It’s sad that stores have to do this

1 : Anonymous2022/02/27 14:33 ID: t2pgt7
It's sad that stores have to do this
2 : Anonymous2022/02/27 14:55 ID: hyne2r3

They have never been available in store at Target, Best Buy, or Walmart. Nothing is new here.

ID: hynk3r9

Walmart actually did in store once through most stores then they did a second time in select stores for a event.

ID: hyno829

This is true but not the normal way they sell them.

ID: hyopw1i

I don't know if you mean just this gen, just at the beginning of this gen and other more recent gens, etc, but just in case (no pun intended, you know that there was no ther way of selling these things or anything other than in store before the internet, right?

Like I said I'm not saying this implying you're stupid or something...just saying in case it's a really young kid who doesn't think about how the internet wasn't always around and it wasn't that long ago, actually.

ID: hyormq2

I'm almost 40 and started at Sega Master System.... i'm very aware. I've been through it all.

ID: hypesfc

A while ago my local Target & Walmart had 1-2 behind the glass display. Could you buy right there & then?.. idk but they were there, out in the wild

3 : Anonymous2022/02/27 21:14 ID: hyozbyv

I got a Ps5 in a store and they legit gave it to me in a cardboard box so no one would know I bought one. They said they were sorry because they normally would put it in a black bag.

4 : Anonymous2022/02/27 15:01 ID: hynex5p

Welcome to 2020, glad you could join us.

ID: hyngpl9

Sry should have worded it better. It sad that they still have to do this

5 : Anonymous2022/02/27 20:17 ID: hyoqti0

Target app and website never worked for me, randomly walked into a Target in Seattle and asked if they had any in stock in the back and somehow they did lol

6 : Anonymous2022/02/27 14:55 ID: hyne2dl

Which is even worst cause scalpers has the advantage

ID: hynjw5b

scalpers aren’t a big issue anymore. they’re now selling PS5s for just above retail.

ID: hyofumh

Ever scalper I’ve seen has sold them for at least 200 above msrp

ID: hyoj4oa

I haven't seen any PS5 at any store what are you talking about

ID: hynyraj


I'm still looking after nearly 2 years for 12 hours a day. Stop spreading misinformation.

It's STILL impossible to find let alone get one for MSRP.

ID: hyo6366

Get me one for retail price then

7 : Anonymous2022/02/27 17:21 ID: hynziof

These signs have been up since launch. It is because of COVID.

ID: hyobu06

Because of COVID and not because of the looting?

ID: hyop5yd

Yup. Covid. Could be looting depending on the area you live in.

8 : Anonymous2022/02/27 19:54 ID: hyonby2

It's sad that billionaires are allowed to destroy the middle class so badly that people feel that the only way they can enjoy a fraction of the pleasures of the 1% is to steal

ID: hypjon1

Don’t think stealing is the issue here. More along the lines of stuff like this

/comments/t2pgt7/its_sad_that_stores_have_to_do_this/hyozbyv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">

9 : Anonymous2022/02/27 14:49 ID: hyndaa8

is it at least MSRP price?

ID: hynh1ml

Target doesn’t charge over msrp for consoles.

A third party on their site might, but TARGET themselves will not.

The same holds for any major retail store.

ID: hyno5pr

I'm not even sure they allow third parties. Amazon and Walmart do but it shows who you are buying from.

ID: hyne4x2

Why wouldn't it be from a store that sells it? You aren't buying at ebay.

ID: hynepyn

Because money that's why

10 : Anonymous2022/02/27 19:28 ID: hyoje46

This in Cali ? Lol

ID: hyov3h7

This is every single Target

11 : Anonymous2022/02/27 16:24 ID: hynqss2

Where the hell do you live? Like in a third world country like USA?

ID: hyo9bto

More than likely yes the USA. But I don’t think it’s exactly a third world country (I live in USA)

ID: hyoab3q

It's not. I just can't understand that you could be in danger for buying a PS5.

12 : Anonymous2022/02/27 15:15 ID: hyngrxj

ONly got mine because wife works at a retailer and they gave a chance to employes to buy 1 only 1!

ID: hynisyh


13 : Anonymous2022/02/27 16:22 ID: hynqifg

I've seen one 1 in the wild at target.

14 : Anonymous2022/02/27 18:57 ID: hyoemep

they dont have to. they want to. lol

15 : Anonymous2022/02/27 21:04 ID: hyoxvpj

I got a PS5 when I worked at Kroger. They never did the whole online thing. It was first come, first serve. If they had any in stock they would put it on the shelf.

16 : Anonymous2022/02/27 22:55 ID: hype33t

I have never understood why they just didn't do an actual pre-order for these. You put one in a cart, pay for it, and then you're in line to get one and when one becomes available they send that unit to you. Why the hell do they still do first come, first serve. Not that hard. Would eliminate scalpers and a rush to buy them out. Also with covid restrictions being lifted, why haven't they just brought them to the stores? It's not like people are not packing into best buy and target for other crap. I feel like now it's an excuse because they really just can't keep up with production.

17 : Anonymous2022/02/27 23:01 ID: hypevrc

How about, "for the safety of our staff"

ID: hyphjvy

Or both?

18 : Anonymous2022/02/27 23:49 ID: hyplj8f

I got my PS5 in April last year from Target and they offered security to walk me out to my car.

19 : Anonymous2022/02/27 16:58 ID: hynw0i5

It’s all for safety. People were being stabbed in stores fighting over them. They are easy to buy online though.

20 : Anonymous2022/02/27 18:01 ID: hyo5xk2

I agree but it’s also sad that these companies decided to launch these consoles with roughly 20% of the needed supply.


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