Ukraine game developers speak out in face of Russian invasion

1 : Anonymous2022/02/26 06:29 ID: t1q9cs
Ukraine game developers speak out in face of Russian invasion
2 : Anonymous2022/02/26 12:20 ID: hyi9ezw

Putin is probably the only one that’s been playing 2042 consistently

ID: hyiddtu

— Не грусти, просто иногда так бывает.

Seems like Angel is Putin’s son.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/26 06:48 ID: hyhjqg1

Fun fact- in a couple of the Frogwares Sherlock Holmes games Putin is on several of the WANTED posters in the police station.

4 : Anonymous2022/02/26 10:50 ID: hyi2hzp

Putin probably using that scalper money to fund the war...

5 : Anonymous2022/02/26 13:24 ID: hyiff7v

Poor people will suffer because of Putin and his evil deeds. He needs to be stopped. I don’t understand why people put up with evil dictators like this monster. He’s a fool and will slip up. He will underestimate the wrong country. Hasn’t World War II and Vietnam taught these dictators about underestimating people and countries. Let people live in peace.

ID: hyinkze

People don’t have a choice to put up with evil dictators lol that’s why they’re dictators. He’s had the entire Russian government by the balls for 25 years and propaganda and fear keep people scared of him. He’s also probably the richest man in the world because Russian industry is nationalized and he owns everything. China is some shit too but they are too important on a global economic scale to want to deal with a trade war, but it will be some bad fucking times if China and Russia buddy up more.

ID: hyiog0j

I get what your saying but if people stand together changes can be made. My two cents Putin will go after a NATO bordering area and he will underestimate them and it will start. Haven’t we learned from WWII and Vietnam. Underestimating someone will be his down fall. You can have all the technology in the world but when you go door to door up close and personal technology and money doesn’t matter. You would think these countries would of learned that by now. Let people live in peace. I even think he’s underestimated the will and fight of the Ukraine people. I truly believe he thought it would be over before it started.

ID: hymwk5r

Ukraine is winning

ID: hykgfz9

I always find it so annoying when people type behind a screen in safety while saying others should risk their lives

ID: hykgvlt

Who said that ? I sure didn’t. People should VD allowed to live in peace. Sometimes you can’t though. Evil people sometimes won’t let you. It’s human nature to defend yourself from harm or attack. I wish there was peace everywhere but like I said done fools won’t let people live in peace.

ID: hymyl6i

Well you didn't mind when all the world leaders locked the entire world up for the past 2 years? Not saying this is acceptable but maybe direct this to your own government as well. They are just as big of a terrorist that they are.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/26 13:37 ID: hyigqjn

I vote to keep all politics out of this sub.

ID: hyls4v8

No. This is relevant to the sub. If you don’t like the post scroll by.

ID: hyintsz

Then don’t click on the thread if you don’t want to read any politics.

ID: hyiloiw

Oh! Are we voting?

Then I vote to bring even more politics into this sub!

ID: hyj8ihp

Normally I agree, but I think the topic is relevant considering it's specifically about Ukrainian video game developers.

ID: hyisshs

I agree. Not because politics and wars aren’t important, but because places like this can (and I think should) act as a welcome distraction or safe place during times like this. Not every subreddit has to be involved in the latest conflict, catastrophe or misery in the world. There are plenty of venues for discussing fear, tragedy and anxiety outside this.

ID: hymzgb5

Look how you are downvoted for not being a snowflake who likes real life drama. The decent people of this world are being told to shut up while the evil cause trouble for everyone.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/27 10:27 ID: hymon7i

Evil Putin not happy about Stalker 2 timed exclusivity to American platform. Peace to the world

8 : Anonymous2022/02/27 11:03 ID: hymrcig

I have been really concerned about the devs from 4a games behind the metro series since the war broke out. I’m really glad to learn they booked it to Malta as soon as they made some money. I hope the other Kyiv based studios are doing ok.

9 : Anonymous2022/02/27 19:51 ID: hyomytt

I'm curious how things are going at GSC Game World, they're based right in Kiev and they have a game coming later this year; STALKER 2.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/26 20:51 ID: hyk523u

No one is going to comment about all the game developers in Russia, like 4A games and Battlestate games? I wonder what their stance is, not that they have to speak on it. It's just interesting to me because Escape from Tarkov might as well be a Russia invading Ukraine simulator, despite its in game lore.

ID: hykkf1o


ID: hyluvt1

Didn't they move to Malta at some point after either 2033 or Last Light? They might have another studio still in Kyiv, but the main one is in Malta. I know that 4A is from Ukraine, but at the moment they don't have much to worry about. And besides, when they were in Ukraine it's not like it was good conditions and war free before this week.

ID: hykbvoz

They are probably afraid to speak out. putin is petty and has no qualms punishing those who cross him.

ID: hymndp4

They are not afraid to speak out, and many Russian devs indeed did so.

Just FYI: 90% people in Russia are against the war and hate putin.

ID: hyo04rc

No one really cares because their country isn’t being invaded and bombed


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