Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.02

1 : Anonymous2022/02/24 11:55 ID: t098bt
Elden Ring - Patch Notes Version 1.02
2 : Anonymous2022/02/24 14:51 ID: hy8w2vt

Completely forgot they were going to add Raytracing to the game. Wonder what kind of RT implementation it will be. I suspect the impact will be minor since clearly this isn't of high priority

3 : Anonymous2022/02/24 12:18 ID: hy8d77w

Anyone know the actual frame rates on the relative platforms with the day 1 patch?

ID: hy8gtk1

/comments/szkvf7/elden_ringfps_comparison_on_all_console_versions/" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://www.reddit.com//comments/szkvf7/elden_ringfps_comparison_on_all_console_versions/

ID: hy8h4aj

That’s without the day one patch, no?

ID: hy8h6j8

Thats without day1 patch!

4 : Anonymous2022/02/24 13:21 ID: hy8k98u

Timing for the implementation of ray tracing, which is planned to be supported after the launch, will be revealed in future announcements.

I love great looking games and all, but this isn't exactly the title where I'm going to be willing to sacrifice major frames for some pretty reflections.

ID: hy8l3ly

I'd be ok with giving it a try myself, only if they do as HFW did and make it a stable fps.

ID: hy9nb06

Hfw doesn’t have raytracing

ID: hy9r6fz

The game already has an unstable fps no matter how you play.

This will only make it worse.

ID: hy9zbrj

Ray Tracing is the most overrated feature in gaming I have ever seen.

ID: hya17ls

If for your realistic lighting is overrated then good. With people like you we would still be having 8 bit games.

So many games have so bad lighting, shadows and ambient occlusion making scenes with missing shadows and objects just floating in bright lights (as there is no shadows). Reflections disappearing because you don't see the object anymore.

Ray tracing fixes all this and you say it is overrrated... Then you just don't understand graphical advances.

5 : Anonymous2022/02/24 15:28 ID: hy91p2g

anyone has any idea of the size ?

6 : Anonymous2022/02/24 13:25 ID: hy8kp4q

I was kinda confused how Elden Ring was getting such high reviews before people even got a chance to beat the game & while it seems like they couldn't even get a stable frame rate, let alone hit a solid 60fps. I hope it lives up to the hype & that they fix the frame rate.

ID: hy8qv13

Every Souls game has performance issues, aside from the Demon Souls remake which fromsoft didn't do. From what I gather most people just don't care.

ID: hy9lk5p

I'd like to note that despite people complaining a lot about performance issues, souls games consistently have very low input lag for their framerate... Aside from Demon's Souls PS5, which fromsoft didn't do (it has more input lag at 60fps than Bloodborne does at 30, and the 30fps mode is basically unplayable in DS).

My point being, I wouldn't necessarily call them performance issues. More accurately, they're focusing on other (arguably more important) things than a smooth framerate graph.

ID: hy9qg1k

I mean, Breath of the Wild got many perfect scores and that game has performance issues that are sub 30 fps. Elden Ring looks to be perfectly playable on most machines despite poor optimization.

ID: hy8lfno

Because the review copies were on pc, and all the major reviewers have well taken care of high end pcs

ID: hy8ne88

FightinCowboy is a very good Soulsbourne streame

and he couldn't recommend the PC version and decided to play PS5 version.

Apparently the PC version is even worse than consoles. He has a 3080

ID: hy99i8z

Really? I’ve seen a few reviewer posts saying halfway through they switched to PS5 because of frame rate on PC

ID: hy8q0no

Most review copies I've seen have been PS5, actually.

ID: hyb60de

Because it’s an excellent game despite not hitting a constant 60 fps? Frame rate isn’t everything… a great game is more about the gameplay than it is about performance.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/24 20:00 ID: hya94ex

I saw this patch breaks the game..it’s no longer a 10 out of 10 or something

8 : Anonymous2022/02/24 13:32 ID: hy8ljaq

I'm really excited for Elden Ring but I'll wait a couple more patches before getting into it.

Maybe they can manage a stable 60fps on Performance mode, would be awesome.

ID: hy9pf1x


ID: hy9zjmb


ID: hya1a1n


ID: hya2ojj


ID: hy96n6g


ID: hya77a6


9 : Anonymous2022/02/24 14:48 ID: hy8vqn1

Ffs folks, most of you barely knew 60fps was a thing before getting a PS5. Getting an "unstable" framerate which steers close to 60 most of the time is good enough. Sure, you'll feel the dips, but it won't be a deal-breaker. Tbf, most of you won't even notice the dips. Just stop being snobbish and try it yourself. The game is poorly optimized everywhere, but the PS5 version seems to be the best, so enjoy the treat.

