After Cyberpunk 2077’s Big Update, Dev Says It’s An RPG Now—But Fans Differ

1 : Anonymous2022/02/24 21:58 ID: t0ml7x
After Cyberpunk 2077’s Big Update, Dev Says It’s An RPG Now—But Fans Differ
2 : Anonymous2022/02/24 22:33 ID: hyaxvqd

Yeah it’s an RPG. Just not as good as The Witcher 3.

ID: hyb53h6

It's a shooter with rpg elements at best currently.

ID: hyb1yb7

It’s not as good as most games.

ID: hyb46jj

? It's a great game and surley better than most games not quite rdr 2 level but miles better than anything ubisoft farted out the last 15 years. Plus of course it's not as good as witcher 3. Witcher 3 was the third game of a trilogy cdpr was familiar with the genre and World cyberpunk is a completely new ip for them plus different gameplay technical issues aside it's a great first game for a new ip that can be build upon.

ID: hyayads

True. Though TW3 is a high bar. Only game since then that I found as immersive was RDR2.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/24 22:30 ID: hyaxcjr

It’s an RPG unless you define the genre by “my choices have a meaningful impact on the story”.

You inhabit a role, you take on a quest in a vast world with various characters you form relationships with, you can choose a variety of play styles and get unique dialogue based on that, etc.

ID: hyazd3h

If you go with the definition "Role Playing Game" can basically mean any game, since all games put you in a role of some kind. I would go so far saying that almost all video games are RPG, and every other genre is a subgenre to it. Cyberpunk2077 is definitely a RPG (with skills, character building and interactive world), but its story kinda sucks compare to many many games in the same genre. I found myself playing New Vegas the same time with CP2077 and man I can't wait to get back to New Vegas and always got bored when playing CP.

ID: hyb06hq

For me the main story has been kind of meh but I’m really enjoying a lot of the side stories.

But I think RPG in general is defined by scope, traversal freedom, an ensemble cast, and a focus on narrative. So yeah lots of games now do fall under that umbrella.

4 : Anonymous2022/02/24 22:03 ID: hyat4qn

They changed the genre description from RPG to action adventure. Truth is it doesn’t do neither very well. It’s overhyped 6/10 game with a huge marketing budget, instead of spending money on QA and polishing, they hired Keanu Reeves. It’s everything wrong with modern game industry.

ID: hyb0ql8

W3 was cool nothing special

ID: hyaveqj

The interesting thing is that people hyped themselves up way more than any marketing because "hurrdurr Witcher 3".

ID: hyax641

I liked Witcher 3 because it was good as it was, a monster hunter in a medieval setting with a good story, cyberpunk is the complete opposite setting wise so it didn’t matter to me if it’s from CDPR

ID: hyazxa0

No sin in thinking this could’ve been basically a Witcher 3 in a different setting and in 1st person. I would’ve given a nut for that.

ID: hyb5luf

No, CDPR hyped it to ungodly levels. And then they under-delivered

ID: hyb1ewz

Did you not see the marketing for this game? What they were claiming was insane. Witcher 3 deserves the praise it gets, how dare people expect the same love and care put into the next game?

ID: hyaw7lb

To be fair, Witcher 3 was amazing

5 : Anonymous2022/02/24 22:24 ID: hyawems

Enjoy the game for what it is. I bought it when it first came out and just let it sit till the ps5 upgrade. Loving it now. Is it perfect? No…but it’s beautiful and enjoyable and kudos for the comp for still trying to get it right. ….and offering a free upgrade. Hate me and downvote my comment but in the words of The Rock….It doesn’t mattttttter what you thiiiiiiiiiink!!!!!

ID: hyb35lo

The problem with accepting on what it is, is that you just give a green pass to companies to underdeliver on what they promised based on marketing. The game for me is ok, if playing on next gen, but what makes it a HUGE flop is the lies that they told before the game came out. If playing on PS4/X1 the game is just garbage, regardless of anything else.

ID: hyaz7ln

This is how I feel. Started it last week and already have 16 hours on it. My expectations were low but I'm enjoying the atmosphere, mechanics, story and the city. Have had a few small bugs and one major one that crashed the game which I can live with

6 : Anonymous2022/02/24 23:24 ID: hyb5ed7

It’s a fantastic game after the next gen update. Nothing’s gonna happen to you if you admit if.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/24 23:37 ID: hyb7c6n

It's not. It's more like an action adventure with some poor made rpg ideas.

