AMD Patent Shows GPUs w/ Machine Learning Accelerators on Separate Chiplets with Diverse Applications

1 : Anonymous2021/07/03 13:50 ID: ocyfj0
AMD Patent Shows GPUs w/ Machine Learning Accelerators on Separate Chiplets with Diverse Applications
2 : Anonymous2021/07/03 15:17 ID: h3xe97o

This is news from january dude

ID: h3ydbbt

Yep here's a post about it from January

ID: h3yufkp

Well, both Months start with j...!

ID: h4016in

Oh no!


ID: h3xfse4

Oh, didn't know that. Someone just sent it to me.

ID: h405pod

Someone sent you (presumably) a link to this news so your first reaction was to write an article on your own site and post it here?

3 : Anonymous2021/07/03 17:34 ID: h3xu5k2

incoming FSR Premium Pro

4 : Anonymous2021/07/03 19:59 ID: h3yaqy3

AMD: After 9 years, we totally ditch the GCN and focused on geometry oriented RDNA gpus. Gamers finally will have better rasterization performance for their money.

Consumers: Booo! Boooo! NVIDIA uses compute oriented gpus for ray tracing and AI upscaling. We want better ray tracing and upscaling!

AMD: We do support ray tracing and our upscaling solution works even on integrated...

Consumers: Boooo! DLSS superior! Tensor cores rules! AI, machine learning, compute power etc etc.

AMD: For F sake!

ID: h3ygxbn

this is some weird revisionist history. nvidia got shit on for slapping tensor and RT cores without improving raster performance except on the 2080ti. everyone just held on to their 1080tis. the sales dropped so badly that even their CEO made a comment about how pascal users should feel safe upgrading to ampere after skipping turing. AMD bounced back up to 30% market share without even launching a halo product.

ID: h3ynpbi

nvidia got shit on for slapping tensor and RT cores without improving raster performance except on the 2080ti.

You are forgetting something rather important: jacked up prices.

Entire RT/Tensor stuff was also estimated to eat about 8% of the die area, so, totally not justified.

5 : Anonymous2021/07/03 17:04 ID: h3xqm9y

Makes we wonder if Nvidia will just make DLSS open source eventually, and crush FSR. Intel is getting ML acceleration in their Xe GPUs as well.

ID: h3xy0dy

Nvidia is not going to do that. They have a long history of keeping nearly everything to themselves just to spite their competition.

ID: h403o39

This is my problem with Nvidia. They're an industry leader, but when it comes to introducing new tech they still behave like they're underdogs and try to keep everything proprietary in order to differentiate themselves.

IMO as an industry leader Jen Hsun should realize that a rising tide lifts all boats. If he makes a way for his fancy new tech to be available to 100% of the PC market, then Nvidia who holds 80% of the said market stands to benefit the most. It's not the early days of the great graphics card wars anymore.

ID: h3xzkaw

PhysX was an Nvidia thing, and I thought that is used by everyone now and is open source.


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