Elden Ring: George R.R. Martin Is Very Happy With the Reviews

1 : Anonymous2022/03/01 18:35 ID: t4ettj
Elden Ring: George R.R. Martin Is Very Happy With the Reviews
2 : Anonymous2022/03/01 20:48 ID: hyyji6s

Is it just me or does that NPC near the round table who talks about a Lanya look and sound like Rob Stark?

ID: hyyuvyd

I was thinking that too!

ID: hyzf15i

He's like a mixture of Rob stark and John Snow

3 : Anonymous2022/03/01 23:41 ID: hyz9p58

From the interviews that have been released, George R. R. Martin completed his contribution to the game about 2 years ago. I believe that Martin was contracted to write the world building and lore of the game when From Soft was still deep in development of Sekiro. Once Sekiro was done, From Soft took the world that Martin had built and started game development.

ID: hz115a6

Some interviews I saw indicated that they took his world as a starting point, and then twisted and corrupted it. Martin wrote the characters and their relations, politics, etc - the backstory basically. and From wrote the scenario for the game.

I think it's mentioned on Martin's blog somewhere too.

Edit: to be clear by twisted and corrupted I meant they took the story pre-shattering and made it into the game we play. Martin's characters - like Godfrey for example - turned into monstrosities by the results of their actions.

ID: hz1rp8j

In his blog post martin says from have been working on this game for half a decade

4 : Anonymous2022/03/01 20:48 ID: hyyjicx

Good now finish GoT!!!!

ID: hyz1e16

For real! I've been waiting since the summer of 2013 for book 6.

ID: hz03m0q

It’s coming, the pizzas are coming. They’re gonna be huge.

ID: hyz64gi

Obligatory oh sweet summer child

ID: hz0u0ii

Should read Sanderson instead. He released 6 books since I started reading his last book this morning.

ID: hz08g8f

Nah I’m beyond caring.

I don’t need 2,000 pages just to get to bran the fucking broken.

ID: hz1eynk

It’s never going to happen.

ID: hz2xyql

It will be ghost-written by Brian Sanderson at this point, right after George kicks the bucket.

ID: hz0vj7h

You are missing the point. He is in all these side projects precisely to avoid finishing GoT.

5 : Anonymous2022/03/02 01:13 ID: hyzm72s

When they're talking about stuff like Lord Radigan, son of Radhan leaving Renella and all that family stuff you just know its from George

6 : Anonymous2022/03/01 19:04 ID: hyy38k6

I have yet to see any Martin stamp on this game. It feels 100% Miyazaki and crew so I'm pretty curious where Georgie's influence is.

ID: hyy3ncw

If I recall correctly, Miyazaki stated in an interview that Martin built the background of a the world. So all the events occurring in game are from Miyazaki’s team and everything else in the lore is Martin.

ID: hyyna5g

The Erdtree makes me think of martin

ID: hyywxnx

Right. Martin helped build the world and lore, but the enemies, npc characters, and dialog were all from the development team. Think of it like Shadow of Mordor...the world it takes place in was created by Tolkien, but the game and its events were all by the developers.

ID: hyz1i1s

I tried to explain the basic lore to my brother and he thought I was talking about a new Lord of The Rings game.

ID: hyzyfso

What ever they did it works this is the most appealing souls game I've ever played

ID: hyy8h8c

Makes sense.

ID: hyyhakq

He wrote pretty much the entire world backstory up until the main event (the Shattering) which sets the stage for a game. Basically he created the world so that Miyazaki could take the baton and make a game out of that world

ID: hyynsz7

So Martin wrote the part about “there’s a powerful ring, and it was shattered into a bunch of pieces. Go find them”

ID: hyyotxm

Georgie's influence is.

Idk man I'm feeling it everywhere. The mythological characters in the Lands Between actually feel alive and seem to be filled with their own ambition and goals unlike DS where legit everyone is desperately holding onto a dying age

ID: hyzp2hm

I think for the latter there's an emphasis on the tragic storytelling, where [character] doesn't have to be fleshed out beyond the purpose they serve within the story, if that makes sense. I definitely like seeing that much better mix of fleshed out character alongside Miyazaki's style.

ID: hyz1m4o

The fingering lore has Martin written all over it.

ID: hyyagy8

I don’t think so at all actually. The locations, bosses, lore, it’s much less cryptic and… I’m not sure how to describe it. The story just feels more explicit and literal, much less ‘dreamy’ and abstract as the other Soulsborne games. I think that’s Miyazaki building on what Martin wrote.