8 : Anonymous2022/02/24 22:28 ID: hyax05v

Game is good now

ID: hyb3g7q

Agreed. Best £20 I’ve spent in ages.

9 : Anonymous2022/02/24 22:18 ID: hyavjvz

Kotaku and others love to stir and make a drama where there isn’t any. For clicks and discussions. Game is good fok these assholes trying to create a war in comments section.

ID: hyb21dt

For me it's a solid 8/10 game. Not spectacular but by no means bad either. It's got a reasonably large world and it's easy to kill time in.

If you enjoy games like AC:Valhalla then you may well enjoy Cyberpunk with it's similar "open world" style.

It's definitely good enough that I don't mind buying the PS5 version on sale even though I've already got it on my (now underpowered) PC.

ID: hyb23cm

It’s not making drama to rightfully criticize a game

ID: hyay7q0

Game is good

It really isn't. It's still a hollow shell of an open world, bugs or not.

ID: hyayxha

I believe it’s more then good. But respect your opinion.

ID: hyb2l40


ID: hyb0fw2

Game is mid. No need to start a drama, but even now "good" it's a little bit too much. As an RPG sucks badly, but the city is beautiful and story and characters are fine. It's deus ex open world, with a lot of bugs and some good ideas. 6/10 for sure, maybe it will be better in a year or two with more updates and dlc

10 : Anonymous2022/02/24 22:04 ID: hyatdpg

H8ers in the chat. Runs like butter on ps5 and is fun to explore and do crime in. Bright future ahead

ID: hyaujah

It’s fun, but no police chases after doing said crimes is just not right.

How they missed out on such a crucial mechanic in the first place is ridiculous, and the fact that they could have rectified in the new update is even more so!

ID: hyawi66

To each their own but even in GTA cop chases are something I dicked around with for like an hour or so when I got bored of the actual game.

I understand why people view it as a staple but for me personally it doesn’t bother me.

ID: hyatyw6

I'm enjoying it as well but I have encountered numerous crashes so far on PS5.

ID: hyavcmq

Mind if I ask how they occurred? I'm some 12 hours into the new update and haven't experienced any so if there's a trigger for them I'd like to try and avoid it. Thanks.

ID: hyb3mfe

If you have low standards for your games , then yes, it is fun...

ID: hyazrb8

Dunno about you, but I have had my frame drops, few bugs and glitches on my PS5, that is with performance mode by the way. It's a ok game, but story wasn't very exciting. The only mission I'm excited is the parade mission.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/24 22:55 ID: hyb12kz

Still buggy. Try to salvage a wyvern drone, took forever to get the right angle to loot.

12 : Anonymous2022/02/24 22:55 ID: hyb151m

Not an RPG

The life paths are a joke, dragon age origins from 2009 makes this game look beyond amateur in that department

Your choices don’t really matter.

It’s a dressed up action game with some stat mods

ID: hyb28qs

Your choices don’t matter any less than they did in Skyrim.

13 : Anonymous2022/02/24 23:26 ID: hyb5qpb

It just reminded how FromSoftware is the total opposite of CDPR lately.

14 : Anonymous2022/02/24 22:38 ID: hyayib9

Their own goddamn website doesn't call it a rpg lmao.

15 : Anonymous2022/02/24 22:23 ID: hyaw8je

Too late cyberpunk, if you haven’t noticed this February is STACKED with games. (And they actually work)

ID: hyay35s

If you haven’t noticed the attraction the update is gaining then idk what you see, shit i talked them down since the beginning and once this new update came out Ive changed my opinion on the game and bought it, so far im having so much fun with the game

ID: hyayfb3

Yeah. I just said they are too late, not that I don’t think the update is good. I have too many other amazing games to play now.

16 : Anonymous2022/02/24 22:26 ID: hyawnv9

I'm getting real sick and tired of triple A games being viable and realistic depictions of what they were sold as, several years after their release.

17 : Anonymous2022/02/24 23:27 ID: hyb5t9z

Call it whatever you like. This game is just bad.

18 : Anonymous2022/02/24 23:37 ID: hyb78zi

The game is still not even a fraction of what they promised. Hard pass.

20 : Anonymous2022/02/24 23:18 ID: hyb4jm7

If i can choose my gender and skills its RPG


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