I’m absolutely loving Elden Ring, but it’s a shame it seems like the devs completely overlooked designing/adding dualsense features to the game.

1 : Anonymous2022/02/26 16:14 ID: t20mn7

Overall the game is fantastic and I'm having a blast, but I can't help but think about how it's a shame there's what seems like no dualsense features.

One of the biggest things about having a PS5 is realizing you could actually feel what's happening around you, feel the environment, the potential is so huge and when done right it really adds another layer to the entire experience, that's why I'm surprised the devs didn't think to take some time to add some great haptic feedback or dualsense features in general.

This is one thing I hope we see less of with future major AAA games that release a dedicated PS5 version, please take the time to show us what this controller is capable of.

2 : Anonymous2022/02/26 17:22 ID: hyjakb6

it seems they mainly had ps4 in mind when making this.

ID: hyjiygs

Yep definitely, their main focus was to get a good PS4 version on release. Really curios how the Ray Tracing mode on PS5 will look like, hopefully it has a locked 30fps and a framerate cap.

ID: hyl0xan

Wait is there a RT mode coming?

ID: hylzjx5

It was developed alongside Sekiro, ps5 was a rumor even for devs back then.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/26 17:00 ID: hyj7anm

The Demon Soul remake with good headphones for the 3D audio and the hits feeling weighty thanks to the controller made it all incredibly immersive.

ID: hyjf4d3

Eldern Ring also doesnt have 3D audio or of it does the implementation is wanky as fuck!

ID: hyjh4ng

I’m just gonna say: don’t expect fromsoft to ever make use of any special features of any platform.

They make games, and they make damn good games, but they completely neglect everything other than the core of the game itself.

ID: hyjj14d

No 3D audio as far as i can tell.

There’s no audio profiles in the settings either. So you can’t really adjust that either.

ID: hylbeuu

the demons souls remake really spoiled me. i’m loving elden ring and it’s a much more complex environment, but demons souls feels and plays like a work of art. it seriously belongs in a museum

ID: hymsnkd

The sound every time you crack off a soul arrow, jesus christ it's so good.

ID: hyjjuom

3D audio not being in Elden Ring is my biggest complaint. There’s hardly a better way to immerse a player in a world than to provide direction ambient and enemy audio. It’s a damn shame this game doesn’t have it.

4 : Anonymous2022/02/26 16:32 ID: hyj394c

Fromsoft makes some of the best games of all time but they are really lacking when it comes to technological side of things, whether it's stable performance, high graphical fidelity or controller and audio features, I hope they hire some good talent in those departments....after using Bow and Arrow in HFW, it feels so impactless in Elden ring thanks to no duelsense support at all

ID: hyjlwf4

Something I've noticed in HFW that seems small but adds alot is prying open stuff. Press down easily on R2 and it gives way slowly while pushing back. Just a cool implementation of the controller.

ID: hyjp69e

Yah, feels very cool...swimming under water also feels pretty good thanks to constant sense of subtle vibrations

ID: hymt3vi

The reload vibrations in Cyberpunk are also really well implemented, really feels like the gun is in your hand. I seriously thought there was something wrong with my controller when I first booted up Elden Ring

ID: hyj43jk

The worst part is it's not like they haven't played those games or even demons souls. They literally said DS made them upgrade their graphic game... By comparison, lack luster.

ID: hyj8oxu

And to go with your point there’s a lot of small quality of life improvements in Demon’s Souls remaster that I really wish From had taken with Elden Ring, like letting me send things to storage from the Inventory menu

But UI/IX is def a weak point of theirs

ID: hyj81ey

Agreed, the performance is pretty bad and the graphics, I laughed at the square hand in the intro! Still loving it though!

ID: hyj8bt4

Yah, the game itself is fantastic

5 : Anonymous2022/02/26 16:25 ID: hyj26hi

I would settle for 60 fps in the ps5 version

ID: hyj8w9b

You can’t transfer saves back to PS4 version because Sony, but I’d recommend playing the PS4 version of the game on PS5, stable 60 fps throughout

ID: hyjc3mx

That's what I've read various places as well. PS4 played on PS5 is most stable.

ID: hyjnzn1

If I have the PS5 disc do you know if I can download the PS4 version or am I stuck with the PS5 version?

ID: hyj3mos

I thought it was! Damn, that’s disappointing. Will still pick it up after HFW.