ID: hz0ndi6

There’s even a dude who explains who the main bosses are and where to find them.

My jaw dropped when I saw that. I remember in Dark Souls, you’d just keep going in every direction available until you found somewhere new. Nobody tells you where anything is or if it’s even relevant to the main objective.

I kinda miss that, but at the same time, I understand that not everybody appreciates it, and it probably wouldn’t work in such a massive open world.

ID: hyy4t40

Still very early on in the story, myself...

I guess if you both wanted to know nothing about the story, but also are for some reason reading a comment thread about narrative themes, then perhaps this is more information than you'd like to know

...but there's a narrative undercurrent that feels like it's leading to the 'honor' of the Roundtable Knights being a fraud, of some sort, that seems pretty Dunk and Egg to me, thematically, but it's a tenuous connection thus far, and definitely one more ambiently told, in the usual Souls manner.

ID: hyynhe9

Yeah, the whole feeling of lost grace, and a tarnished crown feels Martin sequel to me

ID: hyy8o5v

Nah they’re pretty blatant about their intentions. Also about not caring about one another. When you get to a quest which involves a potion being delivered you’ll have some dialogue which is about as direct as can be lol

ID: hyz5ep8

Ehh I thought kinda the same until I got to the RoundTable. All the back end elements feel very very GRRM

ID: hyzeu1i

Apparently he also wrote the key characters, and miyazaki expanded on them and provided his signature twist. I see it like Martin created the lore and backstory and Miyazaki added a layer of his signature style on top of all of it

ID: hyzivdn

Dude there's like 5 dragons, what else do you want

ID: hyzlded

Nomenclature. Lords with alliterative aliases. Councils of sworn knights and fingers, fingers, fingers.

I dunno man, compared to the other Souls titles, there's definitely something different going on here.

ID: hyyebs8

You get to have coitus with your sister near the end.

ID: hyyhkst

Martin created the world and everything in it, Miyazaki and team destroyed it

7 : Anonymous2022/03/02 01:19 ID: hyzmzoy

If Dark souls started to leak into R.R Martin's GoT work then god help all your souls.

8 : Anonymous2022/03/02 00:31 ID: hyzgis0

George RR will do anything to get out of finishing GOT

9 : Anonymous2022/03/01 20:16 ID: hyyeimq

GRRM likes royalty cheques.

ID: hyzn5qq

If GRRM had any say, the two fingers would've been penises.

ID: hz1i3kt

Nice and soft, not erect, weiners!

ID: hyytv09

He's the "King of Royalty Cheques."

ID: hyyv2hg

George RR Martin, King of Royalty Cheques, Made In His Name, First Of The Month.

10 : Anonymous2022/03/01 22:41 ID: hyz12p1

Reading about the history from before the shattering of the Ring has been great, which I have heard can be attributed to him.

11 : Anonymous2022/03/01 22:25 ID: hyyymq1

Too bad I’m such a chicken. Still miffed that i wasted $70 on Demons Souls on PS5’s launch day, and still have only played about an hour of it. Got spooked. Didn’t even get my first kill to stop being a ghost at half health.

If I ever brave up and actually beat it, I’ll graduate to this. For now I’ll wait until Jaboody Dubs puts their streams of it on YouTube so I can laugh at their riffs and them being spooked and not me. Lol

ID: hyzidvg

What helped me get into the Souls games was a mindset change.

I initially hated the intense sense of loss that came with permanently losing souls / runes. No other traditional RPG made you "waste" your time in that same way.

But then I began to see the gameplay of Souls games as closer to rhythm / puzzle games. You don't feel bad if you mess up a Guitar Hero or Candy Crush run. You just replay the level, and you get better as you go along.

There's no "real" penalty for losing 100x to a boss or dungeon. In fact, unlike most mobile or free-to-play games, there's no timer, no cooldown, no gating to prevent you from stubbornly chipping away at the game until you crack it.

Hope you get into them the same way I did!

ID: hyz7yw1

I didn’t like Demons Souls, but I loved the other souls games and love Elden Ring. Demons souls has really punishing and tedious enemy layouts in their levels. Maybe you will like Elden Ring because it’s easy to run past shit and back to what you were working on?

Understandable though if Demons Souls put you off completely.


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