Today , Windows 11 was announced and one of the surprises is that it will run Android apps through the Amazon app store. Microsoft said Windows 11 is using Intel Bridge Technology in order to do that. Us Ryzen owners out of luck then?
Us Ryzen owners out of luck then?
Almost certainly no.
the real question is, can i now uninstall bluestacks?
ID: h2x27j9ID: h2xabwfwell i hope so. is it that bad compared to android app store?
ID: h2x0ptxThat would be amazing!!!
it's designed to post compile to native x86, so I don't see how it would be intel exclusive since intel uses AMD's x86-64. might perform better on intel chips, though.
Really doubt Microsoft will make something Intel only.
article ? link ?
No, it works fine, it's software, not hardware. This isn't a surprise either, Microsoft has been saying this is going into windows by the end of 2021 hell or high water for a over a year and it's been in testing all that time.
What about Google play store apps? I don't know anyone that uses Amazon play store on android besides Amazon's own android devices
ID: h2xc0ilNo, Google's conditions for allowing play store to work on a device are pretty restrictive. Play services will need to be running on your PC 24/7 to "understand" you.
It'll work on Ryzen too, don't worry.
It'll almost certainly work. MS shipping a feature that only works on Intel CPUs would be suicide for that feature, given AMD is dominating DIY builds.
The kind of person who wants to run Android apps on PC is the kind of person who probably has a Ryzen CPU.
It will work for both x86 vendors.
It was just validated on Intel's processors, doesn't mean it won't work on AMD CPU's
nope, it'll work on all the chips.
Is the app you want on Amazon's store?