ID: hyj4bh2

The performance mode targets 60 fps, but the frame rate isn’t stable and the game doesn’t run smooth.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/26 17:25 ID: hyjb1px

I was a bit disappointed top especially after just finishing Demons Souls again right before. Loving Elden Ring though.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/26 19:04 ID: hyjpk6a

Next gen console versions were extra. ER was made for last gen

8 : Anonymous2022/02/26 18:21 ID: hyjja5g

Is it too soon to ask for an Elden Ring remaster by Bluepoint?

9 : Anonymous2022/02/26 18:07 ID: hyjh84p

I’m waiting for an update.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/26 23:06 ID: hyko2yk

I am up to level 15 so far but can’t beat the first boss yet… I guess I need to get some more runes to increase my numbers… the game is brilliant! The world & imagination not to mention the music…

ID: hymc2qq

You can always go to

if you want help with a boss.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/26 16:30 ID: hyj2vt2

Yeah, I think From soft is great at designing games but don't really have the technical expertise other studios like Insomniac have for optimizing games to their target platform.

ID: hyl2sjg

That'd be pretty hard considering the game is on every platform

12 : Anonymous2022/02/26 18:52 ID: hyjnvc5

Horizon uses the dual sense So Well.

ID: hyl7hz3

It’s also a first party flagship title

ID: hylqfjb

As a massive fan of From Soft, I don’t know if that’s an excuse. Admittedly they released it for 5 different platforms (6 if you think the XBS is different to the XBX).

It would’ve undertaken massive work and resources and labour. I’m not necessarily defending them. But I’m not attacking them either. I’m genuinely unsure where I stand

13 : Anonymous2022/02/26 16:53 ID: hyj6dj0

Ya it's surprising how much you miss those features. Whenever I use my PS4 it's always the first thing I notice.

14 : Anonymous2022/02/26 17:15 ID: hyj9i5t

Started as a last gen. That’s probably why. But! They should update it now that it’s out. Like others did.

15 : Anonymous2022/02/26 16:21 ID: hyj1lsc

Liking the game but there really are these weird technical results or decisions like dualsense support missing and the whole frame rate situation.

16 : Anonymous2022/02/27 01:42 ID: hyl8sdj

I agree. I was kinda surprised to see nothing.

17 : Anonymous2022/02/27 22:33 ID: hypaxiq

Dualsense is a GIMMICK. Those type of gimmicks you only see used on exclusives or launch titles.

18 : Anonymous2022/02/26 16:43 ID: hyj4udw

I was thinking about this while playing Forbidden West, the dual sense features really add to the experience. The feel of drawing the bow, rumbling during action sequences, etc.

ID: hyjkkv1

Having the trigger resistance when prying open chests and igniting firegleam feels so much more satisfying

ID: hym0qgw

Prying open doors when you hit that little resistance as Aloy gets leverage, until it snaps open and the R2 button snaps to being fully pressed is just chef kiss

19 : Anonymous2022/02/26 18:16 ID: hyjik23

FromSoft can’t even make the game run at a solid 60 lol. It’s probably my GOTY, up there with Forbidden West but the technical side of this game is straight garbage. Unoptimized is the word. A game with visuals like these should not run terrible on any platform. I’m not surprised considering I’ve played all Soulsborne games, but I should be. FromSoft just needs to do better, and I don’t know why people are seemingly giving them a pass. I don’t know how they’re going to add raytracing when they can’t even release the game at a solid framerate.

It’s a great but technically flawed game IMO, at least right now. The Soulsborne as a whole have always gotten a pass because I think the reviewers are almost always massive fans of the game (hard = only reviewers that play these games a bunch review it, ergo more likely to ignore its flaws). Most games would get skewered for this kind of performance with these kinds of visuals. It’s not the visuals I have a problem with, it’s the fact it runs poorly with these visuals.

ID: hykz3vy

Do you think future updates might fix the fps?

ID: hylni72

It definitely could. Whether they will is up to FromSoft. They certainly got better with post-release patches/fixes as they had more Soulsborne games under their belt.

I want to reiterate it’s not “unplayable”, its performance just isn’t desirable. Still having fun juggling Elden Ring and HFW.

PC is having a whole host of issues too, primarily to do with DX12 I believe.

20 : Anonymous2022/02/26 18:51 ID: hyjno7e

I wish that I could enjoy the game like you are, it’s just too hard

21 : Anonymous2022/02/27 03:14 ID: hylk67z

But it has gyro gestures!

22 : Anonymous2022/02/27 06:22 ID: hym4mtf

If you’ve played the game long enough you’d notice ,the game is FUCKING HUGE , so I give them a pass for not including some features … the game is just way too big


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