Sifu getting accessibility updates which includes: High Contrast Mode, difficulty modes

1 : Anonymous2022/02/11 22:09 ID: sqb15s
Sifu getting accessibility updates which includes: High Contrast Mode, difficulty modes
2 : Anonymous2022/02/11 23:38 ID: hwkp72n

If you level up and learn the attack patterns of enemies and when to dodge or block it's not really that hard though. Plus the entire game is kind of made around dying and getting better, so an easy mode would kind of change the whole game.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/12 09:08 ID: hwmhtdc

lmao you hurt souls fanboys where it hurts the most with that post.

4 : Anonymous2022/02/12 15:09 ID: hwnica9

I'm not part of the 'git gud' club and I had the same reservations about Demons Souls as you did. Granted I have beaten other souls games like Bloodborne and Sekiro but it was daunting to think about spending 70$ on a game I might not be able to finish. After having beaten and platinumed Demon's Souls though, it's definitely the easiest Souls game I've played. You will die but the penalty for death isn't that harsh. Just have to be a bit strategic and not play it like another hack and slash game. And magic is major overpowered. You can one hit kill the final boss with magic lol. Plus, the community is really helpful and you can summon help from the Discord group for any bosses or areas that you feel are insurmountable.

5 : Anonymous2022/02/12 01:10 ID: hwl1sun

Wish they would speed up the disc version......waiting until May.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/12 22:31 ID: hwpbamr

That moment when this game perfectly created a game that Souls/Borne Genre has been attempting to do for over a decade but then also adds difficulty options.

Imagine devs considering that not everyone may want to torture themselves and add difficulty options.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/12 00:45 ID: hwkyhkp

Why do you care

8 : Anonymous2022/02/12 00:48 ID: hwkyyi7

Because roguelike design is to be hard and die a lot before beating it because you need to master the mechanics.

Adding easy go in direct conflict with that design.

It’s not even that bad. I beat hades on run 3, returnal on run 3, SIFU on run like 20, but games like Spelunky take over 200 runs to get a full complete... it’s no where near as difficult as Spelunky yet journalists can’t handle getting their asses kicked apparently.

If the game was legit hard or unfair sure, but it’s not a hard game as is, it just has a steep learning curve but still nothing like DMC or god hand in that regard either.

9 : Anonymous2022/02/12 00:55 ID: hwkzvz9

Do you have a disability?

10 : Anonymous2022/02/12 00:56 ID: hwkzyi0

I don’t understand the question

11 : Anonymous2022/02/12 22:54 ID: hwpeiwg

this is such a petty comment lmao, a easy mode doesnt take away from your experience, at all.

12 : Anonymous2022/02/12 22:56 ID: hwpevt0

It changes the shared experience. When talking about bosses being easy/hard you now are gonna have to stipulate “well I was on easy so that boss wasn’t bad for me” it’s lame.

It’s the reason souls is so awesome, everyone has the same struggle to overcome

13 : Anonymous2022/02/13 02:20 ID: hwq60lb

Why exactly. Others getting trophies has no effect on you getting trophies.

14 : Anonymous2022/02/13 02:54 ID: hwqaggf

Because trophies have meaning. They mean completing a challenge when everyone has the same opportunity.

How are you lost on these simple concepts?

15 : Anonymous2022/02/12 18:11 ID: hwo93o7

Adding a difficulty mode isn't the move. It's a new game and feels challenging to everyone, it just came out. Same thing happened with sekiro reviews when that came out, but once you got a feel for the combat sekiro turned out to be a pretty damn easy rythym game. I think adding a difficulty mode will definitely take away from this game, it is probably fine as it is. It's way too early the game needs some time in the wild

16 : Anonymous2022/02/12 20:41 ID: hwov4iy

It's the devs game. They can do what they want

17 : Anonymous2022/02/13 16:29 ID: hwskfpr

Doesn’t work like that.

As the game aged, it gets forgotten unless it is a big name, and this game certainly isn’t. It may be the hype now, but it will get forgotten.

The Dev want people to buy it when it is new, not when it is on sale, or much later down. The earlier it is the better the Dev can have a view on how well it has done.

Many people don’t like sofficult game, if you don’t ease the game, these people may never get the game, as a few months time they go buy something else instead.

If the Dev want these people to buy the game, they have to add the difficulty setting now.

As for “taking away from the game”, it doesn’t.

People that enjoy Easy game have no plan to even try Normal. I myself instantly put all games on Easy setting from installation, I enjoy my game that way, no one but myself can decide what I find fun. On the other hand, you can still play Normal, no one is stopping you.

The only thing this takes away is “I want to play the game on Normal and I want you to play the game in Normal too, you cannot hve an easier time than me!”

18 : Anonymous2022/02/13 01:58 ID: hwq35c7

I live from soft games and bloodborne in particular. I outright suck at Sekiro and it's the only one I've never beaten. Typically you can just overpower yourself in those games (like with the the theater I'm bloodborne) to help those who arent good. Sekiro you really cant and if you dont have the reflexes your kinda screwed.

