Indies take the spotlight with a day of new reveals and updates

1 : Anonymous2021/03/17 13:46 ID: m70r9z
Indies take the spotlight with a day of new reveals and updates
2 : Anonymous2021/03/17 13:47 ID: gr8iok4

Please let it be Hades.

ID: gr8qjdi

With adaptive triggers and controller sounds please. Pls Sony.

ID: graee96

I really want it even if it’s just a ps4 version. I only play on Switch, haven’t beaten it once yet but can somewhat consistently get to the last boss. Unfortunately frame rate on the switch suffers.

ID: gr8mjsg

Yes, please, I need this

ID: gr8n5r8

yes thanks

ID: gr944m8

For. Real. I could play it on switch but A: that’s my wife’s console. B: I absolutely despise those joy cons made for midget children hands C: I wouldn’t wanna play it on switch anyways

ID: gr9sibw

I've played the hell out of it with the Pro controller. Even then there is a lot of button mashing and my thumb ends up hurting. Never had that happen on PS, I think even the pro is a bit too small for my hands. It runs well in the switch tho, worth playing if it never comes to PS but would be awesome if it did

ID: gr94vsj


3 : Anonymous2021/03/17 14:14 ID: gr8luxx

Let's go Stray!

ID: gr8pxzv

I really need to know more about playing a cat in a cyberpunk robot world.

4 : Anonymous2021/03/17 14:12 ID: gr8llz6

Pls little devil inside

ID: gr8sbuz

Oooooooh, I'm really hyping about playing this game

5 : Anonymous2021/03/17 13:49 ID: gr8iwr0

please, disco elysium release date confirmation

ID: gr9c8o3

March 30! Confirmed today.

ID: gr8kytz

make your own path in a surreal adventure

This could be it. I’m also checking for news everyday since the start of March!

ID: gr9cb77

You probably saw, but... March 30 confirmed today.

ID: gr8k7nf

This is all I want.

ID: gr9c9vc

I'm really looking forward to playing it, too. March 30 confirmed today.

6 : Anonymous2021/03/17 17:54 ID: gr9exxc

Silksong surprise release anyone?

ID: grar3px

I wish, but I dont think it will be on ps on release.

7 : Anonymous2021/03/17 14:03 ID: gr8kjyp

Shu is on fire! I love blog posts like these.

8 : Anonymous2021/03/17 14:19 ID: gr8mh3j

ZA/UM stated that they will reveal the release date of Disco Elysium: The Final Cut later this week, a few days back. Hope they reveal it here.

9 : Anonymous2021/03/17 14:53 ID: gr8qlbi

I hope the have more news on Sifu too.

10 : Anonymous2021/03/17 17:28 ID: gr9bbih

Everybody, blow this up so dumb people don’t start bitching about it like Sony didn’t say exactly what to expect.


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