Hi so I just recently went AMD, And I’ve been hearing a lot about PBO. It’s a little confusing and I’m just trying to figure out all the curve settings and what not, and I just wanted to know what the Max voltage is for this processor. What’s a good overclocking guid that I could use? I know overclocking is different on AMD, but can’t really seem to find anything. Thanks!
Here’s a detailed guide.
/comments/khtx1o/guide_zen_3_overclocking_using_curve_optimizer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://www.reddit.com//comments/khtx1o/guide_zen_3_overclocking_using_curve_optimizer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
What kind of cooling do you have
I’m running with a Hyper 212 Evo Black RGB. It does surprisingly well. When I use the curve optimizer, in low utilization situations, I see voltages spike to 1.376 which seems very high for ryzen
its designed to spike up to 1.5v in low current workloads
You said spikes to 1.376 - that's perfectly fine. If that's the utmost highest voltage you see, you're not going to be hammering the CPU with it constantly. Even if it was consistent, it would just be more wearing for the chip at worst. If you're worried about the danger of that voltage, don't be.
I've got a 5600X, I disable PBO honestly, as well CPB (core performance boost). For me I find it good to have nothing interfering or trying to push the chip, instead I just find what mine is capable of on my own.
I used this video to get me going, the timeline has labels on everything to help you get going. Honestly as long as you aren't setting a core voltage in excess of 1.4V+, it's alright. This is what I run, if you want to try that:
All cores 4.65GHz
Loadline callibration level 4 (called "Turbo" on my gigabyte board)
Disable PBO and CPB as mentioned
I think that's it, have fun and double check what numbers you're putting in before applying each time - no silly numbers applied and you're all good.
Ahh okay. I’m seeing a lot of talk with the curve optimizer in the AMD overclocking section, so I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. It seems to hover around 1.35-1.375 while gaming, then stops to 1.248 while running prime 95
I'm guessing all the motherboards have that "AMD overclocking" section then, for me I don't use it at all, I stick to the manual inputs, always worked cleaner for me.
Thanks man, this is so much better than what I’ve been working with