ID: hy96o6n

I've been keeping up with this sub for the past few weeks and watching people marvel at Elden Ring's reception and get hyped for its release like mad, only to see it just... DIE completely because the framerate can drop to as low as 45 during busy stuff is... shocking. Absolutely shocking.

I get that framerate can be important but in today's gaming climate it really feels like ANY negative point about a game just drains everybody's hype down to 0 and it gives me major whiplash to see.

The game still got rave reviews, is the most highly rated game on Opencritic, and I personally am looking-the-fuck-forward to diving into it.

Then again im an old hen who remembers seeing Ocarina Of Time's mind-boggling realism in 20 GLORIOUS frames per second and being blown away by the existence of a Z-axis, so maybe i'm just too old and remember too many generations of spec wars to really care much anymore.

**EDIT** before anyone says "but theres no excuse for it to go below 60" let me say that yeah, 60 would be excellent, and hopefully they release a patch to get it there (if the PS4 version does then i can't see this not being addressed with a patch). My point is that people tend to just bail and suddenly see the game as trash when one thing sullies it. It's like buying a brand new car, only to return it when the windshield wipers don't operate the way you're used to; not in a "doesn't work" way but "not as good as I hoped" way; the framerate is one aspect of the game, and having it go "as low as 45 during busy scenes" does not at all count as a dealbreaker for me. If it does for you, cool, whatever, but I suspect you must have a hard time enjoying games if slight performance dips are all it takes to kill your enjoyment entirely.

ID: hy9vrdb

I don’t really know what to compare the obsession with FPS to, to make it make a little more sense to an older generation of gamers. But I agree, I roll my eyes so hard at the mass majority of discussions in these gaming subs. Like, can we please have a conversation about the world, story, characters, ANYTHING else besides frame frequencies?

Not to mention, the white/black, absolutely amazing or complete trash, 10/10 or 0/10 mentality is unhealthy. Like, textbook psychology unhealthy. I don’t even know why I’m surprised though

ID: hy9g3qg

I'm really glad I read this.

I don't buy new games often, and honestly hadn't heard of Elden Ring before yesterday, but after seeing the massive amount of hype I got super excited and preloaded it for its release tonight. Then I come to reddit today and people had me doubting my decision over a spec that meant nothing to me until about an hour ago.

If you care about things like that, more power to you, and I definitely see the value in the more passionate of the community holding companies to a higher standards for AAA games, but I realize now that as a very casual gamer I really have no business worrying about such things.

ID: hy9czhl

It's not just Elden Ring, but this generation of console has had people really hung up on technical aspects. You saw people getting super upset that the Newest God of War will be cross-gen. Same thing happened when HFB was announced. Like now all of a sudden those games are awful because of it. Because it can't do something they made up in their head.

We are on reddit though, which at least for big titles makes up a small minority of the game's population. So typically what ever minor issues that plague a game will go unnoticed to the vast majority. Or they just won't care.

ID: hy9q246

I played through Bloodborne over 20 times and the frame rate issues went down thru the support updates and got even better on PS5. It didn't affect my gameplay at any point, the only major drops were for things like the Bagmen powering up and nothing else was happening at those moments to screw me. If the frame pacing for Elden Ring is ok enough that the frame rate drops arent tanking the gameplay like those moments were then I'll barely notice it.

ID: hy9a56o

Why are you defending frame rate issues? If people have higher standards than you, thats okay

ID: hy9e9ez

Not defending issues at all, just pointing out that people are definitely overblowing the topic. If you actually watch some reviews, people mention performance as "not perfect but not a problem at all".

Ever since the PS5 came out, Digital Foundry became sort of a Bible around here and as of right now, it's doing more bad than good.

ID: hy9vdjy

This is a far cry from the issues FromSoftware games had on the PS4 and PS3. As long as there are no frame pacing and input lag issues it will be fine. Demon's Souls on the ps3 would drop into the low 20s, and sometimes in blighttown you would get the high 10s. If the drops really are as minor as 55-60 in the performance mode there is literally NOTHING to worry about. It's impossible to say until the majority of people get the game.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/24 14:17 ID: hy8r9qh


ID: hy8t0y0

60 fps on PS5, how is that bad?

Also, Bloodborne

ID: hy8tled

It only maintains 60 on PS5 when playing the PS4 version. That is absurd.

ID: hy8t4yg

Zelda BOTW had worse frame problems at launch and it got 97. Sometimes if the game is that good it doesn't really matter.

ID: hy8ta61

Also God of War on the PS4 Pro? That only hit 60fps if you looked at the floor. So that's two examples were if the game is good then it doesn't matter.

ID: hy97ucq

It doesn't run poorly though, and I'm playing on Series X. PS5 version runs even better as far as I'm aware.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/24 23:04 ID: hyb2i8x

Be nice if they sorted the performance out. Was very tempted to get this but the bad framerate(from what euro gamer is saying, including this patch) I think I will pass


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