No Man’s Sky Sentinel Update Trailer

1 : Anonymous2022/02/16 13:59 ID: stwjz7
No Man's Sky Sentinel Update Trailer
2 : Anonymous2022/02/16 14:18 ID: hx6b264

That looks pretty amazing. Can any veteran players comment on how big these changes will be for the core gameplay loop?

How many hours of "ramp-up" activities/quests will you need to do to be able to experience the things in this trailer?

ID: hx6etku

At least before patch sentinels can attack you right from the start IF you kill too much fauna, gather rare elements, etc.

Procedurally generated, so there is a chance that you could spawn "near" enemy base at the very beginning of the game.

After 2h or less on story missions you can spawn "a hub" to meet other people and do missions for weapons, base parts and so on.

Patch notes that might help 🙂

ID: hx6ya64

From the looks of it this will allow for more combative gameplay

ID: hx6k3tz

As a late 2016 player, I'm seeing this as less of a game changer and more of a playstyle branch of the game finally being brought up to the quality level of other styles of play (ex. exploration, trade, etc). I had suggested awhile ago that we should be able to clear planets like this, so it's awesome to see. But it's very much focused on a specific branch of the game, meaning that it won't affect your "core gameplay" unless you enjoy or frequent this playstyle.

ID: hx6ms37

That makes sense. Thanks for the answer.

I doesn't sound like this is a true campaign in the traditional game sense, is it?

ID: hx6mvju

Yep. Day 1 player here, you're absolutely right. This is more for those who like to roleplay with Combat elements and such. It's a nice addition but nothing that's going to drastically change the game.

ID: hx6mxjw

Core Gameplay = Don't let your red,yellow,and blue timers run out.

I re-install everytime there's an update...and that part is what makes me un-install it again. It's just so meh.

Either way here's to the next install un-install.

ID: hx6mytj

Been playing since 2016.

You'll need to do a fair amount of game time before you have the resources needed for mechs.

Resources are plentiful and once you figure out how to find specific items quickly, the game pace picks up. But getting to the point where you can freely hop around, warp from place to place and have all the technology upgrades needed, take time.

You can skip all of that by playing in creative. But from what I've experienced, sentinels appear to almost non existent in creative (as of update before this one).

3 : Anonymous2022/02/16 14:15 ID: hx6akel

Interesting. Haven't played this game in months.

4 : Anonymous2022/02/16 14:22 ID: hx6bmap

I bought this game on sale 1 year after release I think. I played for a few hours and haven’t played ever since. They have revamped the game and launched so many updates ever since. I’ll probably give it a try once they’re finished with the game.

ID: hx6gonr

I believe they're very close to the end of at least this version of NMS as they have already informed they have new projects going on. If you want to go back to the game, you can do it now already as the game is completely new at this point

ID: hx76nt2

Hello Games already stated they will continue support on No Man's Sky for as long as they have ambitious ideas to implement.

ID: hx7d8z8

I heard , and it’s the only thing holding me back, that in its core gameplay it is very grindy and repetitive. This aspect didn’t change. How true is this?

ID: hx6dsjj

That can take years. Hello Games have no problem with money thanks to NMS. NMS is pretty much passion project now, no matter what big update they will do lot of new players buy it.

New games while doing NMS updates = $$$

It have changed a lot already. 🙂

ID: hx6wvr5

Just start playing. Invest some time with how it plays currently. Trust me it is leaps ahead of what it used to be. You don't need to wait for them to finish the game. In fact experiencing a new game mechanic in the middle of the journey is quite exciting.

5 : Anonymous2022/02/16 15:37 ID: hx6mhjl

Every time I watch a NMS new features video I'm looking for 3 things:

Vast increase to verticality. Multi crew ships you can fly Realistic fauna behavior
ID: hx6p3hx

I’m waiting for a spaceship combat update. I wanna be a space pirate!

ID: hx76uj1

Can we modify how our ship looks? Color? Parts? Or is this still random?

ID: hx79nnf

It's random-ish. Each system has a set number or ships, so it's more about finding the one you like best.

ID: hx7p2g4

I'm still waiting for there to be an update that makes all the planets look less cookie cutter.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/16 15:02 ID: hx6hafr

Is there a point to fighting sentinels? I certainly haven't played in a long while, but when I did all that ever did was summon more and bigger sentinels.

ID: hx6kxwh

You can fight them to clear the planet from their patrols. This should be useful when you find the perfect planet but the sentinels feel like taking it personally.

ID: hx6nkwy

That sounded temporary, but it'd be good if it were permanent.

ID: hx6zgbv

If you clear every wave then the planet will be free of Sentinels for a while. They can also drop new upgrade modules for your character and multi tool, crafting parts, and pieces to upgrade your mech with.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/16 14:51 ID: hx6fp2o

I actually played the game last night for hours. It looks amazing on ps5 and I’m having fun but some QoL things feel over looked but I’m having hella fun

ID: hx7b6qj

I got really hooked on it, and would love to continue playing but it kept overheating my PS5. So I had to uninstall, no other game has done that.