19 : Anonymous2022/02/13 02:07 ID: hwq4ab1

It was my first from soft game. I've platinumed it now and played it several times. It's definitely hard at first but souls games are still way harder imo even if you can overpower yourself because no matter how strong you become, every playthrough you still have to be on top of your game with bosses and have excellent movement and timing with the dodges and other things, the game really isn't forgiving. Sekiro is similar at first but it's all gone once you just play through it for a while. The game becomes super braindead after a first play through, can literally beat genichiro without even moving at all, just need two buttons for the most part, l1, r1, and some mikiri counters, it becomes a rythym game, no tricks to it. Just have to keep pressing l1 l1 l1 build up their posture that's it done. First playthrough definitely hard tho as I said, after that, sekiro becomes a super easy game for the player, probability easiest fromsoft game. I've been playing demons souls and havnt found it too bad, levels are hard and bosses arent that bad, I was stuck on maneater for a while. Ng+ becomes exponentially harder apparently, which isn't the case for sekiro

20 : Anonymous2022/02/12 10:09 ID: hwmmtdp

Sifu will win game of the year, mark my words. What a wonderful surprise it’s been. I can’t believe I never tried out the rogue-like genre until Returnal and now Sifu, I’m definitely a fan!

21 : Anonymous2022/02/12 11:02 ID: hwmrana

Nah Elden Ring is coming out and that's probably going to be the one to get goty.

22 : Anonymous2022/02/12 12:42 ID: hwn0ku9

Depends how good Breath of the Wild 2 is.

If it get the same response as the first it should win.

23 : Anonymous2022/02/12 12:41 ID: hwn0iz0

Breath of the Wild 2 is also coming out this year.

24 : Anonymous2022/02/12 03:03 ID: hwlgm7q


25 : Anonymous2022/02/12 09:07 ID: hwmhqbu

git gud

26 : Anonymous2022/02/12 05:12 ID: hwlvt1p

Why do you care about other people's trophies so much? It literally doesn't affect you in the slightest

27 : Anonymous2022/02/12 08:35 ID: hwmf0lx

He needed the “I can do this but you can’t” to his friends.

If his friends even care about the trophies.

28 : Anonymous2022/02/12 03:31 ID: hwlk3y7

Stop gatekeeping, all trophies are meaningless anyway lol no one cares about them.

29 : Anonymous2022/02/12 05:09 ID: hwlvjdj

bruh why

30 : Anonymous2022/02/12 14:57 ID: hwngnpm


31 : Anonymous2022/02/12 15:21 ID: hwnk2vw

It also has a harder mode for elite dudes like yourself.

32 : Anonymous2022/02/12 18:04 ID: hwo83t6

Imma gitgudder homie.

33 : Anonymous2022/02/12 16:03 ID: hwnq6y8

Watch your step everyone, you could cut yourselves on this comment, it's so edgy.

34 : Anonymous2022/02/12 15:36 ID: hwnmas6

Easier modes makes me want to play the game a lot more! I can enjoy and switch both difficulty modes so that’s a win.

35 : Anonymous2022/02/12 18:04 ID: hwo81an

I was hoping people would pick up the try hard jab against From Software fans.

But social media has made everyone’s sense of humor take a shit.

36 : Anonymous2022/02/13 16:31 ID: hwsknmr

Good, maybe I can get a second hand version easily then.

I will look for it after the Easy difficulty is added.


37 : Anonymous2022/02/12 04:00 ID: hwlnmzm

How does this game compare in combat and parrying to ninja gaiden or devil may cry? Because I can rock those after Al the hours spent.

If it’s not similar and a whole new learning curve I’m hesitant to start anything else worth ER on the horizon

38 : Anonymous2022/02/12 10:07 ID: hwmmnck

Personally, having not played either for a while, I can say the main difference for me is that parrying feels easier. I mean that in the sense that I’m not as visually overwhelmed like in DMC. Though with Ninja Gaiden up I can see the similarities in how it “feels” when parrying/countering in both. I’d argue the trickiest part of the combat is how enemies telegraph their moves. Evading moves seems more efficient at times.

I bought this specifically to pad time for ER lmao and it’s pretty gratifying getting the combat down. The only thing this game needs is skins.

Hope you enjoy rocking it in Sifu, if you choose to do so!

39 : Anonymous2022/02/12 13:30 ID: hwn5qgf

Let's gooooo

40 : Anonymous2022/02/12 14:28 ID: hwncw8x

The game is perfect, just need more stages

41 : Anonymous2022/02/12 14:35 ID: hwndsy1

I’d love a slow motion mode, even if just training - where I could really get a feel for exactly how to dodge every attack

42 : Anonymous2022/02/12 14:46 ID: hwnf9cy

Hoping to see “option to disable controller audio” and option to remap sprinting to L3, with separate option to toggle/hold the button to sprint (on PS4/PS5) soon

43 : Anonymous2022/02/12 17:48 ID: hwo5okq

Easy mode is cool to reach more people to get into the game. They deserve all the success they can possibly get for this game.

I’m not gonna check it out until I beat it straight up first. I love the challenge!

44 : Anonymous2022/02/12 18:38 ID: hwod212

I just Platinumed the game and I'm up for more difficulty

45 : Anonymous2022/02/12 19:36 ID: hwolin0

Good, this game is fun and all, but it can be straight up bull****

46 : Anonymous2022/02/12 19:52 ID: hwonvyl

Can’t wait for the difficulty modes. Gonna pick it up when the update launches

Game looks fun but I have zero interest “mastering” the game. I just wanna play through it

47 : Anonymous2022/02/13 15:17 ID: hwsa58r


48 : Anonymous2022/02/12 06:49 ID: hwm5db5

I tried to rent this game but they were saying it's not out until May?

49 : Anonymous2022/02/12 09:02 ID: hwmha41

It is only digital currently. It will be releasing on disc in May.

50 : Anonymous2022/02/12 14:44 ID: hwnexrg


51 : Anonymous2022/02/13 00:52 ID: hwpuqni

This would’ve exploded (even more so) on a Game Pass type of subscription from Sony.


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