID: hwt59eb

Is the quest called “The Breakthrough” that’s bugged for them? If so, here’s a fix

/comments/snezrm/how_to_fix_the_breakthrough_complete_after_crash/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://www.reddit.com//comments/snezrm/how_to_fix_the_breakthrough_complete_after_crash/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

I had the same problem and found this guys comment on another post about it, all credit to him.

ID: hwszaam

Same here. I just came across one bug where the head of an npc was floating around but a quick restart did the trick. Otherwise it’s really smooth for me. Playing on series x.

ID: hwszq10

The only bug I saw was when a spike barrel was in the loot trunk. I couldn't get my reward for killing 3 bandits lol. That's about it.

ID: hwt3uw4

I have experienced a few bugs but nothing major. I am also having a blast with this game.....I think a lot of the issues talked about are from last gen consoles

4 : Anonymous2022/02/13 18:08 ID: hwszb03

This post has made me realize that a lot of people expect an entire game company to work on single projects rather than each department having their particular tasks.

All 400 Techland employees aren't working on bugs, and nor should they. If designers finish some content, should they sit on it because animators and coders are still working on glitches or release it? I would say go ahead and release it, but obviously that's not how some people think.

ID: hwt4uf9

Exactly... People don't understand how a project like this work.


ID: hwu1hdo

People do not understand how corporations work

ID: hwu7pd5

This confusion about how the dev pipeline works is also why people get up in arms over DLC being "cut" from the main game if it releases within some arbitrary time period too close to launch.

5 : Anonymous2022/02/13 17:36 ID: hwsughf

Anyone else got a bug where the weather and time of day doesn't change from when you start the game?

6 : Anonymous2022/02/13 20:03 ID: hwtgtqp

I’m one of the people caught in a story deathloop still. Really hoping they fix it soon because I was enjoying the game a lot. Really don’t want to start over

7 : Anonymous2022/02/13 22:52 ID: hwu5of2

Can someone please explain to me if there is something to do in the book locations where there's a fire and people singing or telling stories? I'm not sure if is just for the sake of the lore or there's something more to be done there.

8 : Anonymous2022/02/13 17:58 ID: hwsxugp


ID: hwt10q3

Usually there’s different departments working on separate parts. So department A will focus on the main game while B does the dlc. Personally I like this format, especially with huge games where not having it on release makes zero difference, not to mention it’s free. Gives current players a fun “event” a few weeks after release with some new content.

9 : Anonymous2022/02/13 17:20 ID: hwss208

Looking forward to getting this game in a year with all the free dlc, and patches in place.

ID: hwsv0hq

Thanks for sharing I guess?

ID: hwt0cmk

Thought the exact same thing. Couldn’t justify the full price purchase with Horizon and Elden Ring in the next few weeks, but will definitely pick up the guaranteed sale bundle coming next holiday season or so.

ID: hwsv4n5

You're welcome.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/13 15:18 ID: hwsa7kt

Lol i can't believe they divided this pack into 3 parts. So maybe it will takes 3 FUCKING WEEKS to collect all of them (cloths, mask, gloves, weapon)

ID: hwsnryd

You good?

ID: hwszela

Too much haterade in the water supplies.

ID: hwsdz4b

And its not even good looking clothing either, those are just existing outfits reskinned with peacekeeper colors.

ID: hwt0e5i

damn so its even worse. And some fanboy of techland trying to downvote me lol

11 : Anonymous2022/02/13 21:49 ID: hwtwomp

Hiw do I get this on pc?

ID: hwu6gyy

Should unlock automatically on Feb 14.

12 : Anonymous2022/02/13 15:56 ID: hwsfk6j

Meanwhile coop still doesn't work and people are stuck in death loops lmao

ID: hwslonh

It’s literally free content. The team working on content isn’t the same as the bug fixers.

ID: hwssvnk

The fixed a bunch of deathloop bugs and coop issues already and are doing more. Ive had no issues with either but im glad they are listening and responding to ppl.

ID: hwswuvw

They are? I've seen them flat out ignore people on Twitter whereas they were fairly active pre launch. A majority of the people playing are experiencing some type of issue wether that's audio missing, coop not working, or legitimately not being able to play the game. And the most recent patch did almost nothing except fix the PS5 visual issues.

ID: hwsv659

Play single player.

ID: hwsxt0a

I.....have been?

Am I wrong for wanting the game to work correctly a week after launch? Lmao

ID: hwsy1oz

Can't, have the deathloop they still haven't fixed

ID: hwsgof5

Nice to know where their priorities are

ID: hwskkoy

I'll never wrap my head around that sentiment. Do you really think that everyone at any given dev studio is capable of doing every job within the company? The people who make these 3D assets for the game obviously can't just fixing bugs in the source code. Are they supposed to just twiddle their thumbs in the meantime?

ID: hwshimw

It’s free and appears to be a reskin. A lot easier to put out than co-op on a narrative single player

ID: hwslqwy

Yes it’s like the marketing department marketing the game when they should be coding fixes because that’s what marketers do. Program. Not market the game.

13 : Anonymous2022/02/13 17:14 ID: hwsr4r3

Got it on PC and immediately refunded it. Ran and looked like absolute crap.

ID: hwsudox

Should upgrade your PC so it looks good.

ID: hwst903

Cool story. Looks and runs awesome on PS5

ID: hwstrzm

Cool story. Looks and runs like crap on PC

ID: hwstefj

Lies you tell. TLoU2 looks good on ps5, Ghost of Tsushima looks good on ps5, Ratchet & Clank Roft Apart looks good on ps5, Dying Light 2 does not look good on ps5. Nonsense.

15 : Anonymous2022/02/13 17:12 ID: hwsqt53

Items and skins are made by artists, bugs are fixed by programmers (with game testers).

16 : Anonymous2022/02/13 17:25 ID: hwssul0

I've heard that same garbage before. It doesn't matter. The only appropriate thing to do is fix the game before releasing anything new. It doesn't matter whos.doing what.

17 : Anonymous2022/02/13 23:23 ID: hwu9xu8

It’s two different teams, dude. Do you want the artists to just sit on their ass and do nothing? It’s not like they can help with the bug fixes.

18 : Anonymous2022/02/13 23:41 ID: hwucb4o

They can develop and wait. I see your point but I think your perspective is insignificant compared to the public relations. A company that has taken money from thousands of customers and a good many of them have a broken game. It's not the time for dlc. Thats my opinion, I don't mean any disrespect to people who disagree. I'm not arguing they should have stopped dlc production. I think its extremely disrespectful to their customers to release more content some people can't even play because it's already a broken failure.


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