I’ve avoided really difficult games until I found Sifu, should I try more?

1 : Anonymous2022/02/12 20:11 ID: sr039f

I’ve never played any of the Souls games etc cos I’m a very casual gamer and usually only have a few hours a week to dedicate to it. But playing Sifu I’m having so much fun getting my you know what kicked and learning to get slightly better each replay.

Are the Souls games similar and should I get over my fear of them? Or other such “hard” games?

2 : Anonymous2022/02/12 21:11 ID: hwozkys

Thanks for all the comments! I’ve narrowed it down to Returnal, Demon Souls or Hades next… and definitely not going to be afraid of “harder” games in the future

ID: hwq4lj1

Returnal, 100%. You will not be disappointed

ID: hwqq69l

I don’t think they’re that hard. The beauty, in the souls games in particular, is that they prey on your human emotions of greed, hope, happiness, adrenaline, despair, fear, etc. As an example, they’ll place a terrible item in a place to trap you so that your greed will kick in and kill you. Another example is it’s system for losing your souls, or the currency in the game, which plays into your fear and despair. It’s a work of art and I cannot recommend them enough.

ID: hwr99qg

Yes and once you play them a bit you learn to see these tricks from a Mile Away. The shiny item and a trap when you go and pick it is extremely common and once you die a few times like that you learn.

You also learn That losing the souls ultimately doesn’t matter and you can always farm more if you need to.

The games involve a lot of learning levels and patterns. Once you know what to expect, it becomes significantly easier.

ID: hwp3l56

One huge tip I would like to give you is that have a confidence in your ability. Being afraid makes you panic and this can lead to panic dodge that results in getting hit. These “hard” games are fun not just because they are hard but because the control tends to be very responsive. In other words, you have the power at your fingertips to respond precisely as needed.

I have more tips if you are interested.

Good luck and have fun!

3 : Anonymous2022/02/12 20:13 ID: hwor249

Yes. Play BloodBorne on the Ps Plus collection.

ID: hwp5y18

Best answer imo. I had to watch some videos to help explain the lore, but my god is it incredible. The gameplay and progression are icing on the cake of story/visual world.

ID: hwpsa5j


ID: hwqbs67

And then Elden Ring

ID: hwpc6vr

100% YES. I came here to say this, and yes as someone who's gone from casual to the dark side myself, my advice would be maybe watch a guide or first episode of a walkthrough to understand the basics as this is not clear from the outset. It could easily put you off if you're short of time and don't have a clue what's going on.

I got the bug from beating the Valkyries in God of War and wanted that boss fight rush, bloodborne is exactly what you are asking for. My favourite game, even though it kicks my ass more than I care to admit.

Also bonus mention for Hades (currently about £15 on the store) similar, death - reincarnation stronger with better powers and knowledge of the story type game to Sifu and a run from start to finish is around 20-40 mins so ideal for people with no time.

ID: hwpqn03

Highly highly HIGHLY recommend VaatiVidya for Souldborne guides and lore!

Edit: Also EpicNameBro

ID: hwpv8mj

I wish they would at least unlock the framerate on PS5. I want to play Bloodborne, but after playing Demon's Souls I don't know if I can go back to a 1080p 30 FPS experience.

Especially if a remaster is potentially in the works.

ID: hwpwccz

Apparently Bloodbornes game is tied to the framerate. Animations would happen 2x faster on a 60fps version of Bloodborne 🙁 So not a simple framerate unlock unfortunately. I hope they can make a BB remaster though!

4 : Anonymous2022/02/12 21:38 ID: hwp3jm0

Buy Returnal and then Demons Souls Remake. Play in that order. Then start the Fromsoft backlog

ID: hwpx25b

Well put.

ID: hwrojdl

Hades as well.

5 : Anonymous2022/02/12 20:48 ID: hwow6kn

Try returnal where the whole idea is to improve every cycle with either personal experience or marginally better weapons.

ID: hwq7ips

Returnal is sublime. The movement is equal to none, after playing this game everything else feels sluggish. The boss of the fourth world is perhaps my favorite boss fight of any game, any platform after 38 years of playing video games.
Just gotta get through Phrike and Ixion first (Nemesis is a pushover).

ID: hwrb3o8

Well let’s not spoil it my friend hayzoos Christ lol.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/12 22:39 ID: hwpcdp1

I had the same fear, I started playing Bloodborne around when it came out, kept dying in the first area and quit.

Played it again in 2020 and it was one of the best experiences in a game I had so far. If you had to play one Soulsborne game, Bloodborne is the answer imo

7 : Anonymous2022/02/12 22:52 ID: hwpe9e8

You realised this a few weeks before Elden Ring, perfect timing.

