Softkinetic’s eye-tracking demo from 2014 revisited. Acquired by Sony the following year. The technology may have matured enough to feature prominently in next-gen PSVR

1 : Anonymous2021/05/14 12:09 ID: nc738c
Softkinetic's eye-tracking demo from 2014 revisited. Acquired by Sony the following year. The technology may have matured enough to feature prominently in next-gen PSVR
2 : Anonymous2021/05/14 12:13 ID: gy3a1g7

This video is from 2014 yet still melts my face.

ID: gy3adi9

Here is the 7 year old PS4 thread.

ID: gy538uv

Woa thanks for sharing, feels like everyone talked more relax even 7 years ago for some reason...

ID: gy53vke

They talk about Morpheus. One guy said that it will be available for PS5 and Psvr. And here we are.

3 : Anonymous2021/05/14 12:56 ID: gy3eobk

Never seen this before, it's impressive. Gives me great confidence that they've nailed eye tracking for PSVR 2 if they've had 7 years since this to improve on it.

Plus I hadn't actually considered how it can be used for gameplay, I'd been thinking solely for the graphics benefit. But for a VR bullet hell style game this could be so good

ID: gy56tbg

When you say graphics benefit, are you referring to the possibility of lowering resolution outside of the view you are focusing on, while raising it where you are currently looking?

ID: gy5a1b3

Yeah exactly. Foveated rendering they call it? I don't know much about it, but if PSVR 2 can use it, could be amazing. Some titles could look just as good as their 'flat' 2D versions

4 : Anonymous2021/05/14 12:34 ID: gy3can6

The way he used R2 makes me want to jump off my rooftop.

ID: gy3h13l

"I can throw fire balls"

repeatedly presses R2 like a 2 year old holding a controller for the first time

ID: gy45l6o

Lol that’s it

ID: gy3jrw2

That is bizarre. Guess one of those times a tech journalist isn’t a gamer, or at least is a sole PC keyboard/mouse only gamer, and a controller is clearly alien to him.

ID: gy5ziq9

“Normally, to shoot something while moving I’d have to either stop or enter some kind of bullet time mode…” Huh?

5 : Anonymous2021/05/14 12:54 ID: gy3ega8

Wait, this just blew my mind although I have known about eye tracking for years.

This could replace the right stick for aiming. Console shooters could be more accurate with eye tracking than PC shooters with kb+mouse.

ID: gy3ougs

It might have more practical use enabling foveated rendering.

ID: gy4787b

Foveated rendering is the holy grail for VR performance. If PSVR2 has it, that'd be quite the feat!

ID: gy3ix4u

This could replace the right stick for aiming. Console shooters could be more accurate with eye tracking than PC shooters with kb+mouse.

I think games would have to be designed for it. I feel like my eyes dart all over the place in most games. I'm constantly looking at the UI or scanning for other enemies. Imagine you're shooting someone and you unconsciously glance over to check your ammo for a second, now your guy is shooting at his own feet!

ID: gy3mqtz

Yeah, that could definitely be an issue. Would have to try it myself in practice for a more informed opinion.

ID: gy3ha3o

I duno, it seems like there's a slight delay and the movement isn't really that quick, he wasn't really snapping onto enemies.

6 : Anonymous2021/05/14 20:21 ID: gy53agg

“Throwing fire balls” irked me more than it should have.

7 : Anonymous2021/05/15 00:30 ID: gy5x7yx

Can you imagine playing apex with this tech....
And for us vr users, this looks soo promising to help with motion sickness.

8 : Anonymous2021/05/14 13:08 ID: gy3g2bs

Gyro aiming 2.0


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