You look different over the phone.

1 : Anonymous2021/03/07 20:54 ID: lzzgo6
You look different over the phone.
2 : Anonymous2021/03/07 21:00 ID: gq4zbvg

Tinder pic vs. real life

ID: gq5jego

I feel personally attacked by this comment

3 : Anonymous2021/03/07 22:14 ID: gq59yw0

It's just lighting. Doesn't look different to me.

4 : Anonymous2021/03/07 21:00 ID: gq4zf5k

One of the many hurdles of this game is trying to remember when you saw someone before. This isn't helped when the face on the phone looks different to the in game model that you meet. Sure, they look identical enough since I've provided a side by side, but let's not pretend that everyone didn't think that Dakota looked completely different and that Yorinobu didn't looked like an old man on his phone call.

I thought that two different models for Dakota were actually being used. Making this image for her is the only way I found out otherwise. Even for Yorinobu, he still looks like he's bald on the phone--we should definitely be seeing some of his hair, even if it's just the bits on the side of his head.

This makes me wonder where the models for the phone calls are coming from and how they're being generated so that they're lit in a fashion to where the model is unrecognizable. Even for Yorinobu, I'm fairly certain his glasses are different. Does anyone know how the phone call models work?

ID: gq4zun4

It’s the same model just that the lighting in the phone call box is better. The phone call models exist in game and are floating underneath the map to be shown in the pop up window when a call starts.

ID: gq5gwjv

By Yorinobu you mean Takemura?

5 : Anonymous2021/03/07 22:48 ID: gq5efja

Damn those Snapchat filters

6 : Anonymous2021/03/07 20:54 ID: gq4ykgd

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7 : Anonymous2021/03/08 02:53 ID: gq6590x

Unless he's selling something of his father's why would you intentionally call yorinobu?

ID: gq66xkk

The call image of Yorinobu comes from when you hack the float to allow Goro to speak to Hanako. Before his entrance, she's on the phone with her brother and, because V's tapped into the security system, V's able to monitor the call.

8 : Anonymous2021/03/08 02:54 ID: gq65bko

so when yen exactly have a call with V??!!

ID: gq66z7r

The call image of Yorinobu comes from when you hack the float to allow Goro to speak to Hanako. Before his entrance, she's on the phone with her brother and, because V's tapped into the security system, V's able to monitor the call.

9 : Anonymous2021/03/08 05:32 ID: gq6kle3

They look the same. Just different lighting and pose.

10 : Anonymous2021/03/08 05:37 ID: gq6kz3t

I loved when she was talking to me over the comms, and at the same time, talking to me there in her garage. NOt many women can run two separate dialogues at the same time!

11 : Anonymous2021/03/08 07:40 ID: gq6tq62

"I'm not a cat."


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