8 : Anonymous2022/02/16 14:58 ID: hx6gq25

Man how are they still able to fund this game. It's insane that after what 7 years? They are still updating this game without charging anything extra. If this was Bungie, they would have charged us just to view the trailer

ID: hx6qdla

Their annual accounts are listed in detail due to being a UK Ltd company. Essentially they landed £50 million from pre-orders and sales, banked it, invested it, and it pays for the studio perpetually, they still have all of the original cash listed as an asset. So the team keep getting paid, keep making updates, sometimes, like the PS5 release, the VR release they get a swell of new sales, but basically it just carries on being freely updated.

ID: hx6y0al

What did they invest it in lol

ID: hx7wo4e

Is there somewhere I can read about this in-depth? I'd love to study their business model

ID: hx6jxq1

That's kind of the beauty of indie games. The upkeep on continued development on an indie game is much less than some of these AAA studios, so if an indie game becomes successful, they can easily afford to keep polishing it for 10 years if they want. Not to mention that surely there's plenty of others who finally give in and buy it many years later too since the polish is high.

Some other examples would be Stardew Valley and Terraria, those games have seen countless years of polish as well.

ID: hx751m6

This game never goes below $30 where I live. There was a very small window not too long after release and when the big bombing reviews piled in that you could get it in clearance for ~$10.

Then the updates came and it turned itself around into an actual amazing game and the price went back to the normal $40 price for years. It now goes on minor sales here and there but each update like this brings in a lot more players so they still make money.

Honestly it's kind of amazing how they are doing it in this age of microtransactions and DLC. I really wish this was the industry standard on how you support your game for years and years.

ID: hx6m6uh

games just make that much money. Dont believe the triple a dripple about them not having enough money to support something.

Its not about making money, its about making all the money for the big guys. And making less money then they could be making is when they say stuff like they cant afford it. They cant afford wasting time making little money when the same team could be used to make more money.

ID: hx6m67t

Lmao why is there such a big rise in Bungie hate since the purchase on this sub, you don’t like Destiny it’s all good we can all move on

ID: hx6r2od

It's just different takes on GaaS, and I guess people prefer the No Man's Sky/Terraria model of just tons of updates to keep the game alive vs. paid content drops. This model probably only works for smaller teams though. Does feel a bit petty to just drag Destiny. I assume that game is fine since tons of people are heavily invested.

9 : Anonymous2022/02/16 14:21 ID: hx6bhyr

I hope cyberpunk gets this level of support.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/16 14:21 ID: hx6bgz0

got the game at launch and loved it despite all the criticism at the time but never actually finished the game. I've picked it up and played for a few hours when the VR update came out. Is it worth going back and playing the entire game over again? Is it better to do so in VR or not? How much different does it feel from the original game?

ID: hx6id92

It feels closer to what they were originally advertising now. It seems like they have put in everything from the initial trailers in the game. There is more stuff to explore both on planets and in space and more materials to gather and more items to craft. More vehicles like an off-road rover truck and a submarine to explore worlds. There is a shared space station now where you can see other people come in to land and run around and group up and do missions with.

It still feels like the original game, mining and shooting and flying is essentially the same except it has a plethora of new features and mechanics. VR is incredible for this game and is definitely worth a playthrough just so you can look around and feel the scale of everything. The deep valleys and everest type mountains are haunting to look at in true-scale, also getting up close to a space station and losing your sense of what is up or down and seeing a giant piece of steel in your view is surreal as all hell. Asteroids are the sizes of houses and buildings as well, it's incredible.

ID: hx6o0uy

The game is AMAZING in VR! Complete game changer! The feeling of exploring all those world in "First person" VR is such a great feeling!

First time I tried it on VR I landed on a planet that had those giant worms. Freaked out but also in awe when I saw one fly over my head!

11 : Anonymous2022/02/16 17:43 ID: hx76jeu

best part is that VR mode on PS4 Pro finally got visual enhancement, hopefully that meaning more than the super blurry 720p resolution... gotta check later

12 : Anonymous2022/02/16 14:45 ID: hx6ete6

Looks really good. Here’s hoping for mech battles!

13 : Anonymous2022/02/16 16:01 ID: hx6q6q1

I just can't play in the same planets a pre order boy, this is would change the game for me.

14 : Anonymous2022/02/16 16:37 ID: hx6vw33


I've been wanting this for a bit and fits in with my "headcanon" that my character's Multitool and shoulder camera were tooled from disabled sentinels.

15 : Anonymous2022/02/16 18:34 ID: hx7dko6

It's really impressive what this team continues to do. I bought this game at launch in 2016 and they've given me update after update after update after update for free. They've even given us free VR and PS5 upgrades.

16 : Anonymous2022/02/16 14:41 ID: hx6eawl

That looks great honestly but they should do something about the combat system

It's not fun and mostly just very very boring

ID: hx6hcqr

"Combat has been significantly improved to create a faster-paced, more varied and dynamic experience."

ID: hx6ovy6

That’s what this entire update is about lol

ID: hx6nq0t

yeah that was a reason i couldnt get into it

17 : Anonymous2022/02/16 14:53 ID: hx6fxgk

This is cool but I really hope they're updating/fixing the shooter mechanics of this game with this update. Because an update focusing on Sentinels and shooting with the current combat system is not going to be fun.

ID: hx6grso

"Good news everyone!"


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