A friend of mine is asking if I'm willing to trade my 5700xt for his 6700xt hell hound and 100 bucks for better hash rate. (Unit is in a good condition)
Currently I have the following setup below:
Ryzen 5 2600x
Sapphire 5700xt
16 gb of 3200 mhz ram 8*2
650 watts CX from corsair
If we continue the transaction, Should i save up for a 1440p monitor or a 5000 series CPU?
Currently I have a 1080p 144hz monitor. I play Most type of games except FPS Multiplayer.
O have a 6700xt, a 6700k and a 1440p monitor 165hz. Most of the time i feel ok playing games, but sometimes I have CPU bottleneck issues, but since your CPU, is better than mine, i Guess you should choose the monitor.
I'd go for a great monitor and then wait for the next CPU release cycle... Though that would also mean a new motherboard.
ID: h1n93bnID: h1o9kllDepending on what motherboard he has, he might need a new one right now even to jump to Ryzen 5000. I just swapped from the 2600x to the 5800x and my motherboard could only be updated to support as far as Ryzen 3000.
ID: h1odtf3Yeah, only make the jump for Zen 4. It simply isn't worth the price to upgrade to anything right now, even if it was at MSRP.
I would go for a 5600X to actually get everything out of your current GPU and then being able to upgrade your GPU to basically anything released in the last/next 2-3 years without issue.
I would swap for that and get a 5600/5800x and then upgrade your monitor later
Definition of forgo:
omit or decline to take (something pleasant or valuable); go without.
ID: h1ngl3fOops my bad. Already corrected it.
Not exactly the same setup, but my 3600 and 3070 go great with a 1440p 165hz monitor. You should look for an IPS 1440p 144+hz monitor and see if you can find a good deal! I got mine on sale so hopefully you can too.
Also, try overclocking your RAM a bit. It could help your CPU.
I wouldn't worry about the 1440p monitor, there nice I am using one now but there not the end all be all some people make them out to be. I certainly wouldn't splurge for a 144mhz refresh rate.
I upgrade my CPU 2500x isn't a bad processor but when I moved to the 3600x I could notice a difference. That was with a 2070super. As far as the videocard goes that seems like a fair deal if its in good condition. I know read that the 5700xt mine better so its not uncommon to see people wanting to trade down for them.
I'd go with a monitor. A good 1440p 144hz IPS monitor is going to be SO GOOD, it will be a far more noticeable upgrade for your games, and it will last a lot longer then a CPU. My tip would be to not cheap out on it.
If you would rather upgrade your CPU, I'd just wait at this point. If you have a comparable B450 board then the CPU upgrade option will be there later. If you have a B350 or earlier, then if you wait there will be better options around.
god damn, what a friend you got there 6700xt + 100 for your 5700xt? you don't have to do either imo. most games will become more gpu intensive over time.
Personally I’d go for a CPU, unless you’re already maxing out 144 hz in every game with the settings you like. But then again, I play a lot of competitive FPS games, and since you don’t, maybe a monitor would be a better choice. Increasing Performance on a 1440p monitor won’t depend on your CPU since it’s all additional GPU load.
At those resolutions, monitor.
If you’re going for a 1440p monitor, that should decrease the load on your CPU. Just something to consider.
and maybe even new DDR5, or paying a lot more for the cache stacked zen3 if we end up getting that.