8 : Anonymous2022/02/12 20:47 ID: hwovzcx

I've never been able to get into Souls games, but Returnal is incredible.

ID: hwpskhb

Absolutely fucking agree. What a way to experience was a PS5 can do. That game really made me appreciate the value of the PS5, since I came from playing on a mid-high tier PC

9 : Anonymous2022/02/12 20:37 ID: hwouk07


Perfect for casual 30minute stints.

ID: hwplc4f

Just finished my first escape, love this game. Was very different for me as I usually play open world games but this one is fun. Spear gang for life

ID: hwqoybt

Hades is top 5 for me right now. I'm quite into unraveling the story at the point I'm at, so I really try to escape successfully every time I make an attempt.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/12 20:13 ID: hwor08m

Play Returnal.

Souls games aren't that hard. Just steep learning curve.

ID: hwowbf6

Returnal is one of those games where RNG can either make it an easy run, or a difficult one. However it is one hell of a game. Incredible atmosphere. It also includes one of my favourite boss fights. You’ll know what I mean if you arrive at the arena.

Game of the year, imo.

ID: hwp46el

The organ playing was the perfect soundtrack for the fight (if I've guessed right)

ID: hwp1k86

That fight was amazing

ID: hwpbusg

Is it Hyperion?

ID: hwowv81

It was my game of the year as well.

I don't think it's really a RNG game. Once you get good you can beat it with anything you randomly get along the way.

ID: hwpqpyd

Just steep learning curve.

That's what hard means...

ID: hwoyj3h

Nothing tops its gunplay and movement

ID: hwoynup

Feels amazing to play. Some of the best movement and controls in history of gaming.

ID: hwp3tx0

Returnal was a fantastic experience and just a superbly crafted game. The gameplay was great, but the ambiance and soundtrack really made it. I thoroughly enjoyed it all

ID: hwpfjba

I am only busting into this thread to say that the Rotgland Lobber (with the right upgrades especially) is one of the best and most misunderstood guns in any game ever. That is all.

ID: hwozeun

I mean, by that comparative measure, neither is Returnal lmao.

Both games have incredibly basic combat systems. Returnal's is more fun granted.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/12 21:15 ID: hwp07hv

all Soulsborne, Hades, Returnal.

ID: hwqpi2h

Roguelites in general

12 : Anonymous2022/02/12 20:27 ID: hwot0a4

Nioh 2

ID: hwp3sxk

Nioh 2 is a really rough intro into souls like games. It’s on the high end of souls difficulty. It is fun though!

13 : Anonymous2022/02/12 20:45 ID: hwovqf4

Start with the Demons Souls remake, it'll spoil you visually but it's a real nice entry point into Soulsborne titles. Just know that souls games are typically a lot more methodical than something like Sifu.

I'd highly highly recommend Returnal, it's easily of the best games I've played in my 2+ decades of playing video games, I can't begin to put into words what a fantastic, visceral expirience it is.

14 : Anonymous2022/02/12 21:11 ID: hwozkzz

If you like SIFU, you will enjoy Sekiro.

15 : Anonymous2022/02/12 21:00 ID: hwoxxfk

Kena: Bridge of Spirits on Hard Mode and then maybe Master for platinum

Mortal Shell

I guess important thing to ask is what part of the game are you enjoying? Just getting destroyed? Because even the hard games have different parts one may enjoy more than the other.

Analysis of bosses? Dress up? Responsive combat? Floaty combat? Weighty combat? Timing and mastering parry? Adaptability to situations? Different builds? Only one build but perfecting the execution?

16 : Anonymous2022/02/12 21:56 ID: hwp6876

Sifu is satisfying because you need to reach absolute perfection in the level before to arrive young enough to get further. The combat is so fluid and satisfying when you get it right- you feel powerful but it takes timing and skill. Old school- awesome stuff.

17 : Anonymous2022/02/13 00:32 ID: hwps41h

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

I’m usually a quiet and reserved guy but I yelled out in celebration after defeating the Lady Butterfly Boss. That game was EPIC.

18 : Anonymous2022/02/13 03:26 ID: hwqeayx

You should try "Hades" it is a Greek mythology inspired theme rogue-like game.

It's quite fun and challenging. You could open God mode to make the game a little bit easier if you find the game too challenging. The story is interesting too.

19 : Anonymous2022/02/12 23:42 ID: hwpl88s

With the “posture” meter, Sekiro is the game you should go to next. It’s incredible

20 : Anonymous2022/02/12 21:33 ID: hwp2wfu

Oh god yes, the greatest games ever made. Trust me, I thought they would be way too hard for me, but the difficulty is overstated. It’s about a challenge that at first appears impossible but gradually you start to realize, oh wait I can actually do this. And that feeling is so empowering and I can think of no other video games that equal it. Do it!


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